God-level Base

Chapter 761: Kill the crazy flame dragon

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the crazy flame dragon and the violent eagle **** fell to the ground together, with scars on their bodies.

"caught you!"

A fierce light flashed in Qingyan's eyes, and the earth power curse on his body flashed, and he sank directly into the earth.

The crazy Yanlong suddenly felt the gravitational restraint enveloped in the body disappear, and the body became lighter, and the backhand slammed the violent eagle **** with a claw, tearing off a huge piece of flesh and blood from the violent eagle god.

"Die me!!"

Almost instantly, Qingyan immediately emerged from under the crazy flame dragon, with a roar, [Mordan's Spear] stabbed into the crazy flame dragon's abdomen like lightning.

A terrifying power of killing gods gushed out of [Mordan's Spear] and blasted into the body of the crazy flame dragon.

"Do not!!"

The crazy flame dragon screamed, and was directly hit hard, and the souls split directly, shooting out terrifying flames from all over the body.

Qingyan's own combat power is already comparable to the crazy flame dragon, and holding a terrifying artifact such as [Mordan's Spear] is even more brutal. He pumped hard, and the crazy flame dragon's body had a terrifying hole, and blood spurted out.

Almost the next moment, Qing Yan immediately inserted the [Spear of Modan] directly into the inverse scales of the crazy flame dragon, and directly penetrated the vital point of the crazy flame dragon.

The crazy flame dragon screamed frantically, twisting the huge dragon body, struggling for a breath, and immediately turned into a corpse.

"Source energy +80 million, weak and other supernatural power +6, divine soul +6."

Shu Feng smiled slightly: "Finally killed!! In this way, the 8 gods in the Alliance of Gods will become 7 gods."

There are a total of 9 gods in the Alliance of Gods, but there is one **** of the ocean, who is Shu Feng's subordinate. The remaining eight gods are the core of the alliance of gods. Now that one has been killed, the Alliance of Gods actually only has 7 gods left.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "The crazy flame dragon is in charge of chaos and flame power! After killing him, I will be able to absorb his divinity and enhance my flame divinity."

Shu Feng's divinity is about to reach the limit of the invincible demigod. In this process, it is very difficult to increase the divinity by 1 point.

If you want Shu Feng to comprehend the law of fire and condense the flame divinity, you need to consume 100 higher source energy to be able to comprehend 1 unit of the flame divinity. That's because he is about to reach the limit of a demigod, and it is very difficult to improve.

But absorbing the flame divinity in the godhead of the crazy flame dragon can make Shu Feng's strength soar.

"Crazy Flame Dragon is dead, don't you hurry to surrender and surrender to the great violent Eagle God!!"

Shu Feng screamed, the violent eagle **** spread his wings, and an extremely powerful divine might diffused out of his body, spreading in all directions.

"I am willing to surrender to the great violent eagle god!!"


In an instant, the natives below immediately chose to submit to the violent eagle god.

The crazy flame dragon is a chaotic, crazy **** who likes to spread terror, death and despair. The reason why the natives on Yanlong Island believe in him is because he is strong enough.

Now that the Crazy Flame Dragon is killed by the more powerful Rage Eagle God, those natives will naturally turn back immediately and become believers of the Rage Eagle God.

"You bastards!! You want to betray my lord, die, die all!!"

Some mad believers of the crazy flame dragon looked crazy, waving their weapons, beheading their companions, and flashing craziness and hideousness in their eyes.

"You are the one to die!!"

With a roar of anger, Bacchus rushed into the mad believers of the crazy flame dragon like a tiger, beheading the mad believers of the crazy flame dragon one by one.

After slaying the mad believers of the crazy flame dragon, the two legendary warriors, Vina and Rudin, also chose to surrender to Shu Feng.

The three legendary warriors of Yanlong Island surrendered, and the entire Yanlong Island was quickly brought under Shu Feng's control.

The various treasures that contained source energy in Yanlong Island were also scoured by Shu Feng, allowing him to obtain up to 3 billion source energy.

In front of the crater where the crazy flame dragon lives.

"I hope the Lair of the Crazy Flame Dragon will not let me down!"

Standing in front of the volcano, Shu Feng directly cast the magic Fenkong Dragon God, countless flames tumbling, a terrifying Fenkong Dragon God surrounded his body at once.

Shu Feng's figure shook, and he entered the active volcano.

Inside that active volcano, the flames were tumbling, and the closer to the bottom, the more terrifying the temperature of the flame.

Before long, a huge cave with terrible flames appeared before Shu Feng's eyes.

"This is the best place to practice flame secrets and understand the laws of flames. No wonder the crazy flame dragon can evolve and break through and become weak and other divine powers. I don't know if he has any divine power gems left."

Each breakthrough of those gods needs to consume a huge amount of energy, basically they all use the divine power contained in the divine power gems to break through.

Shu Feng has two gods with divine power levels, such as the raging eagle **** and the **** of the sea. For the gems of divine power, more is better, and there is no shortage of them.

As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the cave burning with terrible flames, countless flames spewed towards him.

The terrible flames in that cave can easily burn legendary warriors like Bacchus to ashes.

The Fenkong Dragon God who surrounded Shu Feng opened his mouth and sucked, and soon absorbed all the flames.

Shu Feng walked all the way along the cave and walked more than ten kilometers underground. A cave surrounded by flames and full of high-purity flame crystals appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

In that cave, the flames tumbling, even the powerhouse of the demi-god rank could hardly resist the burning of the flame. However, this kind of environment, for the crazy Yanlong, was like a fish in water, and it couldn't be more suitable.

"The gem of supernatural power!!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up and saw the divine power gems placed in a cave.

"1000 gems of supernatural power. It seems that the crazy flame dragon has just evolved a while ago. However, these gems of supernatural power are enough to support several big battles."

A touch of satisfaction flashed in Shu Feng's eyes.

"However, in this flame dragon cave, the most precious thing is this flame source essence! The crazy flame dragon should have obtained this flame source essence before advancing to the weak and other supernatural powers."

Shu Feng's gaze fell within the Yanlong Cave, a burning blue flower, a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

That blue flower is a source of flame, the most precious flame treasure, and it can only be born in the land of the strongest flame for more than a million years.

The source of flame looks like a flower, but it contains terrifying flame power. An ordinary **** with a weak divine power level will be directly ignited and burned to ashes when it touches it.

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