God-level Base

Chapter 491: Surrender the Northern Desert King Court

"The Lord is absurd! From today onwards, there will be no more perfect arrow skills, only an ordinary arrow servant under your seat, Your Majesty."

Wanyan Youshu smiled bitterly, knelt down on one knee very refreshingly and boldly, raised the bow in his hand high, and offered it to Shu Feng.

This is the process of Wanyan Youshu's loyalty to its master. Once loyalty is offered, Wanyan Youshu will follow the master for life and never betray.

The Great Khan of the Northern Desert King Court is also a generation of Ming masters, who want to subdue Yan Youshu. It is a pity that his strength is too weak, Wanyan Youshu is willing to take refuge, and he can't accept it.

One of the prerequisites for letting the powerful of the Wanyan Youshu clan recognize the master is to defeat them head-on.

Shu Feng reached out and took the bow of Wanyan Youshu, and then gave it back to Wanyan Youshu. His arrow skills are average, even if he has a good bow with a semi-artifact series, it doesn't have much effect in his hands.

"Thank you Lord for the bow!"

Wanyan Youshu took the bow and arrow and stood quietly behind Shu Feng.

"Wan Yan You Shu has also surrendered!"

A shadow flashed in the eyes of the Northern Desert King’s Khan, and with a gritted teeth, the commander came out from the Northern Desert King’s Court and came to Shu Feng respectfully and said: "The Northern Desert King’s Khan has seen His Majesty Gu Emperor!"

Shu Feng said indifferently: "The Northern Desert Royal Court sweats, I am here to inform you. From today onwards, the Northern Desert Royal Court will be part of my Gale Empire. You can abdicate! Hand over your power and power. Resources, I can spare your clan."

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of countless strong men behind Beimo Wangting profusely flashed anger, staring at Han Feng fiercely, gritted their teeth, but did not dare to say a word.

"Han Feng, our ancestors defeated the Royal Court of the North Desert with one shot and one shot. Why do you want to take the Royal Court of the North Desert from our hands? What is the difference between you and the Void?"

A heavy beard and hair of the Northern Desert King's court, with all white hair and beard, glared at Shu Feng, and shouted sharply.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, a yin and yang qi finger light blasted out like a poisonous scorpion, blasting on the heavy minister of the Northern Desert King's Court, directly strangling, directly blasting the heavy servant of the Northern Desert King's Court into pieces.

"The winner is the king, the loser is the invader! This is the law of the Northern Desert King Court, and it is also the truth in the world. Your Northern Desert King Court was just a small tribe on the Northern Desert Prairie in the past."

"When you rose on the North Desert Prairie, how many people were killed, you can't count it yourself?"

"In the past few years, you have fought the Great Song Empire. How many people have died? I don't need to say any more."

"I just want to say, those who obey me prosper, and those who rebel against me perish! If you don't surrender, then all die!"

With his hands on his back, Shu Feng looked down at the great minister of the Northern Desert King's Court, and his body was filled with terrifying devilish energy. The eight-meter-high, hideous face and two pairs of flesh-winged ancient demon phantoms suddenly appeared, as if A King of Void Demon generally overlooks the warriors of the Northern Desert King Court below.

Among the three empires of the Xuanwu Realm, the Royal Court of Beimo has the most extensive area and extremely rich population resources. Once the Northern Desert King Court falls into Shu Feng's grasp, he can obtain massive resources.

In addition, the huge population of the Northern Desert King Court can also enhance the power of Shufeng King's power skills.

As soon as the Northern Desert King Court fell into Shu Feng's hands, his combat power in the basalt realm could increase dramatically, making him safer.

The royal court of the Northern Moss bent over and bowed respectfully and said: "Your Majesty Gu, I am willing to give you the throne. Lead our family and exit the Northern Desert prairie."

The masters of the Northern Desert King's Court were silent one by one.

On the northern desert prairie, the strong is respected. The law of the King of the Northern Desert is the law of the King of the Northern Desert. Shu Feng has the largest fist and the strongest strength. It is also normal for the Royal Court of the Northern Desert to succumb to sweat.


Shu Feng faintly replied, and took back the ancient demon phantom that exuded a frightening atmosphere.

Sect Master Wanxuan Demon Sect waved his hand, and a loud arrow went straight into the sky.

Three thousand horses galloped into the Northern Desert Royal Court, quickly occupied the Northern Desert Royal Palace, and controlled the entire Northern Desert Royal Court.

Ten days later, the Great Khan of the Northern Desert King officially announced that he would cede the throne to Gu Emperor Han Feng.

That news immediately caused a big wave of exaggeration in the North Desert prairie.

On the northern desert prairie, many large and small tribes announced their separation from the northern desert royal court, and they were unwilling to recognize the rule of the Gale Empire, setting off countless large and small rebellions.

Shu Feng sent his subordinate masters and elite fighters of the Gale Empire to begin to put down the rebellion on the northern desert prairie, and directly slaughtered the rebellious tribes one by one.

Among the rebellious tribes, there are countless masters of the Void Demon Race. As soon as those Void Masters appear, they are directly suppressed by the arrow **** Wanyan Youshu and the Taiyin Saint Body Xiaocheng Xiaozhu.

After Shu Feng handed over the suppression of the rebellion to his subordinates and apprentices such as Sect Master Thousand Gu Demon Sect, Xiao Zhu, Wanyan Youshu, Nangong Yuan, etc., he searched for the treasures of the Northern Desert King's court that contained energy, and searched them all at once. To 18 million source energy.

Xuanling City, the capital of the Song Empire.

A burst of golden gu cloud flew up, and Shu Feng stood on the golden gu cloud with his hands on his back. Behind him was an old servant who was the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Profound Demon Sect.

Sect Master Wanxuan Demon Sect raised his voice: "His Majesty Gu Emperor Han Feng is here, Emperor Song Dynasty will come out to see you!"

"Gu Emperor Han Feng!!"

"He's coming!! Could he also attack the Song Empire?"

"Does he want to annex the Great Song Empire? Isn't he afraid of Wei Tuxian?"


The entire Profound Spirit City was shocked, and the shocked eyes focused on Shu Feng's body.

The Song Empire is the mother country of Wei Tuxian, and Wei Tuxian once promised that as long as the Song Empire is not corrupted to an incurable level, he will protect the Song Empire and prevent other powerful people from invading it.

The former No. 2 Sword Sage of the Sun and the No. 4 Thousand Profound Demon Ancestor in the world did not dare to easily set foot in Xuanling City, the capital of the Song Empire. But today, Han Feng, the second Gu Emperor of the day, descended into the Song Empire, which naturally attracted people's attention.

The Great Khan of the Northern Desert King Court has announced the renunciation, and the entire Northern Desert Prairie is theoretically Shufeng. If the Song Empire falls into Shu Feng's hands again, he will be the first strong man to unify the Xuanwu world after ancient times.

"The Emperor Song Empire has seen His Majesty Gu Emperor!"

A middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe and elegant temperament commanded the officials walking out of the palace, looking up at Han Feng in the sky, his heart was full of complicated and respectful ways.

Although the Emperor Song of this generation was not a master, he was also a master with good ability. Seeing that such a young Shu Feng force overwhelmed the Great Zhou Moguo and the Northern Desert King Court, the Gale Empire created by it became the largest empire in the basalt world, which naturally made him very complicated.

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