God-level Base

Chapter 576: Courros Mountains

"Kahn, the Kurros Mountain Range is very dangerous. There are countless monsters, and even legendary monsters no less than 20. And recently, more and more monsters have become a forbidden place for humans."

"According to our speculation, there is a mysterious power hidden in the Kurros Mountain Range. There is only a legendary power in that mysterious power, and it may even be comparable to possessing magical professional skills. Demigod-level powerhouse. It’s too dangerous for you to take this task."

Silaia reminded her brows with a frown.

The ordinary legendary mission bounty is only about 1 million gold coins, but this legendary mission bounty is as high as 10 million, because this mission is too dangerous, and even the legendary powerhouse will be killed if you are not careful.

The Kuros Mountain Range is located about four hundred miles northwest of the Holy Eagle City, too close to the Holy Eagle City. The mysterious enemies and friends hidden there have made the nobles of Holy Eagle City feel uneasy to sleep and eat. This is how a legendary mission was released.

Shu Feng said: "Don't worry. For me, this is just a small trial."

Arthur said to himself with a face: "Yes, Princess Sileia. And I, Arthur, are in the Kurros Mountains, it's nothing at all!"

Shu Feng said: "Let's go!"

Arthur stunned slightly: "Huh? Don't you plan on a few days?"

Shu Feng said: "No, I have prepared all kinds of materials."

Arthur said: "Okay! Let's go!"

Outskirts of the Curross Mountains.

"What a rich magic power! This mountain range is rich in magic power, and there must be many powerful monsters inhabiting it. Kahn, Camilla, what level of professional skill is she?"

Arthur was on the periphery of the Nakulros Mountains, looking into the mountains, a dignified color flashed in his eyes, and with the brave instinct, he felt that the concentration of magic power around him was completely different from that of other places.

Camilla smiled slightly and said, "I am a legendary marksman, professional, and brave!"

Arthur couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes: "Legend! Amazing!"

Owning the career of brave means that the evolutionary potential of Arthur and Alyssa is much greater than that of other career skills. But if you want to advance to the legend, it is not that simple.

In the world of Andosas, Tier 5 professional skills make you want to advance to Legend, which is also a huge threshold. Many strong heroes and heroes of the brave profession were stuck outside this threshold and were killed before they advanced into the legend.

Arthur and Alyssa are also brave professions, but they are only geniuses. There is still a long way to go before they want to become legendary powerhouses.

Alyssa's beautiful eyes lit up, and she looked at Camilla with admiration: "Sister Camilla, you are so amazing. I will be like you in the future and become a legendary powerhouse."

In the world of Andosas, the strong men still occupy the mainstream. Among the seven god-level skills, there are only two female powerhouses: the Elf King and the Excalibur. The remaining five people are all men.

The number of female legendary powerhouses like Camilla is also very rare, and they will naturally become Eliza's idol.

Camilla smiled slightly and said, "Come on together!"

As soon as Shu Feng and his party entered the Kurros Mountain Range, suddenly, from above a big tree, a ten-meter-long terrifying python opened its blood basin and rushed towards Shu Feng.

"Be careful, Kahn!"

Arthur screamed, drew out the long sword, and slashed it down. A terrifying sword aura shot out, slashing on the giant python that was more than ten meters long, and split the giant python directly into two. Blood splattered.

"Fight front, leave it to me!!"

After Arthur killed the giant python, he looked handsome.

"Are you sure, you alone are enough?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and pointed to the grass in front of him.

Hundreds of goblin warriors flooded here under the command of dozens of goblin leaders, a dozen goblin shamans, and a goblin king.

"This amount is a bit tricky!!"

Arthur frowned slightly, and squeezed the big sword in his hand, a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

Those goblin warriors were not able to withstand a single blow in front of Arthur. But there are too many of them, and there are also spell-casting units like Goblin Shaman.

Even though Arthur is a Tier 4 Swordmaster, facing so many Goblin warriors, he has some headaches.

Shu Feng said: "Just let you see what a legend is! Camilla!"

Camilla drew out a legendary war bow, hitch with nine arrows, and bowed the bow to shoot.

Nine arrows shot out instantly, and in an instant, the heads of the king of goblin and eight-headed goblin shaman were directly penetrated by the nine arrows.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Camilla seemed to be transformed into a heavy machine gun, and dense arrows shot toward the goblin warriors like meteors.

Those goblin warriors charged toward this side frantically, but fell on the way to the charge one by one, turning into a corpse.

After a dozen breaths, the hundreds of goblin warriors had all turned into corpses and scattered on the ground.

A shock flashed in Arthur's eyes: "So strong! You deserve to be a legendary marksman! It really is incredible!"

A look of admiration flashed in Alisha's beautiful eyes: "Awesome, Sister Camilla, you are so amazing."

Camilla smiled and said, "My strength is far worse than Kahn."

Arthur looked at Shu Feng with some doubts: "He is stronger than Camilla?"

Camilla's strength has far surpassed Arthur's imagination. He could not imagine how strong Shu Feng's strength would be.

In the Kurros mountain range, there are monsters everywhere.

When Shu Feng and his party walked in the Nakulros Mountains, almost every distance they walked, they were attacked by various monsters.

As soon as those monsters appeared, they were easily killed by Camilla, Arthur, and Alyssa. The dismantling of the monsters was also handed over to them.

In the Kurros Mountains, above a big tree.

"Amanda! This adventurer team is very strong. That one of our family, even a legendary shooter. What should I do?"

A beautiful dark elf warrior reported to a tall, beautiful dark elf.

By Amanda's side, more than 30 beautiful dark elf warriors gathered. Those dark elf warriors all looked at her quietly, waiting for her orders.

A cold light flashed in Amanda's beautiful eyes: "The route they are currently walking is the pig head tribe. There is a legendary monster pig head emperor pig head. They used to seek their own death. Eva, Aina, you two do well Prepare. If they pass the Pighead tribe smoothly, they will find a way to lead the Double-headed Flying Dragon King and the Mountain Giant."


The two dark elf warriors responded, shaking their bodies and disappearing from where they were.

"Damn humans, the Kurros Mountains are not where you can set foot."

Amanda's eyes were cold, and finally fell on Camilla, gritted her teeth and said: "Damn, why are you following a human?"

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