God-level Base

Chapter 507: Advanced Spirit Saint

Grand Duke Alva's speed was reaching the extreme, facing the flood of light and rain, he did not mean to dodge at all, and flew towards Su Mi on the top of the mountain under the bombardment of countless light and rain.

The countless rain of light blasted on Grand Duke Alva's body and was easily blocked by his body guard virtual demon membrane, causing a trace of ripples.

The attacks of those spirit spear beasts can only consume some of the power of the imaginary magic of the Grand Duke Alva, unless he is so stupid that he stands still on the spot, he may be blasted to pieces by the countless spirit spear beasts. Otherwise, only the monsters of the rank of the famous Spear Beast Phantom Dragon can destroy his defense with one blow.

Almost in an instant, Grand Duke Alva appeared in front of Su Mi.

A cold light flashed in Su Mi's beautiful eyes, her divine nature burst out, and her jade hand waved, **** lines in the sky rushed towards the Grand Duke Alva crazily like red streamers.

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Grand Duke Alva, claws blasted out, and the claws containing the power of the terrifying virtual demon tore through the void, smashing the **** lines one by one.

Before counting the claws, Grand Duke Alva smashed the **** line directly, one claw blasted directly towards Su Mi's heart.


The spear beast Huanlong fired a shot directly, and a terrifying light beam blasted directly towards the Grand Duke Alva.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Grand Duke Alva, one claw exploded, and the light emitted by the spear beast Huanlong exploded with one claw.

"Go to hell, ants!"

Grand Duke Alva blasted out a claw, and a black claw light blasted directly on the body of the famous spear beast Huanlong like a meteor, blasting the famous spear beast Huanlong directly into meat sauce.

Taking advantage of the moment the famous spear beast Phantom Dragon was blasted into meat sauce, Su Mi's figure retreated violently, and she withdrew from a hundred meters away. With her ten fingers flicking, countless blood lines were directed towards Alva from unbelievable angles. The Grand Duke blasted directly.

Grand Duke Alva shook his claws at will, and the black claws shattered the countless blood lines, and the whole person flew towards the direction of the cave.

It was Grand Duke Alva's mission to kill Shu Feng, the No. 1 genius on the hunting list of False Demon. He used the one-time artifact like King Moen, and exposed countless chess pieces. If he could not kill Shu Feng, he would be severely punished when he returned.

"I found you, Shu Feng!!"

As soon as the Grand Duke Alva entered the cave, he saw Shu Feng with his eyes closed in the cave, smiled grimly, and slammed his claws out, mixed with terrifying demonic energy, and slammed down at Shu Feng fiercely.

Shu Feng opened his eyes at once, flashing incomparably bright light, spurring the supreme monster, his right hand turned into a black scaly demon claw and slammed on the claws of the Grand Duke Alva. .

Boom! !

The two powerful forces collided at once, and the terrifying shock wave of demonic energy spread in all directions.

In that cave, each rune shone, resisting the terrifying shock wave of demonic energy.

Grand Duke Alva was flew out of the cave by that terrifying force.

"What kind of secret is that? Isn't Shu Feng's proficient Lingwu study not the sun and moon sacred canon? How could it be such a terrifying magic?"

The Grand Duke Alva's right arm was shocked, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. He is a powerhouse of a demigod rank, condensing a demigod, and after igniting the divine fire, his physical fitness has increased to a terrifying level.

Even in this world, Grand Duke Alva was suppressed fiercely, the power of more than four thousand plus the power of his demigod series of terrifying virtual demons was enough to crush countless powerful people.

"This is the benefit of breaking through the spiritual saint in this world!! It's so wonderful!"

When Shu Feng thought, countless data emerged.

"Shu Feng!"

"Skill: Upper Legendary Blood Deed..."

"The fifteenth level of the Sun and Moon Sacred Code, the seventy refining of the Hundred Steel Body, the ninth level of the Illusory God and the Mind Thought, the seventeenth level of the Ten Thousand Gu Magic Technique, and the tenth level of the Supreme Demon!

"Strength 7300 (+700), Dexterity 7100 (+700), Defense 7000 (+700), Constitution 7100 (+700), Intelligence 7200 (+700), Spirit 7500 (+700), Magic Power 2.5 billion (+20 Billion), 20 billion profound energy (+10 billion), and the power of the badge 1.32 million."

"Charm 4800 (+500), spiritual power 2.5 billion (+2 billion), holy soul 82 (+30) units."

After Shu Feng advanced to the Spirit Sage, all his skills had been upgraded to the upper legendary level, reaching the limit of the skill seed, and could no longer be improved.

If you want to advance various skills to become god-level skills, you can only go to the world of Andosas. Of course, in addition to this, Shu Feng can also use a large number of sources to advance that skill to the magical skill. But in that case, the source of energy consumed by Shufeng is simply unbearable.

"The spirit power has increased by 30 points in one breath, and I can feel that there is still room for my spirit power to increase. That's how it turns out, it's no wonder that the Sijue Ling Sage Martial Tide will advance to the Spirit Sage in different worlds, just to improve Your own soul power raises the upper limit of your own evolution."

Shu Feng had all thought and understood why Wu Zhongchao would advance to the Spirit Sage in different worlds. One of the most important reasons was to improve his soul power and break the limit of his evolution. After all, human beings are inherently weak and small races, which are simply incomparable with many powerful races in the Void Demon Realm.

In the Void Demon Realm, some races are god-level powerhouses when they are born, and the talents of those races can be imagined.

The Grand Duke Alva flashed a fierce light in his eyes, his eyes were red, and his body swelled up suddenly, turning into a monster with a body length of four meters, hair standing upright, a wolf-headed human body, and a magic horn on its head.

This is the desperate secret method of the wolf demon transformation mastered by the werewolf demon clan. Once the wolf demon transformation is triggered, the physical fitness of those werewolf demon powerhouses will multiply, and they can burst out terrifying power.

Once the wolf demon change is triggered, which lasts for at most an hour, the Grand Duke Alva will run out of power and die.

"Go to hell!!"

There was a fierce light flashing in the eyes of the Grand Duke Alva, the demigod light shining, and a terrifying power burst out at once, a roar, like a lightning, driving the terrifying devilish energy, and a punch to Shu Feng.

"Only you are not enough!"

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, profound energy boiling, urging the supreme monster, and instantly transformed into a terrifying ancient monster with a body of eight meters, with two pairs of meat wings, a long tail, and sharp barbs. .

"Cloud Demon Hand!!"

Shu Feng urged the mood of the cloud, the divine nature exploded, the six basic physical fitness seeds in his body madly absorbed spiritual power, and the light shone, causing him to explode, and slapped him fiercely.

Many magic clouds emerged, and a horror clutch containing the cloud's artistic conception instantly blasted on the magic fist of the Grand Duke Alva.

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