God-level Base

Chapter 771: Hell Skull Island

Three days later.

"This is the Hell Skull Island where the treasure of the pirate king Andsaru is located! Take his treasure easily! A treasure of the pirate king is also good for me!"

Shu Feng looked at an island in the distance that looked like a huge skeleton, and he pondered for a while, and then drove towards the direction of Hell Skull Island.

The pirate king Andsaru was once a powerful pirate king who crossed the five seas and possessed immense wealth. His treasures also have many benefits for Shu Feng.

Shu Feng boarded the Hell Skull Island and entered a jungle.

A weird human-shaped skeleton suddenly fell from a big tree, swinging its claws like lightning, and grabbed Shu Feng's head directly.

Boom! !

Shu Feng snapped his fingers, and a terrifying flame dragon instantly swallowed the human-shaped skeleton and burned it to ashes.

There was a sparseness in the jungle, and suddenly, densely packed human-shaped skeletons jumped out frantically from all directions and rushed directly towards Shu Feng.

A terrifying flame dragon flew out at once, extending in all directions.

Where the Yanlong passed, all the human skeletons were ignited and turned directly into ashes.

Thousands of human-shaped skeletons were burnt to death, and the terrifying sea of ​​skeletons collapsed and disappeared.

Shu Feng continued to stride towards the depths of the prison skull island.

Along the way, more than a dozen kinds of weird and terrible monsters that even the legendary mage can kill have appeared. They were directly burned to death by Shu Feng as soon as they appeared, without causing any disturbances.

Deep in Hellskull Island, in a jungle.

"Kelly, take the princess to escape from here!"

An extremely beautiful blond elf legendary mage wearing a mage robe had a distorted face, and his body was swollen with tumors. There was a big mouth of blood on the right side of his cheek, struggling with pain, and let out a roar like a beast.

In front of the blond elf legendary mage, there is a cyan rock wall. On the rock wall, there is a strange and unpredictable face, which is staring at the elf legendary archmage. Distorted rays of light appeared in the pupils.

"Belina Archmage!!"

A blond, blue-eyed, beautiful, and delicate elf girl, seeing this scene, let out a cry of sorrow, her body trembled, and she didn't know what to do.

"Quickly go! Princess Carolina!! Don't waste all the painstaking efforts of Archmage Belina!!"

A beautiful girl of the elven race with long blue hair and heroic temperament screamed, hugged Carolina, a pair of wind wings appeared behind her, and fled madly outside the prison skull island.

At this moment, one after another human-shaped skeletons rushed from all directions and rushed directly towards the second daughter of Kelly.

Kelly looked at the human-shaped skeleton coming from all directions, a look of despair flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Damn, how could Hell Skull Island be so dangerous!!"

Carolina smiled sadly and said: "Kelly, you can run away alone. Anyway, there is no blood **** flower in the deepest part of Hellskull Island, and I will not survive this year. Anyway, sooner or later I will be a dying person, at least you alone can It's okay to escape alive!!"

"You are talking nonsense! I am Kelly, not the one who abandoned her best friend and escaped alone! Don't give up, let us fight together!"

With a soft drink, Kelly put Caroline down, chanted the incantation, cast magic, and the wind blades immediately slashed towards the human skeletons.

when! when! when!

The sharp wind blade that can easily slash the human body slashed on the human-shaped skeletons, making a sound of golden and iron clashing.

There are more white marks on the human skeletons, and the bones have not been cut off at all.

"It's over!!"

Kelly looked at the human-shaped skeleton that rushed like a cheetah, and a look of despair flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Carolina sighed faintly: "I am going to die here today. It's a pity that so many people have been exhausted for me."

A terrifying flame dragon flew out from the side and rolled directly towards those human-shaped skeletons.

The human-shaped skeletons were instantly ignited and turned into puffs of smoke that drifted in the wind. With just one blow, the more than one thousand human-shaped skeletons were immediately burned out by the flame dragon.

In the flames, Shu Feng wearing a black magic robe walked out slowly.

"Human!! Legendary magician!!"

As soon as Kelly saw Shu Feng, a vigilant color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

In the world of Gulundo, the elves are also known for their longevity and beauty. Elves are also the most popular existence in the slave market.

Many human magicians like to have their own female elven slaves.

It is precisely because of this that the Moon Empire has a very poor relationship with the two empires, and local wars often break out.

The two empires are protected by two gods, the **** of the sun and the **** of war, and they are not afraid of the empire of the moon at all. In the two empires, the elven slave trade was also a legal trade.

Kelly is a top-notch beauty, with a body comparable to a supermodel. Carolina is even a stunning girl with a peerless face. Encountering human wizards like Shu Feng in such a place naturally made them very vigilant.

Carolina took a step forward, and Chuchu pleaded with pity: "Dear human mage, hello, I am Carolina! Please help us and save my mentor Bellina Archmage!!"

Kelly gritted her teeth and said: "Human mage, please help us! As long as you save Archmage Bellina, you will be the most noble guest of our Moon Empire!! We will give you enough rewards!"

"Are you talking about her?"

Shu Feng pointed forward.

Carolina turned around to take a look, her pretty face turned white, her body trembled, and the color of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes.

I saw a strange and hideous monster with Belina's face, three meters tall, and countless tumors all over his body.

A weird and chaotic, extremely cruel, twisted aura comparable to a demigod series diffused from the monster that Belina had transformed.

A look of despair flashed in Kylie's beautiful eyes: "It's over!! Teacher Belina has been completely polluted!! We are all dead too! She has been polluted and transformed into a demigod monster!!"

The demigod powerhouse is a terrifying existence at the apex of the mortal world of Gulundo. Even the legendary archmage may not be the opponent of those demigod monsters.

"Yes, quite tenacious! It was not completely contaminated! Great will! Great purification technique!"

Shu Feng exclaimed and reached out his hand.

An extremely bright beam of purification light flew out directly, shining on Belina's body.

Belina screamed, countless black smoke and curses poured out of her body, collapsed and dissipated.

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