God-level Base

Chapter 557: Behead

The moving speed of the five-eyed monster was terrifying, and it soon caught up with the fighters of the Liszt family.

The eyes of the five-eyed monster grumbled, and strange ripples spread, and the body of a soldier of the Liszt family was immediately removed and turned into a corpse.

"[Holy Mirror]!"

The Great Master Maida gritted his teeth and held a semi-divine artifact [Holy Mirror] to take a picture of the five-eyed monster.

A sacred light shot from the [Sacred Mirror], shining on the body of the five-eyed monster.

On the five-eyed monster with a height of three meters, countless pieces of flesh and blood fell off one after another, and the body was trembling constantly, bursts of strange and incomparable smoke appeared.

The four eyes of that weird five-eyed monster suddenly burst one by one.

A mysterious black ripple burst out at once.

That sacred light suddenly became extremely dim, and the [Sacred Mirror] split open and split into two.

"It really is a demigod monster!!"

The Grand Mage Maida's face changed drastically, holding a magic wand with a finger, and a sacred flame blasted directly towards the five-eyed monster.

The five-eyed monster suddenly violent, and the maggots on the body flew out like lightning, slamming on the sacred flame.

The maggots were directly vaporized in the sacred flame, turning into puffs of smoke and disappeared.

Amidst the countless weird smoke, the five-eyed monster suddenly disappeared, appearing very strangely behind the Great Master Mei Da, and grabbed one of the claws towards the heart of the Great Master Mei Da.

The magician robe on the body of the Great Master Maida flashed, and the accompanying teleportation technique had just been activated. Suddenly, it was disturbed by an incomparable force, and the magical light disappeared.

The claws of the five-eyed monster inserted into the heart of Grand Mage Mei Da, and squeezed it, squeezing the heart of Grand Mage Mei Da directly.

"The Great Master Maida is also dead!! This place is horrible!!"

A hint of chill surged in Ankalie's heart, and he found out a scroll of spatial teleportation magic.

It's just that the traces of spatial magic fluctuations that originally lingered on the scroll of spatial teleportation magic have disappeared, and they have obviously lost their effect.

This ancient golden city is an ancient horror city built by horror existences at the level of gods or even above in an unknown era. There are naturally countless prohibitions on space spells in it.

If it weren't for this, wouldn't the legendary masters who are proficient in the laws of space be able to easily come and go in the caves of these god-level powerhouses, what safety is there in this cave?

The five-eyed monster sucked vigorously, and the body of the Great Master Mei Da quickly shrivelled and turned into a corpse.

Pieces of incomparable black scales surfaced one by one on the five-eyed monster, and its breath became even more terrifying, making people desperate.

"I can't continue eating for you."

A hurricane blew, Shu Feng held the [Wind Sword] into the wind, and appeared in front of the five-eyed monster in an instant, slashing with his sword.

The half-god-level five-eyed monster's eyes flashed fiercely, and a claw struck Shu Feng's body, passing through his body.

"I'm here!"

A calm voice sounded behind the demigod five-eyed monster, and bursts of lightning fast flashing across the five-eyed monster.

In an instant, the five-eyed monster of the demigod rank broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

"This is Wu Ren! He's not dead? Is he a powerhouse of demigod rank?"

When Angali saw Shu Feng standing behind the five-eyed monster, his eyes flashed with incredible and fearful colors.

The powerhouse of the spiritual saint series is already at the apex of the blue star, and is an extremely rare big person. As for the horror existence of the demigod series, they have just appeared in the blue star. Only in the three major churches and the major churches among the blue stars can those terrifying monsters hide.

Suddenly, from the corpse of the demigod five-eyed monster, countless small black maggots flew out at once, turning into a black torrent and rushing directly towards Shu Feng.

"It's a pity, you can only become the nutrients for my evolution."

Shu Feng smiled slightly, a burst of magic light flashed in his body, and the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King flew out, carrying countless mutant golden silkworm gu, forming a gu cloud, fighting with those black magic maggots.

Two worm clouds were slaying madly in the void, and many mutant golden silkworm Gus were directly bitten through their heads and fell from the midair.

The Ten Thousand Demon Gu King took one bite at a time, devouring the black magic maggots one by one, and then began to evolve, and the aura became more and more terrifying.

At the back, the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King's wings shook, and dozens of black magic maggots were easily cut off by it, and then they were sucked into their mouths and directly digested.

It didn't take long for the dense black magic maggots to be directly swallowed by the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King.

The King of Ten Thousand Demon Gu is the king of Gu, and most restrains such monsters as insects. Of course, if you encounter a god-level insect demon king, the one who is restrained will become the ten thousand demon Gu king.

As soon as Shu Feng's gaze fell on Ankalie, he smiled and said, "Now it's your turn!"

"Master Wu Ren, I am the first heir to the Liszt chaebol. As long as you are willing to let us live, we are willing to work for you from now on."

Ankalie lowered his head and said respectfully. As the first heir to the Liszt chaebol, he can also bend and bend. He has to bow his head in the face of a spiritual sage, let alone a semi-god power above the spiritual sage.

Shu Feng said lightly: "Okay! I need you to find the way for me. Let's go!"

"Yes! Lord Wu Ren!"

Angali smiled bitterly. Before that, he had forced Shu Feng to find the way, but now it was the other way round, making him feel that things are impermanent.

The group of people came back to the wide square where the pool was like white jade.

"You guys go over!!"

Ankalie gave an order, and the three Liszt family fighters immediately walked cautiously towards the white jade-like holy pool.

Suddenly, dense black magic maggots flew out of the countless bones and rushed towards the three Liszt family soldiers.

A burst of magic light flashed slightly, and the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King flew out and rushed into the black magic maggots, the wings vibrated, and the black magic maggots were cut into countless pieces, swallowed frantically, and submerged in his body.

A mysterious magic pattern appeared behind the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King.

Those weird magic maggots are the weird maggots born by devouring the flesh and blood of god-level powerhouses. They are terrifying, and even a little careless, even semi-god-level powerhouses can swallow them. But as soon as he met the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King, he encountered Nemesis and became the prey for the evolution of the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King.

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