God-level Base

Chapter 598: Imas

Ellet shouted with a frantic look: "Sileia has no advanced legend, why can she become the king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman?"

Becoming the king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman is Elett’s lifelong dream. Once he becomes the king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman, he may use the resources of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman to advance to the legend.

The Kingdom of Saint-Arman buys a batch of monsters every year for the royal family to kill. In addition, the Kingdom of Saint-Arman also has a territory that specializes in cultivating monsters.

Becoming the king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman can use privileges to slaughter those monsters wantonly and improve one's strength.

"Shut up! This is my order! Ellet, are you going to violate my order?"

A cold light flashed in Hunter I's eyes, and he screamed, a terrifying coercion spread all over the hall, oppressing Elett almost out of breath.

A touch of unwillingness flashed in Airette's eyes, and he lowered his head respectfully and said: "Don't dare!"

Hunter I was the founder of the Kingdom of Saint Arman, and the top powerhouse who emerged from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. There are countless strong men who died in the hands of Hunter I. When necessary, I am afraid that he can even start with his own son.

"Does anyone have any objections?"

Hunter I looked around, his eyes cold, and said slowly.

The five legendary professional skills are silent, and they don't want to get involved in this kind of thing. Whoever becomes the king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman must treat them and their families preferentially. After all, the kingdom still needs their protection.

The other great nobles of the Kingdom of St. Arman also remained silent, not daring to disobey Hunter I's orders.

Although the Kingdom of Saint-Arman was a feudal country, Hunter I was very powerful and a great dictator. The nobles who disobeyed his orders were dead, and even the territory was taken directly by him.

"King? Am I the new king of the Kingdom of Saint-Arman?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Sileia's beautiful eyes. Although she had imagined that she could become the new king of the Kingdom of St. Arman, the arrival of this day still made her excited.

"I have an objection!!"

A terrifying sword aura broke out directly, slicing several guards in front of the Platinum Palace directly into pieces, and countless pieces of flesh and blood spattered in the main hall of the Platinum Palace.

A young man wearing a blue legendary armor, holding a legendary sword, tall, blue-haired, ordinary-looking, with a long scar on his face, but with an extraordinary temperament, strode into the hall.

Outside the palace, there was a sound of fighting. Numerous soldiers wearing the robes of the Church of the Snake of Fear poured out from all over, fighting frantically with the soldiers in the palace.

"Emas, it's you! Are you still alive?"

The hot and **** figure, blond and blue eyes, and extremely gorgeous appearance, the fifth princess Eva with a pair of ecstatic peach eyes looked at the young man wearing the blue legendary armor, a flash of horror flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she screamed.

"His Royal Highness, I am not dead, let you down."

A spiteful light flashed in Emas's eyes. As soon as his eyes fell on Hunter I, Sen Han smiled and said: "Hunter I, the country you took away from my father, should be returned to me now! "

Hunter I sat on the throne, looking high above Emas coldly and said: "You are the remnant of the Kingdom of Greenstein? Since you have escaped by chance, the honest tortoise is huddled in a dark corner and can't breathe. Okay? Why do you want to die stupidly?"

A cold light flashed in Emas's eyes, and he sternly shouted: "I am here today to get back everything that belongs to me. And I will give you back double what you have done to me over the years. Hunter, come down! I killed you!"

Hunter's eyes were cold, falling on the Duke of Boca among the five families.

"Your Majesty, I'll kill him for you!"

The Duke of Boca drew out a big sword at once, his entire temperament changed, his whole body seemed to be enveloped in a layer of flames, he stepped out in one step, appeared in front of Emas like a teleport, and cut it down with a horror. The incomparable flame sword aura slashed towards Emas.

The profession of the Duke of Boca is a hero. Swordsman, he is proficient in flame swordsmanship, that sword is mixed with terrifying flame magic power, a sword is cut, and the sword aura bursts out, even a ten-meter tall frost giant can also be used. split into two.

"Flame Swordsmanship? It's not used like this. Let me teach you what is Flame Swordsmanship!"

A cold light flashed in Emas's eyes, and he smiled coldly, and was enveloped in a layer of terrifying flames. The legendary sword in his hand was entangled with a fire dragon, and he cut it down with a single sword.


A terrifying fire dragon is about to swallow Duke Boca together with his sword energy.

In the sound of screams, the Duke of Boca turned directly into dust, and only one long sword fell to the ground.

"Magic skill! He is a professional skill operator with magical skills!"

"Magic skills, he is a swordsman with magic skills!!"


When seeing this scene with the other four legendary professional skills, everyone's expression changed drastically, and a dignified color flashed in his eyes.

Although the vocational skill envoys with magical skills are theoretically legendary vocational skill ambassadors, their combat power is comparable to demigods, far surpassing ordinary legendary vocational skill envoys.

In the field, only Hunter has the ability to fight Emas.

Emas glanced at the remaining four princes and said coldly: "You guys, don't come to provoke me, otherwise, you will only have a dead end. Honestly stay aside, wait until I kill Hunter, you guys You can also be your duke and guard the country for me!"

The four princes were stunned, and each of them was silent.

"Divine skill! This is your confidence to provoke me? Back then I was able to kill your father, but today I can also kill you!"

A fierce light flashed in Hunter I’s eyes, and he drew out a legendary sword beside him [Sword of Frost]. The magic power was tossed, and the sword was cut down.

In the Platinum Palace, the temperature suddenly dropped below zero, and the white snow flew, and a white frost sword aura cut directly towards Emas.

"Frost Swordsmanship! Known as the strongest swordsmanship in the world! Let my flames swordsmanship break your swordsmanship!!"

The fierce light flashed in Emas's eyes, and with a roar, three fire dragons appeared at once, cut down with a sword, and the three fire dragons turned into a terrifying flame sword aura and collided with that frost sword aura.

Countless smoke churned, ice and fire collided fiercely, and two powerful forces continued to collide, cancel each other out, and annihilate each other.

when! when! when! when!

Amidst the countless smoke, Hunter I and Imas wielded two great magic skills violently fighting together, the terrifying sword aura constantly collided, sending out bursts of energy impact.

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