God-level Base

Chapter 535: Yellow Spring Fantasy Butterfly

Zhang Xiachu sighed faintly: "Abolish my position? I, Zhang Xiachu, worked so hard to give all of my youth for the Qianyuan Republic, and I got this fate. It's really chilling!!"

"However, I was prepared for this situation a long time ago."

Zhang Xiachu smiled slightly and patted with both hands.

A young soldier standing quietly at the door stepped out, and instantly burst out a terrifying spiritual pressure of the spiritual sage series. Holding the [Huangquan Magic Butterfly] among the seven sacred guns, he pointed directly at Shu Feng and pulled the trigger. .

A yellow spring emerged in the void, countless yellow spring phantom butterflies flapped their wings to emerge, the yellow spring breath that could make the gods fall, exuding weird and unpredictable fluctuations.

Countless yellow spring phantom butterflies flapped their wings, forming a butterfly beam of light that blasted directly towards Shu Feng.

A premonition of the danger of death surged to Shu Feng's heart.

"Guardian companion!"

A trace of ripples flickered, and the middle-aged spirit saint holding the [Dragon Shield] suddenly appeared in front of Shu Feng, and with a roar, a phantom of the magic dragon emerged, forming an extremely powerful barrier guardian.

The butterfly beam formed by the countless yellow spring phantom butterflies hit the guardian enchantment with one blow, and the magic dragon phantom collapsed and shattered in an instant.

The semi-divine artifact [Dragon Shield] suddenly had a strange crack.

The middle-aged spirit saint was pale, his spirit was wounded, and he fell to the ground, dying.

A heavily armed soldier burst in one after another, holding a spirit gun and shooting frantically at the members of Congress.



"Zhang Xiachu, are you crazy?"


There were bursts of screams in the Congress, and a congressman was shot and killed directly. The congressmen are all spokespersons of major families, all of them are human spirits, but they are not all psychics. Facing the attack of those soldiers, he suffered heavy casualties.

"Want to kill us!! Zhang Xiachu, you are really vicious!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he instantly put on the [Kay of the Dragon Dragon], flipped [Wind Sword] with his hand, and slammed it down with a sword.

A terrifying windblade storm shot out from all directions, frantically slashing towards the young man holding the [Yellow Spring Fantasy Butterfly].

"Go to hell!! The running dog of the Luo family!!"

A hideous flicker flashed in the young man's eyes, a mouthful of blood spewed out, frantically urging his spiritual power, and pulling the trigger again.

In an instant, a yellow spring emerged in the void, and countless yellow spring phantom butterflies flapped their wings to emerge, and the yellow spring phantom butterflies flapped their wings one by one, turning into a pillar of butterflies toward Shu Feng.

Where the Huangquan Fantasy Butterfly passed, all the storms subsided, and the butterfly pillar rushed towards Shu Feng frantically.

A ray of ripples shone, and a dragon hound emerged, rushing directly towards the butterfly pillar formed by the yellow spring fantasy butterfly.

As soon as the dragon hounds pounced on the butterfly pillar, they immediately lost their breath of life.

The Huangquan Phantom Butterflies easily passed through the dragon hounds and pounced directly towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand, the [Dragon Shield] flew into his hand, frantically urging spiritual power, and a magic dragon enchantment emerged again.

The beam of light formed by the Huangquan phantom butterfly fluttered towards the magic dragon enchantment.

The magic dragon enchantment collapsed, the [Dragon Shield] in Shu Feng's hand split open, and a mysterious force instantly enveloped his body.

In that base space, the nine-headed dragon hound instantly lost its breath, which meant that Shu Feng should have been killed nine times.

"This is the power of the Seven Great Spears [Huangquan Magic Butterfly]!! It's terrifying!! No wonder it's so scary. This is the Holy Spear that can kill the gods!"

In the space of that base, the nine-headed dragon hound fell, and Shu Feng still felt a splitting headache, unable to concentrate, and a trace of turbulent waves could not help but grow in his heart.

It should be known that Shu Feng's physical fitness at this time is more than ten times that of ordinary human spirit sages, spiritual power and holy soul are also many times better than ordinary spirit sages, and he still possesses divine nature.

Shu Feng can even fight ordinary demigods in the erosion world. Even so, Shu Feng was still hit hard by the [Huangquan Magic Butterfly], and the power of the [Huangquan Magic Butterfly] was simply terrifying.

At this moment, the blood line all over the sky suddenly appeared from behind the [Huangquan Fantasy Butterfly] spirit saint, stabs towards the spirit saint frantically.

"not good!!"

The face of the young Spirit Saint changed drastically, using profound footwork, flying towards the rear like a ghost.

"Your opponent is me!!"

A trace of ripples shone, and a body covered with armor, a spiritual saint like an angry lion suddenly appeared, holding a huge shield in front of the blood line, and let out a roar.

"Go away!!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Su Mi's beautiful eyes, who had turned into a glamorous girl, and kicked the spiritual saint who was like an angry lion, and kicked the spiritual saint away.

Countless blood lines pierced towards the spirit saint covered with steel armor as if they had life.

"Guardian Shield!"

The Great Spirit Saint's Great Shield blocked a roar, activated a powerful skill, and opened a powerful defensive enchantment all over his body.

The blood line in the sky pierced the defensive enchantment at once, and was immediately bounced away.

"Go to hell!!"

A flash of blood flashed, Su Mi appeared in front of the spiritual saint holding the [Yellow Spring Fantasy Butterfly] almost instantly, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a hand knife penetrated the heart of the young spiritual saint like lightning. .

A burst of weird smoke emerged, and a red double paper man appeared in Su Mi's jade hand. The red double paper man cracked open and turned into fragments scattered around.

The spiritual saint holding the [Yellow Spring Fantasy Butterfly] suddenly appeared dozens of meters away, with a look of horror.

At this moment, two blood lines pierced through the head of the spiritual saint like lightning.

"No!! Our Wenjia hasn't been revived yet, I can't die here!! [Huangquan Magic Butterfly] Borrow my power!!"

The spiritual saint let out a terrible roar.

Two mysterious and unpredictable Huangquan Fantasy Butterfly flew out of the [Huangquan Fantasy Butterfly] gun body, and rushed towards the two blood lines.

The two blood lines immediately collapsed.

"The gun is a good gun, but you are too weak!"

A hurricane blew by, and Shu Feng appeared in front of the spiritual saint, slashing [Wind Sword].

An extremely terrifying hurricane sword light flashed, and the limbs of that spiritual saint was immediately severed.

That 【Huangquan Magic Butterfly】 also fell directly to the ground.

Shu Feng grabbed the spiritual sage and threw it directly into the soldier's composite nest for transformation, and picked up the [Yellow Spring Fantasy Butterfly] among the Blue Star's Seven Holy Spears.

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