God-level Base

Chapter 465: Comprehend the true meaning of the cloud

"Prison Skeleton Sect Master has surrendered? That person is so arrogant, he will surrender to Gu Emperor. It seems that he was caught by his Gu worm, Ten Thousand Demon Gu King is really terrifying!!"

Jin Caier's eyes shrank slightly, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of her eyes. She had also met the master of the Prison Skeleton Gate, knowing that the other party was an arrogant and powerful man, and it was impossible to surrender to others.

However, the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King is weird and can give birth to countless weird worms. The sect master of the Prison Skeleton could not resist the erosion of Gu worms, and it was quite normal to become Shu Feng's servant.

Jin Caier smiled bitterly: "Okay! Please!!!"

Faced with such terrifying existence as Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian, which were completely incompetent, Jin Caier had no choice but to compromise. Otherwise, the entire lunar gate will no longer exist.

Of course, there are not many strong people who can make the Taiyinmen compromise, and there are only a few people in the entire basalt world, such as Shu Feng and Wei Tuxian.

Jin Caier said: "This is the forest of steles of my Tai Yin Gate. I hope that your Majesty Gu, after you learn the martial arts of my Tai Yin Gate, you will not pass it on to others at will."

"Don't worry, in this basalt world, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to teach me martial arts."

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and stepped into the forest of heavenly steles at the Taiyin Gate.

"Found it! This is the inherited martial arts of the Taiyinmen, the Taiyin Scriptures!!"

Before Shu Feng came to a sky stele, he urged profound energy. On the sky stele, a beauty in a white palace dress immediately appeared to bring the mysterious and unpredictable Taiyin scriptures one by one.

It took Shu Feng ten days to record all the martial arts in the Taiyinmen Tianbei Forest.

Within the lunar gate treasure house.

"This one! ... And this one! I want them all!"

Shu Feng pointed to the treasures stored in the Taiyin Gate one by one in the treasure house of the Taiyin Gate.

"Fortunately, what this guy is asking for is not our most precious treasure!!"

Seeing the various treasures that Shu Feng asked for, Su Bai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Many of the treasures that contain source energy are antiques that have been passed down from ancient times and have unknown uses. The only thing that made Subai a little heartbroken was that Shu Feng was going to walk three Taiyin Stones.

The Taiyin Stone is a strange stone that will only be born in a very yin place, and it contains the power of pure yin. Only by using the Taiyin Stone to practice Taiyin Scripture can you achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. The entire lunar gate is only ten yuan.

Shu Feng left behind a pile of spirit pills that were of great benefit to the cultivation of the Tai Yin from the treasure house of the Gale Empire.

As soon as he left the Taiyin Gate, Shu Feng went to a manor at the Prison Skeleton Gate to practice directly in retreat.

In the base space.

"Energy +5000!"

After Shu Feng threw the last treasure containing source energy obtained from the Taiyin Gate into the resource dissolving pool, his source energy amount was as high as 2 million.

"After my strength became stronger, my source energy collection ability became stronger. 2 million source energy, first used to strengthen my divinity, and then used to understand the true meaning of martial arts!"

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he stepped into the source energy evolution tower.

Countless mucus gushed out and wrapped Shu Feng into a large egg, and two golden divine lights gushed out of the two channels at once, submerged into Shu Feng's body, and blended into the mysterious curse formed by agility and divinity. In India.

As soon as the two agility divinities poured into Shufeng’s body, each of his cells began to transform and evolve. The meridians and muscles in the body became stronger, stronger, and tougher. Only in this way can he be able to withstand the divinity. Explosive power.

Seven days later.


Shu Feng walked out of the big egg, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and lines of information appeared in his mind.

"Shu Feng."

"Divine life body. Strength divinity 1010, agility divinity 33, defensive divinity 11."

"Divine characteristics: fixed increase in strength by 500%, agility enhancement by 150%, defense enhancement by 50%, divine resistance +14, immunity to high-level lethal spells!"

"Strength 4100 (+100), Dexterity 3900 (+300), Defense 3800 (+100), Constitution 3900 (+100), Intelligence 4000 (+100), Spirit 4300 (+100), Magic 500 million, Profound Qi 4.9 billion (+1 billion), the power of the badge is 1.32 million."

"The charm is 3250 (+50), the spiritual power is 500 million, and the holy soul is 14 units."

"The improvement in physical fitness is not high. However, after my agility has improved, my combat power has skyrocketed again, and my physical fitness is still 1000 short of the demigod rank."

Shu Feng looked at his physical fitness, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. At this time, he can already kill some weak martial sages by just relying on his physical fitness.

The physical fitness of the Grand Duke of Pali who was killed by Shu Feng was as high as 5000 on average. The reason why it is not as powerful as Shu Feng is because it has been greatly suppressed in the basalt world, and its physical fitness can only display an average of more than 2,000 to 3,000.

This is after the battlefield of the imaginary demon was embedded in the basalt world, and after a hundred years of erosion, the great dukes of the imaginary demon could exert such terrifying strength.

In the Blue Star World, a world that hasn't been eroded by the Void Demon Realm, when a powerhouse of the rank of the Void Demon arrives, the physical fitness will be suppressed at around 700.

Shu Feng's base space analyzed the rules of the Xuanwu world, and he integrated most of Han Feng's soul, used Xuan Qi to fight without revealing his true body, and only then could he exert his heyday combat power.

When every powerhouse of the Spiritual Saint level ignites the divine fire and evolves into a demigod, the body and soul will get a reborn evolution, and that kind of evolution can make their physical fitness soar to a terrifying point.

Shu Feng's physical fitness has surpassed many spiritual saint level powerhouses, but still can't compare to many demigods.

Shu Feng left the Source Energy Evolution Tower and strode into the Tower of Laws.

Inside the tower of law, there is a ten-meter-high crystal pillar, on which is engraved with countless mysterious and incomparable cloud patterns. Those mysterious and unpredictable cloud patterns are the true meaning of Ling Zhaokong's clouds.

Shu Feng looked towards the pattern of clouds and mist, and immediately gave birth to a trace of mystery and incomparable feeling, as if to comprehend a trace of the mystery of the cloud.

"No way!! The true meaning of martial arts is not so easy to understand!!"

An hour later, Shu Feng still found nothing, only feeling that he had a deeper grasp of Yun Mo's hand. His intelligence is as high as 4000 points, which has surpassed many demigods, but it is still difficult to comprehend the true meaning of martial arts.

After all, the true meaning of martial arts is profound and mysterious, and even the imaginary demons of the spirit level may not be able to comprehend, otherwise the basaltic world would have been broken by the imaginary clan.

Many demigods in the Void Demon Realm are not good at intelligence, and there are even many mentally handicapped. They can evolve into demigods because their bloodline talent is strong enough.

"Consume the source energy to speed up my understanding of the true meaning of the cloud!"

A touch of determination flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he ordered.

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