God-level Base

Chapter 463: Suppress Lingzhaokong

Ling Zhaokong's sword can cut Shu Feng, and the horror of the true meaning of martial arts is evident.

Before he cultivated into the supreme monster, Shu Feng was afraid that he would be cut into two if he was struck by Ling Zhaokong's sword.

"Your Majesty Gu, if you can't do your best! Today, this place is your burial place!!"

Ling Zhaokong stood proudly in the void, like a terrifying sword **** driving the clouds, each cloud turned into a handle that could kill Martial Saint's terrifying cloud sword and slashed towards Shu Feng frantically.

"Ling Zhaokong, let you see my true strength!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, frantically spurring the supreme monster. It suddenly changed into an ancient monster with a height of five meters, with sharp barbs and a pair of fleshy wings on the back, exuding a hideous and terrifying atmosphere.

After Shu Feng incarnates the ancient demon, the fleshy wings on his back, driving the terrifying magic light, soars into the sky and flies directly towards Ling Zhaokong.

"Break it to me!!"

Facing the terrifying cloud sword that was continuously slashing down from the sky, Shu Feng waved his magic fist, madly blasting on the terrifying cloud sword.

Those horrifying cloud swords collapsed one by one under Shu Feng’s magic fist. The remaining cloud swords slashed on Shu Feng’s demon body one after another, smashing Shu Feng’s amazing defensive body. , Leaving a series of terrible sword wounds.

The defense and resilience of the fourth supreme demon body were astonishing, and the terrifying sword wounds quickly healed themselves as soon as they appeared.

"Caught you! Go to hell!"

In almost an instant, Shu Feng, who was covered in sword wounds, immediately appeared in front of Ling Zhaokong, with a fist that contained terrifying demonic energy, and blasted directly towards Ling Zhaokong with a terrifying sound of sonic boom.

"Empty God Sword Technique, Yun Die!"

Ling Zhaokong's expression suddenly changed, and a cloud of clouds appeared in front of him, forming a terrifying circular cloud layer that contained countless fascination but not sword energy.

Boom! !

Shu Feng slammed his fist against the pile of clouds, and countless sword qi exploded, slashing on his fist and body.

In an instant, Shu Feng was penetrated by countless sword qi, and his whole body was scarred.

The horror fist that can penetrate everything and destroy everything also passed through the clouds, and hit Ling Zhaokong's body with one blow, blasting him directly from the sky and falling onto the ground.

After falling to the ground, Ling Zhaokong blasted the ground out of a terrifying cave, spouting a mouthful of blood, and a trace of paleness appeared on his handsome face.

"That's amazing! Emperor Gu is worthy of being the second in the world. That kind of demon is really powerful. Without the true meaning of martial arts, it can be as strong as this. It really opened my eyes. It's a pity, I didn't want it in the first place. Relying on the strength of the weapon! But since it is a life-and-death battle! Then I can only apologize!!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Ling Zhaokong's eyes, five fingers, and the long sword around his waist flew into his hand. An extremely terrifying aura filled his body and cut it down with a sword.

A horrible sword light that contained countless cloud birth and death moods appeared out of the sky, slashing towards Shu Feng.

"That sword light is very dangerous!!"

A hint of chill surged in Shu Feng's heart, frantically urging the divine power, the power exponentially increased five times, and he used a fist to control the terrifying devilish energy and directly blasted towards the terrifying sword light.

Boom! !

Countless clouds collapsed and shattered, and that terrifying sword light was directly shattered by Shu Feng's punch. His right arm was also directly cut off by that sharp sword light.


A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and his figure flickered, like lightning, and directly rushed towards Ling Zhaokong.

"Empty God Sword Technique, Slash God!"

Ling Zhaokong faced the Shu Feng that descended from the sky, like a terrifying ancient demon, and cut it down with a single sword, and countless mysterious curses appeared on the half-artifact [King Shenjian], a terrifying one, which could even kill half. The god's terrifying sword aura was aroused at once, and cut towards Shu Feng.

That mysterious sword light, containing the terrifying sword light that destroys everything, slashed on Shu Feng's body in an instant, splitting him in two.

Ling Zhaokong looked at Shu Feng who was divided into two and sighed slightly: "It's over!! Emperor Gu is really extraordinary! After all, I only used the power of a semi-sacred weapon to kill him!! It seems that I still need more. Only with more practice can you challenge Wei Tuxian, the lord of Battle Xiancheng."

"You have no chance!!"

An extremely cold voice rang in front of Ling Zhaokong for almost an instant, and a terrifying magic fist containing the power to destroy everything directly blasted towards Ling Zhaokong.

"Emperor Gu, how is it possible? You have obviously been beheaded by me! How is it possible that you are still here?"

An unbelievable flash of Ling Zhaokong's eyes, barely a cloud of clouds, and a few clouds appeared in front of him.

"After you die, I will show you compassion!"

Shu Feng blasted on the cloud stack with a five-fold power burst, piercing through the heavy clouds, and blasted Ling Zhaokong’s head with one blow, exploding Ling Zhaokong’s head directly, splashing a large amount of blood. Shot out, scattered on the ground.

A line of prompts emerged directly: "Holy soul +1, source energy + 20,000, cloud divinity +1, and the true meaning of the cloud has been captured."

"Finally killed! I didn't expect to encounter a powerhouse who cultivated the true meaning of martial arts and possessed a semi-sacred weapon."

Shu Feng stretched out his hand, profound energy surged, the severed right arm flew back, and quickly connected, looking at Ling Zhaokong's corpse, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, after Shu Feng had cultivated the fourth level of the Supreme Demon, he thought that in the entire basalt world, only Wei Tuxian and the princes of the virtual demon were his opponents. But Ling Zhaokong's appearance made him discover the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Xuanwu Realm, and he did not know how many masters were hidden.

The Great Song Empire ranked the top ten masters in the world, but it was only based on the intelligence of the Great Song Empire's intelligence system.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Prison Skeleton Gate Master, and Ling Zhaokong in the basalt world all have the top ten strengths in the top ten. None of them made it to the top list, so you can see the moisture of the list that day.

"Qiu Yunzhen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites of the Great Song Empire, has seen His Majesty Gu!"

In the Beifeng Inn, a menswear beauty walked out of it and bowed to Shu Feng respectfully.

"What did Emperor Song ask you to do?"

Shu Feng glanced at Qiu Yunzhen, his eyes lit up slightly, Qiu Yunzhen in the men's clothing still looked very beautiful, handsome, and she was a very beautiful and stunning beauty.

Qiu Yun said: "Your Majesty asked me to come as your guide. If your Majesty Gu wants to go, I can take you there. If you want to go to Battle Immortal City and challenge Master Wei Tuxian, I can do that. Take you there."

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