God-level Base

Chapter 794: Mutation

Behind the gate is a square the size of ten football fields. In that square, there are all kinds of precious treasures piled up.

Those ordinary imaginary grand dukes only had a few top-grade magic stones and even piled up into a hill.

"Void Demon Yuanjing!! Yes, it is indeed the Night Shadow Demon, the collection is really rich!!"

The beauty of the Void Demon King's eyes fell on the five crystal boxes, looking at the Void Demon Crystals in the box, her eyes lit up, revealing a hint of excitement.

The Void Demon Crystal is the trading currency used by the Void Kings in the Void Realm.

Those Void Demon Crystals are the minerals in the Void Demon Realm that will be born after countless years of gestation for the top demon land. There is a pure and incomparable power of the Demon King inside. The Void Demon King cultivates various secret methods and creates various magic weapons, and the Void Demon Element Crystal is indispensable.

That virtual demon element crystal is also divided into low-grade virtual demon element crystal, middle-grade virtual demon element crystal, high-grade virtual demon element crystal, and top-grade virtual demon element crystal. The official exchange ratio of the virtual demon element crystal is 100:1.

A low-grade Void Demon Crystal is completely absorbed, and a Void Demon King can restore 1 million Demon King's power. And a top-grade magic stone can only restore 1 point of the power of the demon king to a phantom demon king.

The value of that box of Void Demon Element Crystals is far above that top grade demon stone hill.

Of course, only a middle-ranked demon like the Night Shadow Demon can accumulate a few boxes of low-grade virtual demon crystals. Ordinary Ethereal Kings like the Devil of Ghosts only have the best magic stone in their hands.

"Really good! Demon King Caimei, thank you for showing me the way. Found the treasure house of Night Shadow Demon!"

A cold and cruel voice suddenly sounded. A king of Ethereal Demon with a goat head, three meters tall, a scorpion tail wrapped around his waist, and full of sharp thorns smiled and walked in.

Caimei Demon King's pretty face became stern and said: "Xiu Night Demon Lord! I am the woman of Tyrannosaurus Demon! If you dare to shoot at me, Tyrannosaurus Demon will not let you go!!"

"Cai Mei Demon King, you are just one of the countless women of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King. How can a strong man like him be angry about a plaything like you?"

"If he really likes you, why are you not his queen or concubine?"

Night Demon King Xiu smiled grimly, five fingers, nine weird, and the scorpion tail containing the power of the terrifying demon pierced directly towards the Caimei Demon like lightning.

"Stop it! Repair Night Demon Lord, please! Don't hurt others, they will do everything for you!"

The Demon King Caimei twisted her body, the power of the Demon King boiled, and bursts of strange fragrance poured out of her body, spreading in all directions. His delicate body twisted, and a flower bloomed in front of him, with a strange charm that fascinated people, pleadingly pleading.

In almost an instant, those nine weird scorpion tails pierced the devil King Caimei’s body, causing her body to have nine more blood holes, and a large amount of demon blood spurted out of it, making her look miserable. Very pitiful.

"This is the woman the Tyrannosaurus Demon has enjoyed. I can also enjoy it before killing her!"

Night Demon King Xiu looked at the miserable Demon King Caimei, and suddenly his heart moved, with a violent smile, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Demon King Caimei in his hand.

"Don't kill me! Please!"

Demon King Caimei is like a pitiful, completely harmless, weak creature, softly pleading.

"Don't worry, as long as you serve me well, I will spare your life!"

A sneer flashed in the eyes of Night Demon King Xiu said. He hadn't let go of Demon King Cai Mei's plan at all, all this was just to deceive her.

"Thank you Xiu Night Demon Lord! I will definitely serve you well!!"

The Demon King Caimei smiled, the blood-stained pretty face blooming like flowers, beautiful and indispensable.

"So beautiful!! She looks like Fang Luo."

Night Demon King Xiu's eyes burst into a trance, as if he saw the person he had loved with all his strength.

"Xiu Ye!"

A cold glow flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Caimei Demon King, whispered softly, and hugged the Night Demon King Xiu with both hands.

Strips of small red silk slipped into the night Demon Lord Xiu Night Demon's body from the hands of Cai Mei Demon Lord.

"No, you dare to plot against me!!"

Night Demon King Xiu was also a low-ranking demon king, his body was invaded by the power of that alien demon king, and he woke up instantly, his face changed drastically.

"You wake up too late!"

Caimei Demon King smiled, frantically urging the Demon King's power.

Seven bulges appeared on the body of Night Demon King Xiu.


The seven drums split in an instant, and the seven fascinating magic flowers bloomed in the body of Night Demon King Xiu instantly.

"Do not!!"

Night Demon King Xiu screamed, and blue veins bulged out of the huge demon body, as if there were a series of weird big snakes swimming in it. His body stiffened and he could no longer move.

"Cai Mei Demon King, stop! Spare my life, I can sign a contract with you and serve you for thousands of years!!"

Night Demon King Xiu pleaded with a look of horror and embarrassment. He clearly sensed that his body was very stiff, and as soon as the power of the Demon King gushed out, he was instantly absorbed by the seven magic flowers, and he couldn't help but cry out with a trace of chill in his heart.

"Okay! Night Demon Lord, for me, please go and die!!"

Caimei Demon King smiled charmingly, and thrust his jade hand directly into Night Demon Lord Xiu's chest.

A series of mysterious and unpredictable magic patterns appeared in the body of Night Demon King Xiu.

"Do not!!"

There was a hint of death in Xiu Night Demon King's heart, feeling that the spirit and power of the demon in his body were madly drawn away, submerged in the seven magic flowers, and finally gathered on his heart.

The seven fascinating magic flowers withered one after another.

When the seventh magic flower was completely withered, Caimei Demon King Jade flipped his hand, and a fruit-like heart of Night Demon King was immediately dug out.

Night Demon King Xiu darkened his eyes, turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

Originally, with the terrifying power of Xiu Night Demon King, the lower Demon Lord, even if his head was chopped off and his heart was dug out, he would not die. However, he was controlled by the secret method of the Caimei Demon, and the essence, blood and soul were gathered in his heart, and only then was he killed by the Caimei Demon in one blow.

"Lower Demon King! How many lower demon kings do I have to eat before I can evolve?"

Caimei Demon King sighed faintly, and swallowed Xiu Ye Demon's heart with one bite.

At this moment, Shu Feng emerged directly from the shadow of the Demon King Caimei, holding the [Punch of Modan] and piercing it out like lightning.

A layer of demon enchantment exuding a strange fragrance aroused on the demon king Caimei.

The [Spear of Modan] pierced the demon king's barrier like lightning, and instantly penetrated the demon king's bodyguard barrier of Caimei Demon, and pierced into his heart.

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