God-level Base

Chapter 767: God of darkness

"The God of Shadow has been killed!!"

"The God of Shadow was killed by Paul Archmage! How is this possible? He is just a legendary Archmage!!"


The expressions of the three gods of Blood Sacrifice, Bloodthirsty Steel God, and Nine Night Mocrow changed drastically, and there was a flash of shock in their eyes.

Although the gods do not have the undead body of the devil, they are also extremely difficult to kill. The Shadow God is a **** with a weak level of divine power. Among the weak level of divine power, it is also an extremely difficult existence. Now it was killed by the legendary archmage Shu Feng almost instantly, which is unbelievable.

A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of Jiuye Mo Crow: "[Mordan's Spear] is really cruel!!"

[Mordan's Spear] It is a fiercely famous magic spear. Nine Nights Mocrow has also heard of the fierce name of this magic spear, but did not expect this magic spear to be so terrifying.

If it hadn't been for Shu Feng to kill several gods in the Alliance of Gods with the [Spear of Modan] in hand, the situation would definitely not deteriorate to this point.

Bloody rays of light gleamed, and the body of the **** of blood sacrifice instantly broke down and disappeared. Seeing that the situation was not good, he directly chose to escape.

The violent Eagle God flapped its wings and turned into a stream of light to directly rush towards the Nine Night Mocrow.

Nine Nights Mo Crow spread its wings, and countless strange and unpredictable curses fell on the violent eagle god.

When the violent eagle **** and the **** of blood sacrifice fought, they were already seriously injured. He and Jiuye Mocrow slaying madly, it only has the upper hand.

"Go away!!"

The bloodthirsty steel **** wielded a steel knife, madly cutting off various water tentacles and petrified light, and madly fled to the distance.

As soon as the God of Blood Sacrifice fled, the God of Bloodthirsty Steel God knew that the general situation was gone, and he could not resist the siege of the powerful people in Shufeng.

boom! !

The huge blue tail of the **** of the sea fell from the sky, and with a fierce twitch, it hit the bloodthirsty steel **** with one blow.

In an instant, a bone-deep wound appeared on the blue tail of the sea god, and a large swath of divine blood spurted out and spilled into the sea.

The bloodthirsty steel **** was also blasted into the sea by that blow, and a large amount of blood was ejected from the wound he was pierced by [Mordan's Spear].

Qing Yan took the opportunity to blast the bloodthirsty steel **** with a punch.

The body of the bloodthirsty steel **** suddenly began to petrify quickly, and the stone skin quickly spread over his body, eroding his body and soul.

The bloodthirsty steel **** shot a sharp steel spear from within the body, pierced the stone skin, and pierced directly towards the blue rock.

when! when! when!

A huge rock shield suddenly emerged in front of Qingyan's body, blocking the sharp steel spears.

Shu Feng is like a ghost, emerging behind the bloodthirsty steel god, holding [Mordan's Spear], stabs the bloodthirsty steel **** with a fierce shot, and sinks into his body.

A power of killing the gods broke out instantly, causing the bloodthirsty steel **** to let out a scream, and once again burst out countless sharp steel thorns towards Shu Feng.

A terrifying divine might erupted, and a blue sea barrier stood in front of Shu Feng.

The sharp steel stab of the bloodthirsty steel **** blasted above the blue sea barrier, and was immediately blocked by the blue sea barrier.

The sharp and incomparable torrent rays pierced the bloodthirsty steel god's wounds pierced by [Mordan's Spear], madly destroying the bloodthirsty steel god's body.

boom! !

Qingyan appeared in front of the bloodthirsty steel god, and hit the bloodthirsty steel god's head with a fist. The terrifying petrified light burst directly and began to erode the bloodthirsty steel god's head.

The bloodthirsty steel **** burned his supernatural power frantically, and countless sharp steel thorns once again pierced those petrified parts and pierced towards the blue rock.

On the slight side of Qing Yan's body, a palm of his backhand fiercely hit the abdomen of the Bloodthirsty Steel God, and the petrified light burst again, spreading towards the body of the Bloodthirsty Steel God.

"Is it the limit?"

Seeing this scene, Jiuye Mo Crow sighed slightly, his pupils showed strange and extremely heavy pupils, and endless darkness filled his body, looking directly at the bloodthirsty steel god.

A strange and unpredictable curse imprinted in the bloodthirsty steel god's body. With a roar, he madly burned his divine power, and the divine fire burned madly, as if it would burn the godhead to the point of exhaustion. Three steel thorns of divine power shrouded in a terrifying burst. Stabbed to the three powerhouses: God of the Sea, Qingyan, and Shufeng.

The divine power of the ocean **** surged, and a blue sea barrier appeared.

The sharp steel thorn of the bloodthirsty steel **** immediately penetrated the blue sea barrier, pierced the scales of the sea god, and penetrated his body.

A cyan steel rock emerged in front of Qingyan, and the sharp steel thorn penetrated the cyan steel rock and pierced into Qingyan's body.

An extremely sharp steel thorn instantly pierced Shu Feng's body.

The body of a giant monster with a spiritual saint rank in the base space also exploded.

"Source energy +80 million, weak and other supernatural power +7, divine soul +7!"

In an instant, the two powerhouses, the **** of the sea and Qingyan, were all seriously injured, and at the same time a line of information appeared directly in Shu Feng's mind.

A jet black like ink, containing the endless mystery of black light, flew out of the bloodthirsty steel god's body, and sank into the body of Jiuye Mocrow.

The breath of the Nine Nights Mocrow tumbling, one by one, mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints emerged, transforming into a human form, surrounded by endless darkness, as if the darkness incarnation exudes a terrifying aura of medium divine power.

"Damn thing, I have endured you for a long time!!"

Jiuye Mo Crow glanced at the violent eagle god, a hideous color flashed in his eyes.

A **** mouth full of terrible jagged teeth shrouded in endless darkness, swallowed the violent eagle **** in one mouthful, and chewed.

"Source energy +10 million, weak supernatural power +5, divine soul +2!"

A line of information emerged, and Shu Feng sensed that the connection between the fragile eagle god, a weak and powerful god, and him had completely disappeared. Obviously the violent eagle **** has fallen, and the godhead has also been destroyed, and the quality has been reduced.

"Are you the **** of darkness?"

Shu Feng looked at Jiuye Moya, and a solemn voice flashed in his eyes.

In this Gulunduo world, the only person who can kill the violent eagle **** in an instant and manipulate the power of darkness is the dark **** who has fallen to the blue star!

"Yes, I am the **** of darkness!! Paul, give your faith and surrender to me. I can give you eternal life!!"

The God of Darkness stood proudly in the void, overlooking the three of Shu Feng, his pupils were filled with indifference and arrogance, and a trace of terrifying aura permeated his body.

The chains of water were entwined on the steel thorns on the ocean god's body, and with a frantic pull, the steel thorns were torn off directly, burning divine power, and performing divine arts.

Countless sea water churned, and a hundred-meter-long ocean spear emerged directly, stabbing towards the **** of darkness like lightning.

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