God-level Base

Chapter 458: Shufeng Evolution

"Now I don’t have the power of faith, nor the method of using the power of faith, I can’t ignite sacred fires and advance to a demigod at all. And the spiritual holy realm has not reached its limit. I don’t need to rush to advance to a demigod, otherwise, , The hope of becoming a **** in the flesh will be severed in the future."

To become a **** with the power of faith is to gather the power of faith of countless intelligent creatures to carry out the evolution of Nirvana at the level of life. To become a **** in the flesh is to rely on self-cultivation to carry out the evolution of Nirvana in the life level. The difficulty of the two is not the same.

"It's better to cultivate the supreme demon body and become a **** in the flesh, which is more suitable for me!"

Shu Feng closed his eyes in the big egg, and the supreme demon body revolved, and the phantom of the terrifying great demon suddenly appeared behind him.

As soon as the terrifying and hideous great demon phantom opened the blood basin, he sucked wildly, and shot a pure and incomparable demon energy from the magic horn above Shu Feng's forehead and sank into the blood basin of the great demon. Within a big mouth.

The four-meter-high big demon is constantly devouring that pure and incomparable demon energy, and its body grows a sharp and incomparable bone spur, stepping from four meters to a five-meter high, exuding hideous horror. The big demon of breath.

The two golden divine rays of light plunged into Shu Feng's body at once, and merged with the mysterious curse imprint formed by the evolution of the power and divinity.

Su Feng's body suddenly felt a burst of pain, and the source of energy submerged into his body, turning into the nutrient of that divine fusion.

After those gods absorbed the power of the source energy, Shu Feng's genes began to stabilize and began to continue to evolve.

One month later.


Shu Feng broke out of the big egg directly, and with a thought, a row of data emerged.

"Shu Feng."

"Divine life body. Strength divinity 1010, agility divinity 11, defense divinity 11."

"Divine characteristics: fixed increase in strength by 500%, agility enhancement by 50%, defense enhancement by 50%, divine resistance +12, immunity to high-level lethal spells!"

"The tenth level of the Sun and Moon Sacred Code, the seventy refining of the Hundred Steel Body, the ninth level of the Illusory God and the Mind Thought, the seventeenth level of the Ten Thousand Gu Magic Skill, and the fourth level of the Supreme Demon!

"Strength 4000 (+1000), Agility 3600 (+800), Defense 3700 (+800), Constitution 3800 (+800), Intelligence 3900 (+800), Spirit 4200 (+800), Magic Power 500 Million, Profound Qi 4.8 billion (+2.4 billion), the power of the badge is 1.32 million."

"The charm is 3200 (+300), the spiritual power is 500 million, and the holy soul is 14 (+5) units."

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "The holy soul is really hard to increase. The triple supreme monster only increases the holy soul by 1 unit. This also means that my divinity limit is 14. It can also increase by 2 points. Divinity."

The central analyzer analyzes according to various classics collected by Shu Feng. Generally speaking, 1 point of holy soul can hold 1 point of divinity. This is the limit of ordinary spiritual holy life forms.

Of course, Shufeng can also break this limit by consuming source energy. But in that case, a huge amount of source energy must be consumed, and there will be a trace of hidden danger. He used 10 million source energy to adjust and optimize himself in order to strengthen his own background and repair all the hidden dangers caused by his too fast evolution.

The monsters of the spiritual sage level, such as the lightning dragon eel and the inverse cross synthetic beast, want to accommodate more divinities in the future, and they will also need to consume massive resources to strengthen their sacred souls.

"Han Feng has only one wish left, and that is to protect Xiaozhu! As long as I let Xiaozhu advance into the martial arts, he will be able to fulfill his wish. My soul can evolve again."

"If you want Xiaozhu to advance to the martial sage, you need a huge amount of source energy, a variety of top-level resources, and the secret method of cultivation that best suits her."

"The secret method that fits Xiaozhu's Taiyin Eucharist cultivation best is the Taiyin Scripture in the Taiyin Gate, a martial arts holy site in the Great Song Empire. That is the secret method created by an invincible Taiyin Eucharist in ancient times!"

"After getting that invincible secret method, I used the central analyzer to deduct it, deducing a god-level secret method for Xiaozhu to practice. Then she can evolve."

Shu Feng got up and came to Su Mi who was cultivating.

Rays of blood-colored profound energy surrounded Su Mi, exuding a sense of sacred beauty.

As soon as Shu Feng approached Su Mi, the **** mysterious rays of light immediately sank into Su Mi's body.

Su Mi opened her beautiful eyes and smiled at Shu Feng: "Big Brother, what's the matter?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I plan to leave you with 3 points of power divinity and 3 points of defensive divinity for you to evolve! Do you like this gift?"

10 points of divinity is a threshold, enough to condense the demigod. For intelligent creatures below the demigod, 10 points of the divinity of a single attribute is already the limit, and it is necessary to condense the demigod to continue to condense the divinity of a single attribute.

Of course, if you have some special powerful artifacts, or some naturally powerful races, there are still ways to break through the 10-point limit of single attribute divinity.

Shu Feng's power divinity has reached 10 points, and then he naturally chooses to evolve the divinity in agility, physique, etc. When his other aspects of divinity have reached 10 points for a single attribute, it will not be too late to break through the consumption source energy.

The increased divinity in agility, defense, etc. can also enhance Shu Feng's evolutionary potential and combat power.

"love it!"

Su Mi's eyes lit up, she threw herself into Shu Feng's arms, slapped her on the cheek, and smiled brilliantly. She has 10 points of holy soul, and can also refine 4 points of divinity. Once 4 points of divinity are refined, her strength can increase dramatically.

The North Wind Inn is located on the only way from the Song Empire to the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom, and it is very prosperous.

"Little Er, serve wine!"

As soon as a beautiful young girl dressed in a white dress stepped into the Beifeng Inn, she immediately found a table and sat down and said in a loud voice.

As soon as the beautiful girl opened her mouth, gazes like hungry wolves immediately fell on her, looking at her carefully, revealing a trace of greed.

Every year, there are many lone thieves in the Great Song Empire who are chased and killed by the major sects to escape to the Great Zhou Devil Kingdom. In this north wind inn, there are several lone bandits with extraordinary strength hidden.

When the eyes of the lone bandits fell on the very ordinary-looking old servant behind the beautiful girl, those greedy eyes narrowed.

The masters in the Great Song Empire are like clouds, and when many powerful descendants travel the rivers and lakes, they will be followed by the powerful in the family.

The beautiful girl was able to come to the North Wind Inn, but she has not been taken away. Either she herself has rich experience in the arena and extremely powerful, or she has strong guards behind her.

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