God-level Base

Chapter 515: Stunning fiancee

"The executive president of Leiyun Province is Jiang Shengguang! His car is in Leijiang City! This shows that he has an 80% chance of offending the Shu valve master in Leijiang City!"

"The guy who dared to pretend to be a spiritual saint in Qianyuan Republic is definitely seeking his own way. The saints will not let him go.

"I can't bet! I must actively help myself!"

A strange light flashed in Zhao Nantian's eyes, and he made a call directly.

Inside the Xinyuan Hotel.

As soon as Jiang Shengguang's phone rang, he immediately picked up the phone and said flatly, "Chairman, this is Jiang Shengguang!"

Jiang Shengguang not only has some abilities, but he also knows how to flatter the upper class, so he can climb to the position of the executive president of Leiyun Province at such a young age.

Zhao Nantian’s cold voice came from that call: "Jiang Shengguang, this is Zhao Nantian. You have been fired, and you won’t have to go to work tomorrow."

After a sentence, Zhao Nantian hung up the phone directly.

Jiang Shengguang grasped the phone in his hand blankly, his eyes flashed with pain and despair. It took him nearly two decades to climb to the position of executive president of Leiyun Province of Longsheng Group.

Without the position of CEO of Thunder Cloud Province, Jiang Shengguang was nothing.

"This young master, I was wrong! Please, please, forgive me once, just let me as a fart! Please, forgive me this time. Don't let Longsheng Group fire me!! I kneel down for you!"

Jiang Shengguang looked miserable, knelt on the ground with a puff, stubbornly knocked his head towards Shu Feng, and cried loudly.

"It turns out that Shu Feng is so energetic!! A big loss!!"

Wei Jiaxin looked at the person sitting quietly, like Shu Feng dominating the world, a look of regret flashed in her beautiful eyes. Compared with Shu Feng, Jiang Shengguang is like Caoji and Phoenix. The two sides are totally different from each other. And that grass chicken is the boyfriend she personally admitted just now.

"Afeng, sorry, I'm late!!"

At this moment, Zhu Chenyu, who was wearing a white dress with crystal clear skin like jade, was extremely beautiful, and seemed to radiate a layer of light, and walked into the hotel with a smile.

"so beautiful!"

Wei Jiaxin looked at Zhu Chenyu, with a trace of jealousy in her beautiful eyes. She can be regarded as an extremely outstanding beauty, but compared with Zhu Chenyu, like a grass chicken and a phoenix, there is no comparison at all.

Shu Feng smiled and greeted him with a voice transmission: "Shen Yu, you appeared in time."

Zhu Chenyu said with a smile: "I've been here long ago, but I don't want to disturb someone's blind date."

Li Xuan thought over and over again, and passed the news to Zhu Chenyu who was practicing in retreat through a special method. Zhu Chenyu, who was planning to retreat and break through without saying anything, gave up the breakthrough and rushed to Leijiang City directly.

Zhu Chenyu also knows that Shu Feng has many confidantes. She took the initiative to come to Leijiang City to meet Shu Feng's parents and determine her position in the palace.

Shu Feng said: "Mom, let me introduce you, this one is my fiancee Zhu Chenyu."

"Fiancee, do you really have a fiancee? And she's so pretty!!"

Wang Juan looked at Zhu Chenyu, stunned, her eyes flashing with incredulity.

Zhu Chenyu is extremely beautiful and has an extremely noble temperament. At first glance, she knows that she is a pampered, well-educated eldest lady with an extraordinary background.

Wang Juan's family was still ordinary citizens a few years ago, and she never thought that her son could have such a beautiful and elegant fiancee.

Zhu Chenyu smiled and said: "Hello, auntie, I am Zhu Chenyu, A Feng's fiancée."

Wang Juan smiled from ear to ear and said: "Good! Good! Good!"

"Mom, let's go!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and walked outside with Wang Juan.

"Damn!!! Damn!!! You all damn!!!"

At this moment, a black breath that was invisible to the naked eye of a mortal plunged into Zhu Guangsheng's body. A ferocious color flashed in his eyes, and his whole body swelled, turning into a three-meter tall, blue-faced fangs, a ferocious monster with a ferocious face. .


"There are monsters!!"


There were bursts of exclamations in the restaurant. The guests who were dining saw Zhu Guangsheng who had suddenly changed into a monster, and immediately screamed in panic and fled around.

"Monster! Is this monster my boyfriend?"

When Wei Jiaxin saw Zhu Guangsheng who had turned into a monster, he felt a burst of nausea and was frightened to the ground.

Shu Feng frowned slightly: "Demonization? It seems that the invasion of the Void Demon Realm has too much influence on Blue Star!"

Prior to this, Zhu Guangsheng was definitely an ordinary person, otherwise it would be impossible to hide Shu Feng's spiritual sense. His sudden change was obviously polluted by the imaginary aura in the air.

This kind of abrupt demonization rarely appeared before the virtual magic battlefield was embedded in Blue Star. It only appears above various imaginary rituals.

Now that Zhu Guangsheng was demonized, it was obvious that the influence of the imaginary world on Blue Star had begun to emerge. During this time, many demonized humans are destined to appear.

After a period of adaptation, those demonized humans will gradually decrease.

"Go to hell!!"

A hideous color flashed in Zhu Guangsheng's eyes, and he suddenly violently rushed towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng looked at Zhu Guangsheng, a sneer flashed in his eyes, motionless.


In the dining room, a tall, blond, blue-eyed, beautiful woman with no loss in appearance and temperament in the dining room with Wei Jiaxin pulled out a Tier 4 spirit gun, blasted Zhu Guangsheng’s head with a shot, and blasted Zhu Guangsheng’s head. broken.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The blonde and blue-eyed beauty swiftly came to Shu Feng's body and bowed, respectfully.

Shu Feng said: "Clean up here!"

"Yes! Lord!"

The blond beauty answered and waved.

More than a dozen bodyguards wearing black suits and big sunglasses immediately poured out from one place one by one very skillfully to clean up the corpses.

"This brat, it seems to have a lot of secrets!"

Wang Juan was not a fool either, she took a deep look at Shu Feng, but didn't say a word. Such a beautiful and outstanding future daughter-in-law is nearby, can she show her timidity.

"The end of the catastrophe is approaching, and the world will be destroyed. Only by believing in the God of Flame can you get salvation!!"

As soon as Shu Feng left the Xinyuan Hotel, he saw a crowded place not far from the hotel. Several middle-aged women were holding leaflets and enthusiastically stuffing them into the hands of other passers-by. Shouting slogans.

Shu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Lisa!"


The blond, blue-eyed, and **** big beauty immediately stepped forward and respectfully said.

This big beauty named Lisa is a master of the spiritual realm, and a strong one who was surrendered by Su Mi. But Shu Feng is also the owner of Lisa.

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