God-level Base

Chapter 796: storm

In the palace of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom, there are all kinds of bright and dark whistles. In addition, there are many terrifying monsters with detection capabilities.

It is difficult for ordinary lower demon kings to sneak into the palace of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom.

But Shu Feng leaped strangely and carefully in the shadow of the guards of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom, walked in the shadow, and silently sneaked into a secret room.

"This is it! This is the treasure house of the Tyrannosaurus Devil. But there are all kinds of warning magic circles here, and there is no flaw!!"

In the shadow of the corner of the secret room, Shu Feng looked at the Tyrannosaurus Devil’s treasure house, his eyes showed a mysterious and unpredictable imprint, and he saw all kinds of defensive magic all over the entrance of the Tyrannosaurus Devil’s treasure house.

Shu Feng's magic skills are among the top in the world of Gulundo, but he can't use the various defensive magic at the entrance of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King's treasury.

After all, the Tyrannosaurus Demon King is also proficient in all kinds of powerful magic, and his magical attainments are not even inferior to the five righteous gods of the Gulundo world.

"This situation seems to be able to only zoom in on the move!!"

Shu Feng took a deep breath and moved his heart to activate the summoning technique.

Three powerhouses with medium divine power levels, including the steel beast, the reduced size of the ocean god, and the dark god, appeared at once.

The beast of steel spurred the white sickle madly towards the entrance of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King's treasury.

The **** of the ocean burned his divine power, and a spear of the ocean blasted towards the entrance of the tyrannosaurus devil's treasure house.

The Dark God held a dark magic sword formed by the power of darkness, and slashed frantically, and a dark sword light slashed towards the entrance of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King's treasure house like lightning.

Boom! !

An earth-shattering terrifying explosion sounded instantly, a statue exuding the terrifying atmosphere of the upper demon king, with four pairs of black dragon wings, and a body like a tyrannosaurus, with a cruel and violent phantom of the Tyrannosaurus demon king exuding its body. It emerges directly, and then collapses instantly.

The power projection left by the Tyrannosaurus Demon at the entrance of this treasure house can briefly contend with the lower Demon Lord, but under the cooperation of the three middle-level gods, it is vulnerable.

The entrance of the treasure house was smashed by the three gods, and a secret passage appeared in front of Shu Feng.

The three powerhouses including the Beast of Steel shook their bodies and rushed into the passage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by a loud and terrifying sound, the three powerhouses including the Beast of Steel burned their supernatural powers, crushing them all the way, madly crushing and destroying all the various organs arranged by the Tyrannosaurus Demon on that passage.

"No, someone is attacking the treasure house!!"

The face of the prince of Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom suddenly changed.

The Night Demon King said: "His Royal Highness, do I need my help? Or, I just leave here?"

Night Demon King Xiu is also a low-level demon king, placed in this tyrannosaurus demon kingdom, is also one of the top powerhouses. He just stayed here, and he pinned down several imaginary kings of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom.

"Night Demon Lord Xiu, please stay here. I'll be back when I go."

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom left a faint sentence, and his body turned into a burst of black smoke and disappeared.

Night Demon King Xiu sat quietly on the sofa, letting the few princes of Void Demon watch him.

Although those False Demon Lords are not the opponents of the Night Demon Lord, they still have the ability to monitor the Night Demon Lord by using the power of various magic weapons.

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom took out a branch that exudes a decayed, dark atmosphere and said in a deep voice: "Rotten Night Withered Wood Devil, there are enemies invading the treasure house of the imperial city! Please take action and stop them!"

"The invaders have three gods with a medium level of divine power! I can only hold them a little bit. You immediately ask the other two majesty for help!!"

A hoarse voice came from the branch that exuded the decay and darkness.


The prince of Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth.

The relationship between the three high-ranking demon kings who invaded the world of Gullundo is very complicated. The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom now asks the other two high-ranking demon kings for help, and he must pay a huge price.

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom took out a black magic mirror and pressed it on a tyrannical ape pattern.

A wave of black breath surged, and a brutal and brutal breath came from the other side of the mirror.

"Tyrannosaurus Demon? No, you are his little boy, what can you say!"

From that side came the tyrannical and cruel voice of the scaly violent ape king.

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom said: "Your Majesty the Scaly Ape King, there are three gods of Gulunduo world's medium power level invading the palace. My father is not in the palace, please come and support us."

The scaly violent ape king said coldly: "I want to protect the Void Devil Tianzhu! You go to the Winged Ghost Devil!"

For the three high-ranking Void Kings who invaded the world of Gullundo, guarding the Void Sky Pillar is the most important thing.

Once the Void Demon Pillar is cut off, this time the attack on the world of Gulunduo will fall short, and the Void Battlefield must be re-established. Pull the world of Gulundo into the erosion world again.

In that way, the resources and time that need to be consumed are extremely unbearable for those high-ranking phantom kings.

The more powerful the world is, the more precious resources are needed to build the Void Demon Pillar. Of course, once they succeed, those imaginary kings can also get more benefits.

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom looked at the dim tyrannical ape pattern, smiled helplessly, and pressed on the magic pattern of the winged ghost demon king.

"My nephew, what can you do with me?"

A flat voice came from the magic mirror.

"Your Majesty Winged Demon King, there are three gods of Gulunduo world's mid-level divine power invading the palace. Please come and support us to hunt down the three gods."

"That's the three gods of middle divine power level, kill them. You can get a huge feat, and you will get more original rewards from the Void Realm in the future!"

Tyrannosaurus Prince Road.

"Of course there is no problem for me to support. However, my nephew, this is the condition for me to take action!"

From the magic mirror, one page of the list was drawn, and the prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom was frightened. According to the resources on the list on that page, a quarter of the resources in the Tyrannosaurus Demon’s Treasury will be taken away by the Winged Demon King.

The prince of the Tyrannosaurus Demon Kingdom gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! However, the prerequisite is that you can kill any one of the three middle-level gods!! If you can't do it, you can take away one-twentieth. Resources."

With the strength of the Winged Demon King, as long as any **** with a medium divine power level is attached to the vicinity of this virtual demon pillar, the opponent will be very painful, and there is a danger of falling if he is careless.

The combination of three gods of medium power level is also impossible to be the opponent of the upper demon king.

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