God-level Base

Chapter 754: Evolution of the Ocean God

deep sea.

Shu Feng rode between the necks of the **** of the sea, sneaking into the deep sea.

"Found it, the lair of the bloodthirsty octopus god!"

After sneaking for 100,000 meters in the deep sea, a huge cave appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

Beside that huge cave, piled up the bones of many huge sea beasts.

On the bones of those huge sea beasts, there are all kinds of extraordinary marine plants entwined with all kinds of extraordinary fruits.

This huge cave is the lair of the bloodthirsty octopus god. After the bloodthirsty octopus **** was killed by the ocean god, the base space knew where his lair was by reading the memory cells in his body.

The **** of the ocean twisted his body and plunged into the huge cave.

In that huge cave, dozens of huge octopuses with a body length of more than fifty meters gush out, madly rushing towards the **** of the ocean.

The huge octopus more than sixty meters in length at the head exudes a wave of terror power of a demigod series.

The **** of the sea cast his magic skills at once, and a series of terrifying tree-like lightning appeared in the ocean, smashing the huge octopuses fiercely.

Those huge octopuses were struck by that terrifying lightning, and one by one was directly electrocuted, with their bodies floating on the side.

Facing the gods of the ocean with weak supernatural power levels, those legendary and demigod giant octopuses are simply vulnerable to a blow.

Shu Feng collected the corpses of those huge octopuses into the space of the base, and continued to move towards the lair of the bloodthirsty octopus god.

After walking about 10,000 meters along the huge cave, a huge spacious space appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

In that huge spacious space, there are more than a dozen big pots, and now those big pots are where the bloodthirsty octopus **** and his descendants live.

"These jars!! Contain the stones of the world!!"

When Shu Feng saw the dozen or so large jars, his eyes lit up and a flash of excitement flashed.

World Stones can be transformed into high-level source energies, and those high-level source energies possess all kinds of wonderful powers, which can greatly increase Shu Feng's strength.

Beside those big pots, there is a huge bone that is three hundred meters long, exuding terrifying power.

"The bones of the gods with mighty power!!"

When Shu Feng saw the huge bone, his eyes lit up and a flash of excitement flashed.

The bones of the gods with the powerful divine power series did not improve Shu Feng much, but they had a powerful effect on the **** of the sea. Once the bones are absorbed and part of the power of the godhead of the bloodthirsty octopus **** is absorbed, the **** of the sea will definitely increase its combat power.

"This time, it was really a bumper harvest!!"

Shu Feng glanced across the lair of the bloodthirsty octopus god, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

In the lair of the bloodthirsty octopus, in addition to the various world stones, there are many precious magical materials, many of which are the main materials for refining the legendary potion [Colorful Potion].

[Colorful Potion] It can greatly enhance the spiritual power of the Grand Magister. The colorful pearls have always been in short supply in the world of Gulundo.

But only in the lair of ocean gods like the bloodthirsty octopus, can you find so many colorful pearls.

"With these colorful pearls, Will and the others can advance to Legendary Mage without consuming source energy. Not bad!"

"Unfortunately, another sea monster that robbed the bones of that powerful divine power rank **** spirit hid in the Devil Sea without a trace. Otherwise, if you kill him, the strength of the sea **** can increase dramatically again."

Shu Feng thought with some regret, scoured the bloodthirsty octopus god's lair, and returned to Saye Island.

In the base space, in the resource dissolving pool, countless mysterious visions emerged, and the pots inhabited by the bloodthirsty octopus family were all dissolved and transformed into high-level source energy.

"800 high-level source energy, this time is really a bumper harvest!!"

Shu Feng looked at the amount of high-level source energy, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of excitement.

800 high-level source energy is equivalent to 8 billion ordinary source energy, which is definitely a huge wealth for Shu Feng.

Shu Feng's heart moved slightly: "Do you want to use higher source energy to upgrade the base space?"

"Let the **** of the sea evolve first. He is the strongest combat power I have in the world of Grundor! The chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** is not worth looking forward to."

Under Shu Feng's order, the **** of the ocean quickly swam into the source energy evolution tower, and under the innumerable mucus package, a large egg formed.

"Begin to separate the godhead of the bloodthirsty octopus god!"

Shu Feng gave an order, in the tower of the law, a high-level source energy submerged in it.

After a group of sacred fire that seemed to be constantly burning absorbed that high source energy, it trembled slightly and began to separate quickly.

It didn't take long for a small group of golden sacred fire to be separated out, and flew towards the area where the **** of the sea was through a pipe.

As soon as that small group of golden sacred fire plunged into the body of the ocean god, his body trembled slightly, his breath began to become more terrifying, and his power began to be somewhat disordered.

The divine power contained in the godhead of the bloodthirsty octopus **** cannot be completely absorbed by the ocean god, only part of it.

That part of the divine power is analyzed by the central analyzer, and then extracted through the tower of laws, which has the greatest evolutionary effect on the **** of the ocean.

After the **** of the sea absorbed that part of the power, he began to evolve rapidly and became even more terrifying.

A series of high-level sources can flow into the body of the ocean **** as the nourishment for his evolution, and the holy souls have also submerged into the soul of the ocean **** as the food for his soul's transformation.

The essence, bones, divine nature and other resources extracted from the remains of the powerful divine power have also been injected into the body of the ocean god, allowing him to continue to evolve crazily and begin to molt again and again.

Seven days later.


With a clear sound, the **** of the ocean swims out of the big egg where the source energy evolution tower is located. Originally, his body size was as high as 100 meters. After this evolution, his body size has shrunk to 50 meters, but his aura has become even more terrifying.

With Shu Feng's thoughts, all kinds of data about the God of the Sea surfaced.

"The **** of the ocean."

"Weak and other supernatural powers!"

"The Godhead 9."

"God characteristics: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, fixed increase by 1200%, ocean spell power by 1200%, storm spell power by 1000%, lightning spell power by 800%. God resistance +9, weak Divine power-level lethal spell. After burning divine power, you can gain a power increase of up to 3.6 times."

"Strength 140,000 (+30,000), Agility 130,000 (+30,000), Defense 140,000 (+30,000), Physical 140,000 (+30,000), Intelligence 130,000 (+30,000), Spirit 130,000 (+30,000), supernatural power 3003300 (+2000)."

"Charm 2200 (+1000), Soul 9 (+3)."

A look of regret flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Yes, after the evolution of the Ocean God, the combat power has increased dramatically. It is already comparable to the top power among the weak and other divine powers. It is a pity that the distance is medium divine power, and there is still a long distance. "

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