God-level Base

Chapter 532: Suppress the Night Shrine

As soon as the black claw emerged, it immediately began to draw the heaven and earth aura, shrouding a hundred meters in a circle in a layer of darkness.

For a moment, Shu Feng seemed to be shrouded in endless darkness, completely deprived of vision.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the second elder, and he took out a famous spear [Star Tooth] and pointed it at Shu Feng.

A strip of star patterns appeared on the [Star Tooth], and the power of the surrounding stars was madly drawn, and submerged in the [Star Tooth], turning into a beam of stars and blasted towards Shu Feng.

In addition to the Void Demon Realm, among the four most powerful worlds currently known to Blue Star, among the powerhouses of the same rank, the single-piece destructive power of the Spirit Spear is the strongest. That [Famous Spear] Star Fang's blow can even destroy the defense of ordinary demigod-level powerhouses.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the palace lord of the Night God Palace, and his body was blurred, and disappeared instantly.

"Disappeared! It was able to disappear from my spiritual sense, this must be a top-notch semi-artifact with a hidden breath!!"

As soon as the Palace Master of the Night God Palace disappeared from Shu Feng's spiritual sense, he was shocked.

Shu Feng's spiritual power is as high as 9,700 points, and his spiritual power is as high as 120 points. His spiritual sense is also surprisingly strong. If you don't use the secret method to explore, even the spiritual sense of Ling Shengwu Zhongchao is not as strong as him.

Under Shu Feng's terrifying spiritual sense, almost few assassins could hide his spiritual sense. The Palace Master of the Night God Palace was able to hide Shu Feng's spiritual sense, which was simply terrifying.

"[Kay of Jiaolong]!"

Shu Feng waved his hand, and his body was covered with a set of black armor engraved with the dragon pattern, which was a semi-divine weapon [Kay of the Dragon].

"Wind Blade Flurry!"

Shu Feng frantically urged his spiritual power, his divine nature broke out, and he waved the semi-divine weapon [Wind Sword] in his hand.

In an instant, Shu Feng seemed to have suddenly become the center of the storm, and countless terrifying wind blades centered on him, slashing madly in all directions.

In that terrifying wind blade storm, the darkness was blown away.

Countless wind blades slashed on that devil's claw, slashing that devil's claw so that it was trembling and difficult to blow down.

The star beam pierced through the wind blades and blasted on Shu Feng's body and immediately crashed directly without leaving a single white spot.

The power of that half-divine artifact [Wind Sword] in Shu Feng's hands far surpassed Wei Changsheng, that's because Shu Feng's spiritual power far surpassed Wei Changsheng.

Under the slashing of the countless wind blades, a very secret place set off a slight ripple, blocking all those wind blades.

"Got you!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, he used the supreme magic step, merged into the wind, appeared in that area at once, and turned into a big sun with a punch, and the divine eruption blasted directly toward the void.

"Damn it! Whirlpool Palm!"

The Palace Master of the Night God Palace suddenly appeared in the void, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and layers of spiritual power vortexes appeared in his hands, blocking him.

Shu Feng fisted, and layers of spiritual power vortex burst one by one.

That terrifying round of scorching sun blasted the Lord of the Night God Palace with a single blow, piercing through the body protection spiritual membrane of the Palace Lord of the Night God Palace, and blasted the Palace Lord of the Night God Palace directly into the earth from mid-air, and sprayed out. With a **** arrow, I don't know how many bones were broken.

A hurricane blew, Shu Feng suddenly appeared in front of the Lord of the Night God Palace, stepped on the back of the Lord of the Night God Palace, and directly pierced through the back of the Lord of the Night God Palace.

A sliver of ripples flashed, and that night the Lord of the Jingong Palace was immediately suppressed by the fighters who had been admitted to the base space by Shu Feng in the composite nest.

"Palace Master!"

The Great Elder of the Night God Palace screamed, his figure shook, and he fled madly towards the rear.

The second elder of Yeshen Palace also jumped and fled towards the distance.

"You can't escape!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, waved the [Wind Sword] in his hand, and a terrifying wind blade storm immediately slashed towards the second elder of the Night God Palace.

The second elder of the Night God Palace urged his spiritual power, struggling frantically, still being slashed by the countless wind blades, his limbs being cut off and falling to the ground.

A sword severely hit the second elder of the night god, and Shu Feng once again wielded the [Wind Sword] a terrifying wind blade storm reappeared, frantically beheading the elder of the night god.

"Break it for me!"

The Great Elder of the Night Gods Palace screamed and mobilized his spiritual power. He grabbed the half-artifact series of magic claws in his hand, and bursts of incomparably twisted magic light shone, crushing the blasting wind blade with one claw.

"The semi-artifact is good, but you are too weak!"

A dull voice sounded, and Shu Feng appeared behind the Great Elder of the Night God Palace like a mystery, a sword penetrated the abdomen of the Great Elder of the Night God Palace, bursts of terrifying wind blades sprayed out, and the Great Elder of the Night God Palace Through the abdomen, a big hole was blasted out.

A sword hit the Great Elder of the Night God Palace, and Shu Feng threw it away, throwing the Great Elder of the Night God Palace into the warrior composite nest.

Blue Star is Shu Feng's lair, with relatives and friends he valued, he also needs many powerful allies to guard him.

All the powerhouses of the Spirit Saint rank are on the top of the Blue Star. They hold a semi-sacred weapon and join hands, and they can even fight against the powerhouses of the demigod rank.

Shu Feng's five fingers, a burst of colorful light burst into the sky.

Shu Feng's subordinates, who had already been on standby under Bitao Mountain, immediately killed Bitao Mountain.

Under the leadership of the beast of steel, countless dragon hounds slaughtered the elites of the Night God Palace one after another.

Shu Feng urged his spiritual power, and said loudly: "The Lord of the Night God Palace has surrendered, and the survivors of the Night God Palace will not kill!"

Yeshen Palace is also a powerful force that is extremely hidden in the Qianyuan Republic. In the Night God Palace, there are also masters like clouds, and there is no shortage of spiritual masters and spiritual masters.

Afterimages flashed faintly, and those strong men above the Spirit Sect of the Night God Palace fled in all directions.

"A bunch of idiots!"

A sneer flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and with a wave of the [Wind Sword] in his hand, a series of terrifying wind blade storms slashed in all directions.

Where the wind blade storm passed, the powerhouses of the Night God Palace were cut off their limbs and fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

If it weren't for Shu Feng to recruit more subordinates, the powerhouses of the Night God Palace had been easily annihilated by him.

"The semi-sacred tool is really easy to use, no wonder so many people are fighting for it."

Shu Feng looked at the [Wind Sword] in his hand, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of satisfaction.

If this battle did not have the [Wind Sword] and [Fight Dragon's Kai], Shu Feng would also be able to defeat the four spiritual saints of the Night God Palace, but it would not be that simple and easy, and would suffer a little injury.

Soon, the night **** palace was directly suppressed by Shu Feng, his figure flickered, and he came to the depths of the night **** palace, where the sacred tree was located.

The sacred tree possessed by the Night God Palace was a one hundred meters high, with mysterious purple-gold patterns on the whole body, exuding a kind of mysterious and unpredictable fluctuations.

Shu Feng waved his hand and summoned the white jade sacred tree.

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