God-level Base

Chapter 549: Miracles and shock

"The broken legs have really grown out!!"

"That is a real miracle!!"

"This means that the God of Light Flame is a true God who really exists!!"


The tens of thousands of primitive Taoist believers present saw many amputation patients growing legs and hands, and a flash of shock flashed in their eyes. They all crawled on the ground and prayed devoutly.

Ji Yuanyuan sighed slightly: "From today onwards, the belief of the God of Light Flame in primitive Taoism is only going to exceed the belief of the primitive Taoist monarch."

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's normal, after all, the God of Light Flame is a true God!"

The original Daoist had never shown a miracle, but the God of Light Flame showed a miracle, causing many patients to be amputated and regenerated at one time. Mortals seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they are naturally more willing to believe in the true gods that are beneficial to them.

Shu Feng said: "But with your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to cultivate some devout believers."

Ji Yuanyuan smiled confidently. He is also an extremely powerful spiritual saint with a noble status. It is not difficult to get some people to believe in him.

"The appearance of the gods means that Blue Star will enter the age of mythology. Those gods who are dead but not stiff are expected to appear one by one. My current strength is still too weak."

Shu Feng looked at the God of Light Flame floating in the air, thoughtfully.

Shu Feng's various physical qualities have surpassed ordinary demigods, reaching the point of 10,000 points. It is a pity that it is totally different from the 50,000-point physical fitness of the God of Light Flame.

Shu Feng couldn't resist even a full blow from the God of Light Flame. If the God of Light Flame burns his divine power, the attack power that erupts will be even more terrifying.

Shu Feng's forces are all over the Blue Stars, and he also knows that the original Lord of the Republic of Brentania and the Lord of Light in the Republic of Garsen have been robbed of faith by the powerhouse suspected of being a demigod.

If there were no accidents, the two major sources of faith, the original Lord and the Lord of Light, would surely give birth to two terrifying powerhouses of the gods series. All this made Shu Feng feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

On Shengxue Mountain, a ten-meter holy gate slowly disappeared.

"Hahaha!! I, Zhu Yan, finally advanced to the Spiritual Saint!!"

An incomparable laughter came from Shengxue Mountain, and Zhu Yan was filled with the spiritual pressure of the Spiritual Sage series, and walked down from above the Shengxue Mountain triumphantly.

"Congratulations to the ancestors for stepping into the spiritual saint!"

Zhu Guangsheng commanded the powerhouses of the Zhu Family and shouted with excitement.

Zhu Yan is an advanced spiritual saint, which means that the Zhu Families' background has become more powerful. In addition, Zhu Yan can enter the Holy Palace in the future and become one of the saints of the Holy Palace.

Once Zhu Yan becomes one of the saints in the Holy Palace, the Zhu Families will have a greater right to speak in the Qianyuan Republic, and their power can expand again.

"Why didn't Shu Feng come?"

Zhu Yan looked around, but didn't find Shu Feng, and suddenly felt a little unhappy. Today is the great day of his advanced spirit saint, Shu Feng, the little guy who has been pressing on his head, has not arrived, making him a little unhappy.

Zhu Chenyu smiled and said: "Old ancestor, a summoned beast advanced deity under the command of your husband, he must guard it before he can come. If there is any rudeness, please bear with me."

"God!! Advanced god? I heard it right, right?"

Zhu Yan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes flashed with incredulity.

The gods are the culmination of the diligent evolution of all Blue Star's spiritual sages. Blue Star does not know how many talented spiritual sages stay in the world of Gulundo and Andosas for a lifetime in order to obtain the method of becoming a god.

Even so, Zhu Yan, who can advance to the gods, has never heard of it. It is incredible that Shu Feng's summoned beast can advance to the gods.


"Uncle's summoned beast is going to be an advanced god?"

"This, this is incredible!"


The eyes of the other powerhouses among the Zhu Families flashed an unbelievable look. Many Zhu Clan's beauties looked at Zhu Chenyu's eyes with jealousy and envy.

Zhu Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of jealousy and envy. She bit her silver teeth and said in her heart: "Damn it, why isn't I the one who became Shu Feng's wife?"

A touch of greed flashed in Zhu Ling's beautiful eyes: "It seems that you have to curry favor with Zhu Chenyu. If I have the opportunity, I can become Shu Feng's concubine. Maybe I can stay young forever and live forever!!"

"I had a really good vision at the beginning, and I picked Shu Feng at a glance. It's a pity that there are too few girls in our Zhu Family around him."

A look of regret flashed in Zhu Yan's eyes, and his eyes flicked past Zhu Xiaoxiao and other ladies of the Zhu Family. He intends to send a large number of Zhu Clan noble women to Shu Feng's side, so that Shu Feng is more inclined to Zhu Clan.

Zhu Chenyu Bingxue is smart. After she came to Shu Feng, she was more about safeguarding Shu Feng's interests. Only when it is beneficial to both Shu Feng and Zhu Clan can the cooperation between the two be promoted. Zhu Yan prefers those girls who put all their thoughts on Zhu Bu.

Zhu Yan said gently: "Shen Yu, you and Shu Feng will go home more in the future. We will always be your strongest backing."

Zhu Chenyu smiled faintly: "Yes! Patriarch!"

In an extremely secretive valley, next to the corpse of a troll clan Ethereal Duke, a few young people stood.

Liu Lang checked with a communicator and said with emotion: "Xiao Xue, that guy Shu Feng is too fierce!! One of his summoned beasts has advanced to the gods."

"God? How is this possible? Let me see!"

Chief Zhen Kai snatched the communicator in Liu Lang's hand and looked at it carefully for a while before he said: "That guy Shu Feng really made a god-level summoned beast."

"God-level summoned beast? That guy is really getting stronger and stronger, making it more and more difficult for people to chase."

Ding Xiaoxue's body was bathed in blood, her breath was a bit unstable, and she exuded a trace of Lingzun's power fluctuations, and said in distress. Her speed of progress has been astonishingly fast, and she has reached the realm of Spiritual Venerable, but compared with Shu Feng, it is like a snail crawling.

Zhen Kai suddenly rejoiced and said, "Tianji, that god-level summoned beast is called the God of Light Flame. It seems to be the mother of your original Taoist original Taoist monarch. They tampered with the doctrine so much, don't you, the original Taoist saint? Any thoughts?"

"Tampering is tampering. Isn't this normal? I'm not one of those fanatics!"

The saint of heaven said lightly, but there was an extremely hot flame in her beautiful eyes. She has always claimed to be the first genius of the Qianyuan Republic, and she doesn't put anyone in her eyes. At this moment, she has to admit that Shu Feng is even more talented and terrifying than her.

"Shu Feng, isn't it? One day, I will surpass you!"

The saint of heaven left a silent sentence in her heart and stood up and said: "Go, let's go to the next goal."

Zhen Kai murmured, got up and followed: "What a fighting freak!!"

Ding Xiaoxue and Liu Lang also followed behind the Saint of Heaven and continued to move forward. It was behind the Saint of Heaven that they became so strong.

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