God-level Base

Chapter 756: Sa Ye Island (for Wangtian Fat Whale Brothers' rewards and rewards)

"The League of Gods is an alliance of evil gods in the Moron Islands. There are currently nine gods, namely, I, the Nine Night Mocrow, the God of Blood Sacrifice, the Crazy Flame Dragon, the Bloodthirsty Tiger God, the God of Shadow, and the Shuang The head poisonous zard god, bloodthirsty wolf god, bloodthirsty steel god!"

"There are blood sacrifice gods and bloodthirsty steel gods among the gods with weak power levels. The rest of the gods are gods with weak power levels."

"Among them, the bloodthirsty steel gods have the strongest combat power, and they are only one step away from the medium gods!!"

"But Master, those are just my speculations. Those six gods with weak divine power series may not be truly weak divine power series gods, and there may be gods with weak divine power series hidden."

"Nine Night Mocrow and the God of Shadows, I have never been able to see through. Neither of them has ever made a full shot."

"In addition to the nine gods of the Alliance of Gods, there are also some indigenous gods in the Moron Islands."

"In addition, I suspect that after the Alliance of the Gods, there are hidden behind the scenes of the gods of the middle divine power level."

The God of the Sea methodically analyzed the situation in the Moron Islands towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng said: "The gods within the Alliance of Gods cannot attack each other, can they attack the rest of the indigenous gods in the Moron Islands?"

There are millions of indigenous people on Saye Island, enough to support the existence of weak and other divine power, the **** of the sea. Moreover, Saye Island has a diameter of thousands of miles and an area equivalent to more than one million square kilometers. Such a big island is well managed, and it can accommodate tens of millions of people.

But Shu Feng still wanted to seize all the other islands of the Moron Archipelago and control it. Only in this way can it be possible to create a huge empire that can compete with the British Empire.

God of the Sea: "No! The bloodthirsty steel **** does not allow us to attack other indigenous gods at will and occupy each other's islands. I killed the bloodthirsty octopus god, and I should have reached the limit of his tolerance."

Shu Feng thought for a moment, and understood why the Bloodthirsty Steel God would make such a decision.

The strength of the gods of the Moron Islands is much worse than that of the gods of war. If it was a civil war among the gods of the Moron Islands, the consumption would be too great. The God of War never mind taking the opportunity to take action and kill them all.

The British Empire could also take the opportunity to annex the Moron Islands.

The reason why the **** of war and the **** of the sun did not take action against the Moron Islands. On the one hand, it is the restraint of the other three righteous gods, and on the other hand, it is also because the fighting power of the Moron Islands gods is not weak.

Shu Feng pondered for a while, and revealed a smile: "The **** of the ocean can't make a move! It doesn't matter, I have another chess piece."

"But before that, we must lay a solid foundation. For the gods, believers are the foundation! Population is the key!"

"If you want Samye Island to accommodate more people, you must solve the food problem. For me, the food problem is not a problem at all."

Shu Feng entered the space of the base and quickly transformed the grain seeds of Gulundu World, allowing those ordinary grain seeds to evolve into high-yielding grain seeds.

In Gulundo World, one mu of land can only harvest more than 100 catties of wheat, but after using Shufeng's high-yield grain seeds, one acre of land can harvest three thousand catties of wheat, which is about 30 times the yield.

Shu Feng gave the order, and the entire Saye Island was planted with those high-yield grain seeds.

Those naval soldiers on Blood Whale Island followed Shu Feng's orders to go to countries around the world to buy slaves on a large scale.

A steady stream of slaves were sent to Saye Island.

Shu Feng also established church schools on Saye Island to absorb the elites from the indigenous and the elites from the Blood Whale Island to learn all kinds of knowledge.

In addition, every week, the indigenous people of Samay Island must set aside a day to enter the church of the **** of the sea to pray.

Of course, Shu Feng is also very tolerant. For those indigenous people who are unwilling to enter the church to pray, everyone must levy a gold coin head tax.

As soon as this policy came out, almost all the natives on Samye Island became believers in the **** of the sea.

Seal Island is one of the outer islands of the Moron Islands. This island covers an area of ​​about 200,000 square kilometers and once was rich in seals.

After the British Empire defeated the natives on this island, it turned the island into a colony of the British Empire.

In front of a luxurious manor on Seal Island, a luxurious carriage stopped, and from the luxurious carriage stepped off a man wearing a black magic robe.

"This sir, this is a private estate, please leave!"

Two burly native warriors swiftly stepped forward.

"Vico, Nien, you retreat, this one is an envoy sent by our lord!"

At this moment, a beautiful woman with wheat-colored skin and a very good figure walked out of the manor. A dozen elite indigenous warriors followed by her side. She is Marentina, the high priest of the Furious Eagle God Church.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Vico and Nin's eyes flicked across Marentina's body, a flash of enthusiasm flashed, and they quickly retreated.

For the indigenous slave warriors, Marentina, who rescued them from the slave market, was almost like a savior.

"Master Paul, please come with me!"

Marentina took a deep look at Shu Feng, neither humble nor overbearing.

Shu Feng glanced at Marentina, and a look of appreciation flashed in his eyes. After this time of experience, this indigenous girl has undergone a completely reborn change. Although she is still a little immature, she already has the temperament of a **** high priest.

Under Marentina's leadership, Shu Feng came to a conference hall.

On a long table in the discussion hall, there are high-level leaders of this group such as Mina, Varé, and Iguinis.

As soon as Shu Feng entered the discussion hall, curious eyes fell on him.

"This one is the Great Master Paul, the envoy sent by our lord!"

After the two sat down, Marentina introduced immediately.

"Archmage Paul, you are the legendary Archmage Paul who killed the Blood Whale King!!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Iguinius' eyes, and he said with excitement.

Legendary Archmage is their ultimate goal for magicians who practice magic.

The tragic death of the blood whale king in the hands of the legendary Paul Mage has spread everywhere. When Iguinis saw the legendary Paul Mage, who was comparable to the demigod, appeared in front of him, he was naturally excited!

"He killed the Blood Whale King?"

"He is the legendary archmage who killed the Blood Whale King?"


Shocked and puzzled eyes were all focused on Shu Feng's body, and those indigenous warriors and soldiers had also heard of the name of the blood whale king, the pirate king who dominated the world.

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