God-level Base

Chapter 749: Sea Serpent Evolution

It's just that after the sea snake **** evolved into a god, his taste and aesthetics are still far away from human beings. Of course, if countless people believe in him, he will slowly evolve into a **** whose aesthetics resemble human beings.

With a thought of the sea snake god, he used magic, and the water flow turned into big hands, grabbing towards his lair.

Many huge pearls, gold, soul gems, and many gems were picked up by the sea snake **** and sent to Shu Feng.

Those who were killed by the believers on the Blood Whale Island through a special blood sacrifice ceremony will be transformed into soul gems and fall into the hands of the sea snake god.

Those soul gems can be transformed into petitioners, holy spirits, and angels in the hands of powerful gods who possess the kingdom of the sun.

For indigenous gods like the sea snake god, these soul gems can also serve as food reserves. When their divine power is insufficient, they can also consume soul gems to extend their lives and maintain their divine personality.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile: "Soul gems, not bad! There are millions of soul gems. At this time, my holy soul has no resources to synthesize."

"this is!!"

Su Feng suddenly brightened his eyes and saw that the sea snake **** had a diameter of one hundred meters, engraved with countless **** patterns, exuding a horrible atmosphere, and grabbed the crystal bones of a super sea snake and sent it to him. .

"What a terrible breath!! Is this the bones of ancient gods with powerful divine power levels? Or the bones of devil-level ancient gods? It's terrifying to have such terrifying power after so many years!!"

"The sea snake **** should have absorbed part of the strength of this skeleton before evolving into a god."

Shu Feng grabbed the huge crystal bone, feeling the terrifying pressure from the crystal bone, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

With a thought, Shu Feng asked the Sea Snake God, "Is there any more bones?"

A wave came from the sea snake god: "Yes, some of them are in the hands of the bloodthirsty octopus god. I can't beat him!!"

Shu Feng said: "He is weak and so divine power?"

The Sea Snake said: "No! He, like me, should belong to a weak divine power. But his strength is slightly better than mine!"

"Then evolve, and then kill him!"

Shu Feng collected the crystal skeleton into the base space and threw it directly into the resource dissolving pool.

With a sound, waves of the breath of the sea emerged in the resource dissolving pool, and a huge sea snake phantom flashed away and was easily suppressed.

"Source energy +200 million, ocean divinity +70 points, storm divinity +40 points, thunder and lightning divinity +20 points, powerful divine spirit spirit +20 units, and powerful divine power **** bone 1000 units."

The Sea Snake God also swam into the Source Energy Evolution Tower under Shu Feng's order, and was wrapped in countless mucus, forming a large egg.

"Sea snake god, evolve me!"

With an order from Shu Feng, countless sources of energy, divine nature, spiritual marrow, divine bones, and holy souls poured into the body of the sea snake god.

The sea snake **** screamed, struggling with great pain, the scales of his body began to fade quickly, and a layer of snake skin quickly faded, and the breath became stronger.

Every day, the sea snake **** would scream once, and his aura would become stronger.

Seven days later, the big egg that wrapped the sea snake **** split open.

The sea snake **** with a body length of 100 meters, covered with a layer of blue scales and a single horn on his head, exuding an elegant and powerful breath, swims out of the big egg.

"The sea snake god."

"Weak and other supernatural powers!"

"The Godhead 6."

"Divine rank characteristics: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, fixed increase by 1000%, ocean spell power by 1000%, storm spell power by 800%, lightning spell power by 600%. Divine rank resistance +6, immunity A demigod-level lethal spell. After burning divine power, you can gain a maximum 3 times increase in power."

"Strength 110,000, Agility 100,000, Defense 110,000, Physical 110,000, Intelligence 100,000, Spirit 100,000, Supernatural 101300."

"Charm 1200, Soul 6."

A flash of excitement flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Weak gods of divine power levels! Great! In this way, even the **** of the sun, in the ocean, it may not be the opponent of the sea snake god."

Before the Sea Snake God advanced and weakened his divine power, even if he occupied the land in the ocean, he was not the opponent of the sun god. At most, he could only escape from the hands of the sun god.

However, after the Sea Snake God advanced and weakened his divine power, his combat power soared, and he was able to fight the sun **** in the ocean. Even if it is not as good as the **** of the sun, it can support a period of time.

"The amount of supernatural power is too low!!"

Shu Feng's gaze fell on the sea snake god's divine power data, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

In the same tier, the power of the god-level powerhouses is generally higher than that of the Void Demon King of the same tier. That's because the god-level powerhouses all possess divine power. When they burn their divine power, they can burst out even more terrifying combat power.

Shu Feng left from the base space and came to the main hall of the Blood Whale King Palace. He sat down on the throne and rang the bell.

"I have seen the master!!"

It didn't take long for Will and the three great magisters to appear in front of Shu Feng, respectfully.

During this time, Shu Feng had mastered the Blood Whale Island and became the real king on the Blood Whale Island.

Of course, in the Blood Whale Island, there are countless undercurrents surging, and a pair of eyes are staring at Shu Feng. As long as he is slightly weak, the pirates will betray him without hesitation and tear him to pieces.

Shu Feng said lightly: "Give my order!! Starting today, a three-day sacrifice to the Sea Serpent God. The Sea Serpent God is still the only legal church on Blood Whale Island."

"Master, no!!"

Will's face changed drastically, and he persuaded: "Master, the Sea Snake God is powerful on Blood Whale Island. They are hostile to you. Once they grow up, they will definitely threaten you to rule on Blood Whale Island."

Suer also persuaded: "Master, you don't need to compromise with the Sea Serpent Church. People are forgetful existences. After a while, they will forget the **** of Sea Serpent God and truly surrender to you. After all, the Sea Serpent God is dead. In your hands."

After Will, Sur, and Aurora surrendered to Shu Feng, they commanded the pirates and captured the ten major cities of Blood Whale Island one by one. Their hands were stained with the blood of their past companions, and they could no longer look back. If Shu Feng is finished, they will also be killed.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "No, the Sea Snake God did not fall! I just fought with him and we just got a tie. Then we made a deal, the faith belongs to him, and the rule of the world belongs to me. He protects me as my ally !"

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