God-level Base

Chapter 799: Vicious Scorpio

"Advanced Demon God?"

A joke flashed in the eyes of the black crow with the head of a tyrannosaurus.

The powerhouses of the Demon God series are also the top powerhouses capable of dominating one side in the imaginary world. In the Void Demon Realm, one hundred thousand high-ranking demon kings may not have the opportunity to complete the transformation in their lifetime and advance to become a demon god.

In the eyes of those Void Demon Kings, the existence below the **** level are all ants. Also in the eyes of those demon-level powerhouses, in addition to the demon-level powerhouses, those demon-level powerhouses are also ants.

In the eyes of those Demon God level powerhouses, the upper demon king is also vulnerable.

Even if the three high-ranking demon kings who invaded the world of Gullundo conquered the world of Gullundo, pulled it into the Void Realm, and obtained the gift of the Void Realm's origin, it was only that the strength could be further enhanced, the background was enhanced, and the life span was extended. Wanting to advance to the realm of the devil is still far away.

Scarlet Eyes looked indifferently and said: "Okay, I promised! In that case, let's start! You came to me this time, didn't you just want to get my consent. Then you made sacrifices to the Cthulhu Continent and turned it into Magic soil?"

"Let's start! Tyrannosaurus Devil!!!"

The poisonous Scorpio smiled indifferently, and said to the crow with the head of the Tyrannosaurus.

Above the Heretic God Continent, one by one mysterious magic arrays directly emerged.

The mysterious and unpredictable doors of phantom demons emerged directly, spewing out the horror of phantom demons, and countless phantom demons gushed out of those phantom demons.

In the center of the Heretic God Continent, a 100-meter-high Void Demon Gate suddenly appeared, and terrifying demon energy spewed out.

In front of the door of the Void Demon, the Tyrannosaurus Demon King stood proudly, exuding terrifying demonic energy fluctuations all over his body.

"Finally succeeded! As long as the Cthulhu Continent is polluted! One step closer to polluting the entire Gulunduo world!!"

A smile flashed in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus King.

The Cthulhu Continent is also an important continent in the world of Gulundo. After it has been completely transformed into the Devil Land, the world of Gulundo is one step closer to the end of the world.

Those imaginary powerhouses will have fewer restrictions in the world of Grundor.

The Tyrannosaurus Devil presides over the pollution of the Heretic God Continent. In the future, after the world of Gulundo is drawn into the Netherworld, he will be able to get the greatest blessing from the world. It can make his strength soar again.

"God of darkness, you dare to ransack my magic kingdom! After the fall of the world of Gulundo, I will surely smash your corpse, and there will be no chance of resurrection!"

A gloomy color flashed in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus King. He has been lurking in the Cthulhu Continent for this period of time, persuading the poisonous Scorpio to surrender, and quietly surrendering to the Cthulhu Continent's many Cthulhu gods, and has arranged various magic arrays throughout the Cthulhu Continent.

But when the Tyrannosaurus Devil left, his lair was violated once, which naturally made him thunderous, and his heart surged with killing intent.

The treasure house in the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom is not the most precious treasure house of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, but the resources inside are also extremely precious. Now being ransacked by Shu Feng, he just wants to kill.

However, after the Dark God made that vote, he disappeared without a trace, leaving the Tyrannosaurus Demon very helpless.

A gloomy smile flashed in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King: "The Morun Empire! The kingdom supported by the Dark God!! Wait until I ruin the kingdom you sheltered and you can't come out!!"

Once the Evil God Continent is contaminated by the Netherworld, Gulunduo's World Heart's weakening of the Netherworld Clan will be reduced again.

In addition, the various Cthulhus of the Cthulhu Continent will also become the pawns of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, who can attack the Morun Empire.

The two evil gods, Scarlet Eye and Poisonous Scorpio, are both native evil gods born in the world of Gulundo. Their combat power is comparable to the five righteous gods in the world of Gulundo. Together, the two of them, together with the countless evil gods of the Cthulhu Continent, absolutely possess the terrifying power to destroy the Morun Empire.

"A little bug?"

The Tyrannosaurus Devil suddenly turned his head, looked in a certain direction, and directly stretched out his hand.

A six-pointed star magic circle emerged out of thin air, and a terrifying dark magic dragon form of magic energy flew directly from it, blasting directly into the distance.

Boom! !

A golden six-pointed star barrier emerged directly, and the dark magic dragon blasted above the golden six-pointed star barrier and directly shattered the golden six-pointed star barrier.

A thunder light shone, and a terrifying thunder light flew madly towards the distance.

"Thunder God Andino!! He really came!! Fortunately, I didn't leave, otherwise, maybe my plan would be ruined by Him!"

The Tyrannosaurus Demon looked at that flash of thunder, and a flash of happiness flashed in his eyes.

The Tyrannosaurus Demon King has been in the Cthulhu Continent for decades, quietly developing a Cthulhu into his subordinates or partners. And there are many sacrifice magic circles arranged in the Cthulhu Continent.

In order to ensure a successful sacrifice, the Tyrannosaurus Demon King even sneaked in during this time, lurking in the Heretic God Continent.

If the plan of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King was destroyed by Thor Andino, the destiny son of the Gurendo world, then he would only be able to waste decades or even hundreds of years to re-layout. And it may not be successful.

"Go! Kill him!!"

With an order from the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, the ten evil gods who had already surrendered to him suddenly violently rushed towards the thunder **** Andino.

"Really cautious! Impeccable!"

Thunder God Andino took a deep look at the Tyrannosaurus Demon, and gritted his teeth, his body shone with lightning, turning into a terrifying lightning and fleeing into the distance.

Among the ten evil gods, three of them are evil gods with weak power levels. The ten evil gods work together, and even the thunder **** Andino is not an opponent at all.

"Very poisonous Scorpio, Thor Andino, the son of destiny, has already appeared. I want to stay at the Gate of Void Demon. Go and kill him!"

The Tyrannosaurus Devil took out a scorpion-like golem and said solemnly.

The biggest gate of illusion is the core of countless gates of illusion in Cthulhu Continent. As long as this door of the Void Demon is completely stable, the Heretic God Continent will be completely reduced to Devil Land.

The Tyrannosaurus Demon King will naturally not leave this door of illusion after all the battles. After all, within the scope of this door of illusion, he can exert more than ninety-five percent of the terrifying combat power. The invincible existence of Gulundo world.

However, if the Tyrannosaurus Demon King leaves this phantom gate, his strength will also be greatly weakened.

"Thunder God Andino, Son of Destiny!! Great!! As long as I kill him, I will be able to get more gifts from the Origin of the Netherworld in the future!!"

From the scorpion-like golem, there was a gloomy and excited voice.

Once decided to take refuge in the Void Realm, the poisonous Scorpio and the evil gods just wanted to get more gifts from the Void Realm.

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