God-level Base

Chapter 723: Spike

A handsome young man who looked a little frivolous showed an unruly smile: "Bangor, four seats in the seven-day tower. Paul, I admit that you are very talented. However, you dare to challenge us alone. Four people, this decision is really stupid. I will teach you a lesson! Let you taste the taste of failure!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I am Paul! I hope you can give me a little surprise."

During the conversation, Shu Feng and his entourage immediately came to an arena near the auditorium to learn spells, about the size of a football field, and surrounded by a powerful defensive enchantment.

"The test begins!"

As soon as the five climbed onto the ring, Grand Mage Mo An spoke immediately.

"Rainfall Technique!!"

Kate flashed a cold light in her eyes, holding a magic wand, chanting the incantation, and pointed directly.

In the sky, dark clouds appeared, and dense rain fell from the sky.

The avatar of Shu Feng, Paul possesses super magic talents of the fire element, and he is naturally very proficient in fire magic.

Although Rainfall does not have much lethality, it can limit the power of flame magic.

"The Gun of the Riptide!"

Eva held the magic wand, chanted the mantra, and pointed directly.

The huge and incomparable water flow emerged out of thin air, condensed into a spear, and pierced towards Shu Feng.

"The Flame Shield Technique!!"

In the heavy rain, Shu Feng smiled indifferently, the flames all over his body tumbling, forming a huge flame shield.

Dense rainwater fell on the flame shield, and was easily evaporated, giving rise to a cloud of mist.

The torrent spear blasted Shu Feng's flame shield with a single blow, and it also instantly turned into mist and was directly evaporated.

"Rock thorn!"

Vaughn cast a spell instantly, and an extremely sharp thorn burst out from Shu Feng's feet, stabs fiercely towards Shu Feng.

"The Flame Shield Technique!"

An egg-like flame shield shrouded Shu Feng's body, easily blocking the ground thorns in the ground.

"The Eye of Weakness!"

The pupil of Bangor's right eye suddenly turned into a weird gray vertical pupil, like a terrifying monster, looking directly towards Shu Feng.

A burst of weird gray light emerged from Bangor's right eye and rolled towards Shu Feng.

That weak eye is that Bangor inherited the legacy of a great magister in an adventure, and it is infinitely powerful. Although he only had the cultivation base of the Great Mage, the weak light of his right eye could not even be resisted by the Mage.

"Mirror Return!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently and waved his hand, a magic mirror appeared directly.

As soon as that gray light fell on the magic mirror, countless ripples shone, directly reflected, and turned into a stream of light that hit Vaughan.

Vaughan's face changed drastically, and he cast purification spells one after another in an attempt to dispel the weak light from his body.

There was a ripple in the heart of the Archmage Mo'an: "Mirror Return! It's so powerful, although it is a third-order magic. But the spell model is too complicated to build! Even the Archmage few people can master it!! Paul's talent is so strong!!"

Although in theory the magicians of the Gulundo world can master countless magic and possess various abilities, in fact, they have limited time and the amount of magic they can master is also limited.

Some special and complex magics are generally only mastered by legendary powerhouses.

"Scorching Snake Art!!"

Shu Feng stretched his hand and pointed, the flame element tumbling, one after another flame snakes surrounding the terrible flame appeared out of thin air, lifelike, swept toward the four great geniuses of the seven-day tower.

"Tide current impact!!"

Eva's pretty face changed slightly, holding her magic wand and pointing towards Shu Feng.

The huge and incomparable currents converge, forming a water column and rushing towards the flame snakes.

Boom! Boom!

Numerous water mists rose up, and the flame snakes and the water column offset each other and annihilated each other.

It's just that the number of flame snakes is almost endless. In an instant, a flame snake passed through the countless currents and bit Eva's body with one bite.

"Do not!!"

Eva screamed, the magical barrier of her body collapsed, she was shaken back to the side, and there were more burns on her body.

A flame snake slammed into the weak Vaughn, shattering his body protection barrier, and blasted him directly more than ten meters away.

"Rock Shield!!"

Bangor's face changed slightly, and a three-meter-high rock shield appeared in front of him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A flame snake blasted on the rock shield like a missile. Bangor’s rock shield was exploded after supporting it for only two seconds. A flame snake bit Bangor’s body fiercely and shielded his spell shield. Shattered and flew directly.

"I surrender!!"

Kate was very decisive and chose to admit defeat.

"Great cure!"

Grand Mage Mo An chanted the mantra, stretched out his hand, and a bright beam of healing light descended from the sky, shining on the three of Vaughn, Eva, and Bangor.

Under the beam of healing light, the burns on the three of Vaughan's bodies healed quickly at a speed that the naked eye could see.

After a dozen breaths, the Vaughan trio immediately recovered.

The complex color in Vaughan's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly: "Paul, your strength is indeed above us. You are the chief of the Seven-Day Tower!"

Shu Feng comforted: "Vaughn, you don't have to be discouraged. It's normal for you to lose to me. After all, among the magic students of the Lieyang Empire, no one is my opponent."

Vaughan: "..."

Archmage Mo An said lightly: "Eva, you are a substitute."


A touch of unwillingness flashed in Eva's eyes.

The so-called substitute is the player who replaced Shu Feng and the others on the field when the four of them died or were seriously injured. But Archmage Mo'an is a legendary mage, and he is proficient in healing magic, it is almost impossible to have such a situation.

"Let's go!"

Archmage Mo An blew a whistle.

A legendary monster Thunder Eagle with a wingspan of fifty meters and black feathers on its forehead, with a lightning curse on its forehead, fell from the sky and flew in front of the Great Master Moan.

Shu Feng and his entourage took the legendary monster Thunder Eagle and galloped towards the direction of the imperial capital of the Lieyang Empire.

Inside the holy flame city, the emperor capital of the Lieyang Empire, inside a grocery store.

A bearded, ugly-looking grocery store owner lay lazily on a recliner. At this time, his grocery store had no customers.

An ordinary-looking young man slowly stepped into the grocery store.

The grocery store owner said casually: "See what you want to buy. Call me when you pay."

The young man smiled slightly and said: "The Pope of Nine Nights Mocrow turned out to be like this, which really opened my eyes."

The grocery store owner opened his eyes in an instant, his eyes flashed with bright light, like a terrifying behemoth resurrected, and a terrifying breath filled his body.

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