God-level Base

Chapter 481: Hit hard

"I can maintain this strength before I consume 20% of my phantom power! And how long can you maintain your current combat power? One hundred moves, or five hundred moves?"

"Surrender to me! As long as you surrender to me, I can give you a golden source fruit!!" King Garrie looked at Shu Feng and smiled faintly.

Both Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian frowned at the same time.

Whether it is Shu Feng's divine explosion or Wei Tuxian's secret technique for rejuvenating the old and rejuvenating, it is difficult to last, and the consumption is extremely terrifying. Fighting consumption, simply can't compare to King Galie, King of Void Demon.

In that full battle, Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian's consumption of profound energy was extremely terrifying. In such a state, they really cannot last.

Even though the heart of the world of the basalt world has been trying its best to suppress the king, but after all, the world of basalt has been eroded by the imaginary world for a hundred years, and the heart of the world has been partially polluted by the imaginary world, and it can no longer perfectly suppress the king of the imaginary .

Wei Tuxian said coldly: "It's impossible to let me surrender to you!"

Shu Feng smiled lightly: "King Galie, let me surrender to you, you are not qualified!"

"Oh? It's a pity, then you all go to death!"

A fierce light flashed in King Gallie's eyes, urging his magic fist, driving the vitality of the world, and blasting towards Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian.

Shu Feng waved his hand, the sky full of Crystal Gu Zi flew out, turned into a crystal Gu cloud, and rushed directly.

King Garrie blasted the crystal gu cloud with a fist, and blasted the crystal gu cloud directly away.

"Here again? Soul Destruction!"

King Garrett frowned slightly, and his pupils showed a circle of mysterious and unpredictable, which contained the imprint of endless murderous intent.

A soul-killing death light blasted towards the crystal Gu in the sky, and the countless crystal Gus were swept away by the soul-killing death light, falling like raindrops.

The immortal Wei Tu had a ghost, appeared behind King Gallie, a celestial blast on King Gallie's body, blasting a big hole in King Gallie's body.

"King Gale, go to death!!"

Shu Feng's figure shook, driving the terrifying devilish energy, and blasted out with a punch, and the devil clouds emerged from the sky, like the fist of the demon god, blasting towards King Gallie.

"You dare to fight me close! Han Feng, you are looking for death!"

A fierce light flashed in King Garrett's eyes, and he stepped out in one step, appearing in front of Shu Feng's chest like a teleport. With a wave of his hand, he directly dug out Shu Feng's heart with his right hand, and squeezed it with one claw.


Within the space of the base, a dragon hound's heart shattered and torn apart.

"Caught you, King Gale!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he patted with both hands, as if swatting a fly, he patted directly towards King Gallie.

King Garrett shook his body, and magic clouds appeared around him, entwining him one by one, entwining him directly. As soon as he struggled, his devilish energy exploded, and he soon shattered the devil clouds.

At that moment, Shu Feng's huge devil's claws were already less than one meter away from King Gallie.

King Galli supported his hands and easily blocked the devil's claws that were bigger than himself.

Shu Feng opened his mouth, and a mutant crystal gu containing divine nature immediately pierced through King Galley's phantom membrane like lightning, and rushed on him.

A mysterious and unpredictable curse imprinted on the body of the mutant crystal gu.

Boom! !

The sound of a terrifying explosion came directly.

Shu Feng's arms and King Galle's right arm were directly blasted away, and countless blood splashed all around.

The five mutant crystal gu containing divine nature that swallowed countless crystal walls are Shu Feng's most terrifying assassin. The self-detonation power of that mutant crystal gu could not even resist Shu Feng, who had cultivated the Supreme Demon to the sixth level.

call out! call out! call out!

The three mutant crystal gu flew out of Shu Feng's mouth again, and pounced on the badly injured King Gallie.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

Three terrifying explosions broke out at once, covering the two powerhouses of Shu Feng and King Garie.

In the space of the base, the body of the three dragon hounds who signed a blood contract with Shu Feng exploded again, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered in the base.

After the terrifying explosion disappeared, Shu Feng's arms had been lost, and King Galley was in tatters, with wounds everywhere.

There was a burst of granulation squirming, and the bodies of Shu Feng and King Garley were healing themselves quickly at a speed that the naked eye could see.

Although King Nagarie was injured much more severely than Shu Feng, his recovery power was several times faster than Shu Feng.

"Tuxian eight styles, open the sky!!"

Wei Tuxian's combat experience was extremely rich. Almost instantly, he appeared behind King Gallie, an open sky blasted on King Gallie's back, and the terrifying profound energy burst into King Gallie. Of the body.

The devil blood all over the body of King Garrie was hit by the terrifying profound energy, sputtering again from the wounds of his body.




Wei Tuxian frantically urged his profound energy, displayed the eight styles of Tuxian, and blasted towards King Gallie incessantly. He knew very well that even if he and Shu Feng joined forces, he would only have this chance to kill King Galie.

Once King Gallier recovered, Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian were afraid that both would have a dead end.

Countless profound energy was tumbling, and King Gallier had no power to fight back under Wei Tuxian's frantic attack. His wounds had just recovered, and he was directly shattered by Wei Tuxian, unable to gather his strength at all.

"No!! How could I die in such a small place!! Impossible!! Stop, Wei Tuxian!! As long as you stop, I can leave immediately and help you become a god!!!"

King Gallie was all in tatters, his blood was splashing, and he roared bitterly. He dived into the basalt world, completely with the mentality of vacation travel. As long as Wei Tuxian died, or the basaltic world was completely eroded by the imaginary world, he could easily divide the basaltic world with the other kings of the imaginary demon, drag it into the imaginary world, and get the rewards of the imaginary world. further. He didn't want to die in such a small place.

"What you said is true? Can you help me become a god?"

Wei Tuxian fist dimmed and hesitated for a while.

King Galli quickly said: "Yes! I have the secret method of becoming a god! Wei Tuxian, with your reputation in the basalt world, you can spread your faith, gather the power of faith, light a sacred fire, and become a demigod! Then again! Use the power of faith to advance to the gods!!"

"No need! I have my own way! I'm so sorry that I lied to you!"

Wei Tuxian smiled suddenly, and an open sky blasted on King Gallie's body, once again causing King Gallie to recover some physical damage.

"Wei Tuxian, you beast! Since you want to kill me, let us all die together!!"

A fierce light flashed in King Garley's eyes, the devilish energy boiled, and the remaining head opened his mouth, and a blue beam of light blasted directly towards Wei Tuxian.

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