God-level Base

Chapter 775: Evolution of the Ocean God

(Ps: The Godhead of the Beast of Steel should be 11 o'clock, I have corrected it in Chapter 768.)

Shu Feng took out the treasure map of pirate king Andersalu and waved it: "Pirate King Andersalu's token? Does this treasure map count?"

"This is just an ordinary treasure map! It has no value!"

The rock evil spirit glanced at the treasure map, shook his head slightly, and then tempted with a deep and full magnetic voice: "Young man, I follow the principle of equal bargaining. Do you want to get the treasure of the pirate king Andersalu?"

"As long as you sign a contract with me, you will hand over your body to me for a hundred years. I will give you the treasure of the pirate king Andersalu."

"In the treasure of the pirate king Andsaru, there is a big secret that can make people a god! Once you advance to the gods, your future life will be calculated in the unit of millions of years. For the gods, a mere hundred years is just In the blink of an eye."

The rock evil spirit looked down on Shu Feng, his eyes full of ridicule and viciousness: "The secret of becoming a **** is absolutely impossible for a mortal to resist this temptation. As long as he signs a contract, I can get rid of the seal and eat his soul!!"

"I refuse! As long as I kill you, I can get Andersalu's treasure, why bother?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, holding the [Spear of Modan], appeared in front of the rock wall like a ghost, and stabbed at the rock evil spirit with a shot.

"A mortal, just relying on you, want to hurt me? I really want to...no!!"

Contempt flashed in the eyes of the rock evil spirit, his body was extremely hard, and he was blessed with an extremely powerful god-level seal, and even the magic of the demi-god level might not be able to destroy it. In just an instant, the [Spear of Modan] immediately penetrated the body of the rock evil spirit, destroying his spirit.

"Stop! Don't kill me!! I can do everything...!!!"

A look of despair flashed in the eyes of the rock evil spirit, and with a scream, it turned into a stone statue and stopped moving.

"Source energy +10 million, weak divine power, divine rank +1, divine soul +1."

An unexpected color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "It's still a god-level monster, no wonder it's so arrogant!"

A god-level monster is also a terrifying existence at the top level in the world of Gulundo. Even the legendary archmage is not his opponent.

"Drive me!"

Shu Feng took out a magic sword and slashed directly towards the mountain wall.

A ray of brilliant sword light shone, and the mountain wall was directly cut to pieces, revealing an incomparably spacious passage.

Shu Feng walked along the passage for about ten kilometers, and a huge cave appeared in front of him.

"Golden Mountain!! Worthy of being the pirate king of the Five Seas! There is actually a golden mountain of wealth!"

As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the cave, he saw a fifty-meter-high golden mountain made of gold coins appear in front of him.

Anyone who has the wealth of that golden mountain can be called a wealthy country. That is a terrifying wealth that will make the gods be moved by it.

"Unfortunately, a golden mountain is of little significance to me!"

Shu Feng looked at the golden mountain without any fluctuations in his eyes, but passed over the other treasures in the treasury.

In addition to the golden mountain, there are various antiques, precious artworks, and various top-level magic training resources in the treasures of the pirate king Andersalu.

"Yes, there are a lot of Yuanneng treasures. This trip is worthwhile. This is!!!"

A touch of satisfaction flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and with a gesture, a black card flew into his hand.

On the black card, there is a huge monster ship pattern.

Shu Feng exclaimed: "This is the legendary battleship of the pirate king Andersalu [The Sea Monster]! It was actually sealed in this card. Andersalu's magical skills should have been close to the gods."

The card seal is also a branch of the magician in the world of Grundor. Those legendary masters who are extremely powerful can even seal a fallen god.

However, the stronger the seal, the greater the power needed to consume the artifacts or creatures. Pirate King Andsaru can seal the legendary battleship [Sea Monster]. His strength is absolutely powerful, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"what is this?"

Su Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he stretched out his hand, and a blue crystal ball suddenly appeared in his hand.

As soon as the blue crystal ball fell into Shu Feng's hands, he immediately felt that his affinity for the water element had doubled dozens of times.

"This is a good baby!!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and after scouring the treasures in the treasure house of the pirate king Andsaru, after summoning the guard of the steel beast, he directly entered the space of the base.

Shu Feng threw all the source energy treasures from the pirate king Andsalu's treasury into the base space and obtained 2 billion point source energy.


Shu Feng gave an order, and a scanning beam immediately enveloped the blue crystal ball.

With bursts of mysterious light, countless data streams emerged in the central analyzer.

"The object is suspected to be the remnants of the ancient ocean gods of the Gulunduo world. It contains a powerful ocean divinity. It can allow the ocean gods to break through and advance to become a **** of medium divine power."

"Can the God of the Sea break through, with a medium level of supernatural power? Great!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and he summoned the **** of the ocean to his side, and directly ordered him to enter the source energy evolution tower and transform into a big egg.

A series of high-level sources in the Tower of Law scoured the blue crystal ball, ignited the blue crystal ball and turned it into a golden sacred fire, along a pipeline, directly submerged into the body of the ocean god.

The **** of the sea screamed, and his body swelled, almost wanting to split.

A series of high-level sources can flow into the body of the ocean god, suppressing his physical body, and allowing him to forcefully evolve.

The souls of the gods continuously poured into the souls of the gods of the sea, becoming the resources for his evolution.

Seven days later.


As soon as the **** of the ocean struggled directly, the big egg shrouded in him was immediately shattered, and a terrifying aura of medium divine power permeated his body.

"Yes, advanced medium supernatural power!!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and a line of information appeared directly with his thoughts.

"The **** of the ocean."

"Medium divine power god!"

"The Godhead 11."

"God traits: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, fixed increase by 1500%, ocean spell power by 1500%, storm spell power by 1200%, lightning spell power by 1000%. God resistance +11, immunity Weak divine power-level lethal spell. After burning divine power, you can gain a maximum 5 times increase in power."

"Strength 170,000 (+30,000), Agility 160,000 (+30,000), Defense 170,000 (+30,000), Physical 170,000 (+30,000), Intelligence 160,000 (+30,000), Spirit 160,000 (+30,000), supernatural power 10,00010,000."

"Charm 3200 (+1000), Soul 11 ​​(+2)."

The **** of the ocean is advanced with medium divine power, which means that Shu Feng has two summoned beasts of medium divine power series, even if it is against the five righteous gods in the world of Gulunduo, the **** of war, he has the power to fight.

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