God-level Base

Chapter 789: Nightshade


A cold voice sounded, and a middle-aged man with mysterious moiré patterns on his face, surrounded by a heavy fog, exuding terrifying power, appeared directly.

A shield of mist emerged directly, blocking the blow of Demon King Yangluo.

"God of clouds and mist, are you still alive? Are you the **** behind Andino?"

A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of Demon King Yangluo, and a trace of dark magic light appeared in his pupils, looking towards the **** of clouds.

Those gods believed by mankind will gradually change their form and become what mankind expects during the long years. Many gods in human form were not humans before, but some powerful and extraordinary creatures in human form.

"Weak supernatural power!! Your injury in the first battle between Gods and Demons hasn't healed yet. Get out of me!!!"

The Demon King Yangluo smiled swiftly, and a magic knife appeared in his hand, slashing frantically, motivating the power of the imaginary demon within a radius of tens of miles, turning it into a terrifying sword light, and slashing directly towards the **** of clouds.

The face of the **** of clouds changed drastically, burning his divine power frantically, and a heavy cloud of mist appeared directly in front of him, forming a heavy cloud of mist enchantment.

That dark, ink-like horror blade pierced through the enchantment of clouds and mist, and slashed on the body of the **** of clouds and mist, splitting him in two.

"Mist clone? It is really the **** of the cloud and mist, an escape expert! You used this ability to escape from the battlefield of the gods and demons!!"

The Demon King Yang Luo smiled sorrowfully, the power of the Demon King boiled, and his backhand slashed directly at Andino in the sky.

At this time Andino was lighting a sacred fire, an advanced god, in his weakest time. Once he escapes, or fights back, it will interrupt the process and make him lose the power of igniting the divine fire this time. The next time I want to ignite the sacred fire, it will be more than ten times more difficult than this time.

"Devil Yangluo, you are looking for death!!"

Accompanied by an extremely cold voice, a tree man who was ten meters tall and covered with layers of ancient bark directly appeared with a cold snort, and countless vines were intertwined to form a mysterious tree shield.

Demon King Yangluo's terrifying magic knife slashed on the tree shield, slashing the green tree shield into a shallow hole.

A green light flashed slightly, and the wound on the tree shield quickly disappeared.

Boom! !

Above the earth, countless vines spurted out like poisonous dragons, piercing directly towards Demon King Yangluo.

Demon King Yangluo swung his knife frantically, cutting off the vines directly.

Suddenly, among the endless vines, an extremely green vine suddenly exploded with terrifying power, stabbing the body of Demon King Yang Luo fiercely.

"The **** of wood spirits, you **** it!!"

The Demon King Yangluo screamed, and his body began to woodize inch by inch. He waved the magic knife and slashed frantically, and immediately cut off the wooded part of his body, and his body retreated violently.

"A divine guardian with a weak divine power, a weak divine power series, and two such beautiful girlfriends!! This guy really deserves to be the destiny of the world of Gulunduo!"

Shu Feng is hidden in the clouds, fighting between the **** of cloud and mist, the **** of wood spirit and the demon king of Yangluo.

The Demon King of Yangluo is a low-ranking demon king with amazing combat power. With his strength, he can completely kill the advanced Andino, but it is guarded by two gods, the God of Clouds and the God of Wood Spirits, and the Demon King of Yangluo will undoubtedly be defeated. .

"Raiden! He is the **** who wants to control the power of thunder and lightning! This is also one of the most powerful powers to attack and kill!"

Shu Feng looked at Andino, who was being baptized by thunder and surrounded by thunder, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Different gods hold different gods' powers. The power of thunder and lightning is definitely stronger than the power of gods such as love power, dance power, and artistic power.

The weak divine power series gods that hold the power of thunder and lightning may even be stronger than the weak power gods of the dance power.

In terms of single destructive power alone, the destructive power of lightning power even surpasses the fire power that Shu Feng has mastered.

Of course, when a **** in charge of thunder and lightning competes with a **** in charge of fire, the outcome depends on which side is stronger. The gods in charge of the power of thunder and lightning do not necessarily have the advantage.

"The **** of wood spirits, your opponent is me!! Great Yeniu Demon!!!"

A ten-meter tall, covered in black scale armor, holding a black battle axe, and a ferocious appearance, exuding the terrifying atmosphere of the lower demon king, the Ye Niu Demon King directly emerges, grinning wildly, and swinging the battle axe towards the wood spirit. God attacked.

Boom! ! Boom! !

A series of terrifying explosions sounded in the void.

The strength of the wood spirit **** is slightly better than that of Ye Niu Demon, the lower demon king. However, the Yeniu Demon King and the Yangluo Demon King joined forces, but they forcibly suppressed the two gods, the God of Wood Spirit and the God of Clouds.

At this moment, there was a twist in the shadow below Andino, and a transparent shadow rushed directly towards Andino like lightning.

"Holy Cage!!"

Andino seemed to have predicted that there would be an assassin below. He stretched out his hand and pointed out that an extremely ancient prison, engraved with countless mysterious spells, appeared, and turned towards the bottom.

Countless bright and incomparable holy lights burst out from the cage, covering that shadow directly.

In that sacred brilliance, a statue of two meters tall, intertwined with stripes of shadows, has a pair of wings engraved with the mysterious night shadow on the back, and a single horn on the head, exuding the middle phantom. The demon king with a terrifying aura appeared directly.

The power of the dark as ink contends with the incomparable holy light, intertwining, offsetting, and annihilating each other.

Andino said indifferently: "Night Shadow Devil! You really value me, so you took the initiative to assassinate me!!"

The Night Shadow Demon is one of the middle demon kings who invaded the world of Grundor, and his strength is extremely terrifying. Back then, on the battlefield of Ethereal Demon, he assassinated several gods from the world of Gulundo, and even the **** of war was attacked and injured by him.

"You deserve to be the son of the destiny of the world of Gulunduo, who actually owns such an artifact. But how long can your artifact last? Up to twenty breaths, this artifact will be destroyed by me. At that time, you will also have only one dead end. !"

"Andino surrenders to our False Demon clan! Join us! The world of Gullendo will eventually be destroyed, you join us now, become a member of the False Demon, and you can save your life."

"If you wait until the day when the world is destroyed, you, your relatives and friends will all become our hunting objects."

The Night Shadow Demon spoke in a seductive tone.

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