God-level Base

Chapter 730: Siege

In this holy flame city, many popes and legendary masters of the Evil God Church have appeared one after another. But as long as the **** of the sun descends, everything will be directly suppressed by him.

"God of the sun! Let the mortal affairs be handled by mortals. This is an agreement between us. Haven't you forgotten it?"

A giant with a height of a thousand meters, intertwined with lines of power and gods, exuding a terrifying aura, holding a giant axe in front of the **** of the sun.

"Titan, get out of the way!! Otherwise, fight!!"

From the chariot of the sun, the overbearing voice of the **** of the sun came out.

"Then fight, let me see how much you have improved over the years!"

The giant laughed, and swung his huge battle axe to slash toward the chariot of the sun.

"Titan, you are looking for death!!"

A round of terrifying sun emerged from the sun chariot, fighting with the terrifying giant.

Boom! Boom!

Above the holy flame city, there is no cloud, but there are waves of terrifying shock.

In Holy Flame City, there are also countless powerful men fighting each other.

After all, the Lieyang Empire is one of the three empires in this world, and the strong are like clouds. In the midst of the fight, those elite court magicians immediately gained the upper hand as soon as they entered the battle.

"Devil Hunting Space, break me down!!"

The Emir Archmage grinned and chanted the mantra.

The phantom of the **** of blood sacrifice opened his eyes at once, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed it directly into the void.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

Accompanied by bursts of terrifying loud noises, numerous cracks appeared in the void.

Densely dense virtual demons gush out from the crack and rush towards the Holy Flame City.

One of the reasons why the Amir Archmage chose to launch it on the exchange meeting was that only on this day would the Demon Hunting Space of the Lieyang Empire open up and be positioned by outsiders.

"Freedom!! I am free at last!! Desperate humans, you dare to imprison me!! You deserve to die for your sins!!"

A ten-meter-tall scaly ape demon prince virtual demon suddenly appeared, and with a roar, he rushed towards the surrounding Lieyang Empire court magician.

Countless virtual demons poured out one after another, attacking the court magicians of the Lieyang Empire.

The blood, bones, and fur of those imaginary demons were used to refine potions, artifacts, and magic scroll weapons. Therefore, the Royal Sun Empire also kept and imprisoned countless imaginary demons in the hunting space, and there was even no shortage of princes and imaginary demons. Grand Duke.

In the world of Gulundo, the reason why so many legendary mages were born. One of the important reasons is that many powerful forces are raising virtual demons in captivity, using all of them to conduct various experiments, refining potions and secret treasures.

As soon as those tyrannical and evil demons joined the battlefield, the battle between the two sides immediately fell into a stalemate.

"This war has nothing to do with me. And it will eventually end with the retreat of the God of Blood Sacrifice. Before that, I should do something for myself."

"In the City of Holy Flame, the most powerful forces are the Royal Sun Empire and the Church of the God of the Sun. In their treasury, there are bound to be countless source energy treasures."

Standing in a dark corner, Shu Feng chanted incantations and cast shadow magic to blend into the shadows, and the whole person instantly melted into the shadows.

In the Lieyang Imperial Palace, five nine-story magic towers shone brightly, shooting out countless magic, blasting towards the distance.

In the palace, there are the remains of four magic towers, which have obviously been destroyed.

The six legendary masters exuding a terrifying aura and demigod series unscrupulously displayed all kinds of powerful legendary magic, and blasted towards the Lieyang Imperial Palace.

Within the Lieyang Empire, the three legendary masters of demigod ranks also used various magic, and with the help of various powerful artifacts and magic towers, they resisted the siege of the six demigod legendary masters.

"Aruda, give up! The Lieyang Imperial Palace is destined to be destroyed! You still have time to escape now!!"

A demigod archmage with all white hair and beard, wearing a blue magic robe, holding a dark blue magic wand holding a magic wand, one by one ten meters long, sharp ice cones like cannonballs, directly blasted towards the Lieyang Imperial Palace .

"Suya, the background of our Sun Empire is beyond your imagination. Even if you use traitors to destroy our four magic towers, you will still be the one who destroys!!"

A tall and burly demi-god archmage Aruda wearing a black mage robe flashed a cold light in his eyes, and took out a pitch-black claw.

Aruda chanted the incantation, and huge spiritual power and mana were poured into that claw.

Numerous mysterious and unpredictable curses surfaced on the inky black paw, and suddenly flew into the air, transforming into a statue with a body length of up to 100 meters and a single horn growing on its head, exuding a vicious atmosphere. Demon wolf.

As soon as that demon wolf emerged, a trace of terrifying divine might diffused from his body. He was like lightning, rushing directly towards Grand Mage Su Ya, and slapped his claw directly at Grand Mage Su Ya.

"Bloodthirsty wolf god!!"

Grand Master Su Ya's face changed drastically, and he used magic frantically, and a huge ice wall with a thickness of ten meters and a height of fifty meters suddenly appeared in front of him.

Boom! !

The claws of that terrifying demon wolf directly slapped it, and one claw smashed the huge ice wall, and slammed on the body of Grand Master Su Ya fiercely.

The magical light of Su Ya's bodyguard collapsed suddenly, and the light of the magical magic in the space around him flashed away without being activated.

This is the imperial palace of the Lieyang Empire. The five magic towers are open with extremely powerful spatial interference spells. All spatial transmission spells here will be disturbed and cannot be cast.

boom! !

The huge wolf claws shot directly, and a ball of meat sauce sputtered directly in all directions.

A spell killed the Archmage Suya in a flash, and Aruda's breath suddenly became much weaker.

The black claw is called [Bloodthirsty Wolf God's Claw], which is a divine tool made from the remains of the bloodthirsty wolf god, possessing terrifying power. But urging such an artifact, the consumption is equally huge.

If it weren't for the use of divine tools, Aruda would not be able to kill a demigod mage like Suya Archmage with a single spell! !

"[Bloodthirsty Wolf God's Claw]!!!"

"Let's use that artifact too!!"


The remaining five demigod legendary archmages glanced at each other, chanting the mantra.

A black six-pointed star magic array emerged directly, and in that six-pointed star magic array, a black spear emerged directly, surrounded by countless black curses, exuding a weird, terrifying, and evil aura.

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