God-level Base

Chapter 707: Kill the white ghoul king

God's grace is like the sea, God's might is like hell!

Although the white ghoul king is not a god, it is also a terrifying monster of the gods level. Mortals who look directly at his real body will be shocked and unable to move.

Without the cultivation base of the spirit level, it is impossible to deal with the existence of that **** spirit level. Because as long as they look at the horrible existence of the gods, they will be unable to move because of fear.

Daga, a strong man without any sense of existence, lowered his head and fled madly towards the way he came.

Although the powerhouses of the Spiritual Venerable Realm can't deal with the horrible existence of the gods like the White Ghoul King, they also have the ability to escape.

The scarlet pupils of the white ghoul king who were more than a dozen miles away glanced at Daga.

"No!! Save me!!"

Daga screamed, his body twisted and trembled crazily.

In that erosion world, countless weird and twisted auras continuously poured into Daga's body.

After a few breaths, Daga immediately got up from the ground, but he had turned into a pale face, red eyes, and sharp claws on his hands.

Danny's face was pale, and his eyes flashed with desperation: "It's terrible! The powerhouse of the spirits can't stop the white ghoul king! It's over!!! We are dead!!!"

The entire convoy was shrouded in despair and fear.

"The White Ghoul King? What a good prey!!"

A figure appeared more and more, looking at the white ghoul king, a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

"This guy is Rooney? He's a hidden boss? But it's useless!! Even if it's a Spirit Saint, it's impossible to be the opponent of the White Ghoul King!!"

When Jessica saw Shu Feng, her heart was shocked, but her heart was still shrouded in despair.

The powerful of the Spirit Saint level can resist the magic power of the demon king level power! But that's all, in front of that Demon King-level terrifying monster, even the Spirit Saint is vulnerable to a blow.

Karon was desperate in his heart: "Rooney, the hidden powerhouse in the family!!! Unfortunately, it is useless!! Without the gods, in front of the white ghoul king, it is impossible to withstand a blow!"


A trace of ripples shone, and a nine-meter tall statue of the Lord of the Earth, Qingyan, as if carved from sapphire steel, suddenly appeared, and bowed to Shu Feng: "See my lord!"

Shu Feng pointed towards the white ghoul king: "Go and kill him! Let me see your strength!"

"Yes! My lord!"

Qing Yan responded calmly and turned and strode towards the white ghoul king.

The scarlet fierce light flashed in the white ghoul king's eyes, and his eyes locked on Qingyan.

Beside the white ghoul king, the dense ghouls rushed towards Qingyan like a tide.

"A bunch of ants!"

A light of contempt flashed in Qingyan's eyes, which slightly urged the power of the earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless sharp earth spears and ghouls easily penetrated those ghouls.


The white ghoul king suddenly moved, at a terrifying speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound, almost instantly, it had appeared in front of Qingyan, and slapped Qingyan with one claw.

In front of the fifty-meter-high white ghoul king, Qingyan, which is only nine meters high, is as short as a three-year-old child.


A flash of contempt flashed in Qing Yan's eyes, a claw blasted out, and the claws of the white ghoul king blasted together.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, Qing Yan's body remained motionless, but the thick right arm of the white ghoul king burst open, and countless flesh and blood tissue burst and fell to the ground.

Boom! !

Qingyan appeared in front of the white ghoul king's thighs, and inserted it into the white ghoul king's thighs, abruptly grabbed the white ghoul king, slammed wildly, and slammed to the ground.

An extremely sharp ground thorn ejected from the ground, piercing through the head of the white ghoul king, and a large swath of devil blood instantly spilled on the ground.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The incomparably sharp ground thorns contained terrifying earth power, and they stabbed fiercely on the body of the white ghoul king.

Originally, the body hardness of the white ghoul king surpassed that of diamonds, and the powerhouse of the Spiritual Venerable rank could hardly be injured with a full blow. But under those sharp piercings, countless blood spattered from the body.

A powerful force of the earth blasted into the body of the white ghoul king, shattering the vitality of the white ghoul king.

Boom! Boom!

Qing Yan grabbed the white ghoul king and bombarded the ground frantically, piercing the white ghoul king's body with incomparable sharp spikes, bursting loudly.

"Source energy +30 million, weak supernatural power +3, divine soul +2."

After being pierced through the body by countless times twice, the white ghoul king finally fell, and there was no soul fluctuation.

As soon as the white ghoul king died, the tens of thousands of ghouls under his control also scattered. Although the ghouls were fierce and fierce, they also gave birth to a trace of fear in the face of a god-level powerhouse like Qingyan.

"Done! The White Ghoul King was killed by him! What's the origin of this guy? Could it be a resurrected god? Oops, shouldn't we be killed?"

Jessica looked at Shu Feng in a daze, but suddenly her heart trembled and her face changed drastically.

The faces of Caron and Danny also changed slightly. They have been walking the rivers and lakes for many years, and all of them are human spirits.

Shu Feng hid his identity and sneaked into the caravan, obviously not wanting to reveal his identity. Now that the identity has been exposed, if the big bosses are doing very secretive things, then killing people and killing their mouths is the usual choice of these big bosses.

Jessica's silver teeth bite and said: "Master Rooney, we haven't seen anything today. If you still don't worry, you can seal our memory!!"

Shu Feng's gaze shifted to Jessica's body.

Caron and his party were tense, waiting for Shu Feng's trial, without any intention of resisting.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry. I don't mean to kill people. But you are going to another small world to stay for a while. There is no problem, right?"

Caron breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully said: "Master Rooney, there is no problem! Everything is subject to your arrangements."

"Yes, it is worthy of being the master of the gods!!"

Shu Feng's gaze fell on Qing Yan, with a trace of scorching heat in his eyes.

The White Ghoul King is also a real Demon King-level powerhouse. In this erosion world, the combat power is equal to the God of Light Flame, who burns his divine power. However, such a strong man was easily killed by Qingyan, and Qingyan's strength was evident.

"what is this?"

After Shu Feng collected the corpse of the white ghoul king into the base space, a white ball was spit out from the base space and fell into his hands.

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