God-level Base

Chapter 763: Start first

Nine Nights Mo Crow said: "The Alliance of Gods has decided to join forces to kill the Furious Eagle God!! As for the Archmage Paul, we will leave it to you after he abolishes him."

After all, the **** of the ocean is a member of the alliance of gods, and he is also a **** with a weak level of divine power. The major decision of the Alliance of Gods still has to be notified to him.

Shinto of the Ocean: "Good!"

After Jiuye Mochou's words were over, his body collapsed directly, turning into countless black rays of light, disappearing.

The pressure of the **** on the **** of the sea also began to quickly dissipate.

"Master Paul!! You have this day too!!"

After the high priest Ibar got up from the ground, his eyes flashed with extremely hot light.

Once Shu Feng falls, the High Priest of Ibar can leap to become the highest authority on Saye Island and walk out of Shu Feng's shadow.

Inside Yanlong Island.

Shu Feng frowned slightly: "The Alliance of Gods is going to deal with me? Very fast reaction speed! If only you kill a few more gods for me!"

"Strike first! I want to kill a few gods before they can react."

"The core of the Alliance of Gods is the bloodthirsty steel god! He is a **** close to the middle power level. Kill him, the alliance of the gods will destroy itself. But he is also the most difficult to kill."

"The best thing to kill is the two-headed poisonous zard god, the bloodthirsty wolf god, and the bloodthirsty brutal tiger god. These chaotic gods have no brains. A little provocation will take the initiative to die."

"Nine Nights Mocrow, the **** of shadows are old and cunning. It is too difficult to discover their whereabouts."

Shu Feng calmly analyzed the object he wanted to hunt.

The two gods, the bloodthirsty octopus **** and the crazy flame dragon, are also chaotic evil gods, powerful, and the gods who have no brains will be killed by Shu Feng.

The whereabouts of the old and cunning gods like the Nine Nights Mocrow and the God of Shadows are uncertain. Even if Shu Feng slaughtered their followers, they might not appear.

Tiger God Island is a huge island with an area of ​​4 million square kilometers. Tiger God Mountain is the sacred mountain where the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** lives.

The five righteous gods of the Gulundo world all live in their own kingdom, isolated from mortals, high above them, and unpredictable. However, the chaotic evil gods of the Moron Islands are different. Many native gods live together with their followers.

The bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** eats 3000 slaves offered by the natives of Tiger God Island every year. In addition, he will come to tribes and devour the people of those tribes as he pleases.

A Shu Feng, who was dressed in a black magician robe and enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere, came to the foot of the Tiger God Mountain and quietly looked at the Tiger God Mountain.

"Let me say hello!!"

Shu Feng held a magic wand, chanting a mysterious mantra.

In the sky, a fire cloud suddenly rolled, and a flame meteor fell from the fire cloud and blasted directly towards the top of Tiger God Mountain.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the peak of Tiger God Mountain was directly hit by the flaming meteor, a small mushroom cloud rose up, and the entire peak began to collapse directly.

"Who is it!! Who on earth dare to destroy my kingdom of God!!!"

A terrifying mighty power came out from the Tiger God Mountain. One head was fifty meters long, with a single horn on its forehead, and a bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** who exuded a ferocious and violent breath flew out at once.

The bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** turned his eyes and locked Shu Feng at once.

The bloodthirsty and brutal tiger god's eyes flashed with a cruel light slowly said: "It's you!!! Archmage Paul!! You want to kill me, step on my body, light a sacred fire, and advanced gods!!"

Shu Feng said indifferently: "I came to the Moron Islands to ignite the sacred fire, advance the gods, and become one of the gods."

"In that case, you go to die!!"

The bloodthirsty and cruel tiger **** roared and burned his supernatural power frantically, performing the bloodthirsty bone arrow technique!

One by one, mysterious magic circles appeared in the Tiger God Mountain, and countless bones flew out of the Tiger God Mountain, shrouded in a layer of scarlet light, and turned into bone arrows to shoot towards Shu Feng.

Bloodthirsty Bone Archery is one of the most powerful assault and killing magic techniques the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** masters. Those bone arrows were made from the bones of strong men killed by the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger gods, and could easily penetrate the defenses of the weak divine power level gods.

"Fenkong Dragon God!"

Numerous flame elements surrounded Shu Feng's body, and a terrifying Dragon God of Burning Kong was born from the flames and rushed directly towards the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger god.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those weird bone arrows were thrown by the Fenkong Dragon God, and immediately turned into waves of weird and incomparable mists that drifted away in the wind.

The Fenkong Dragon God was mixed with terrifying flames, and for an instant he threw himself on the bloodthirsty and brutal Tiger God, instantly igniting him directly.

The bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** screamed, burning his divine power frantically, resisting the burning of the Fenkong Dragon God, falling to the ground, and fleeing frantically in the direction of the sea.


Shu Feng smiled coldly, with five fingers, directly activated the summoning technique.

The violent eagle **** directly emerged from the void, flapping its wings, like a teleport, appeared in front of the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger god, and slammed on the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger god, tearing a huge piece of flesh and blood.


The terrifying aura of two gods series rose up at once.

A double-headed monster lizard with two heads and a wingspan of up to 50 meters, and a bloodthirsty wolf **** with a body length of 50 meters and a single horn on the forehead. His eyes flashed with bloodthirsty rays. .

The double-headed poisonous lizard **** burned his supernatural power frantically, and the two heads opened their mouths wide, and the two black poisonous rays were intertwined, and they blasted directly towards the violent eagle god.

The one-horned light above the bloodthirsty wolf god's forehead flashed, and a crimson beam of light blasted directly towards the violent eagle god.

"Three gods! It seems that you are also well prepared!!"

Shu Feng looked at the two gods that suddenly appeared, and understood that this was a trap set by the Alliance of Gods. When he attacks any god, there will be two gods to support him.

The three gods join forces to burn their powers madly, and even the weak gods of the ranks of the powers can contend against it.

"Good idea, but unfortunately, your only mistake is to underestimate my strength!!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, and the spells that strengthened his physical fitness fell on him one after another. His figure shook slightly, and flew towards the bloodthirsty and brutal tiger **** like lightning.

In mid-air, the berserk eagle **** had a wing and used defensive magic, opening a crimson defensive enchantment at once.

The poisonous rays of the double-headed monster **** and the beam of light ejected by the bloodthirsty wolf **** blasted on the crimson defensive barrier, causing ripples.

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