God-level Base

Chapter 453: Enthroned Ceremony

Wan Yanxiong, the envoy of the Royal Court of Beimo, smiled coldly: "Wei Tuxian is old, how many years can he live? I heard that he has less than ten years of life left, right?"

Zhang Yong's eyes were cold and sternly scolded: "Nonsense!! Lord Wei Tuxian still has more than fifty years of life."

Wan Yanxiong suddenly smiled and said: "Fifty years! Even if fifty years are good! After fifty years, who else can control Han Feng? He has cultivated the Ten Thousand Demon Gu King!! And he is still so young. , Only twenty years old."

Zhang Yong was silent for a moment, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

The Song Empire has a population of up to one billion, and it is the most powerful and prosperous empire of the three powers of China. However, although the Great Song Empire was prosperous and outstanding, there was only one Wei Tuxian.

The No. 3 Zen Master Wuxin in the world is an outsider, not subject to the restraint of the Song Empire. Saint Zheng Zhi, the world's No. 5 slaughter of demons, is dedicated to hunting down the false demons.

The sixth in the world is Wanyan Youshu, the wind arrow **** of the Northern Desert King Court, the seventh in the world is the Lanyue Island Lord in the Lanyue Sea, the eighth in the world is the holy master of the stars, and the ninth in the world is the Great Song Dynasty. Wu Chi, guardian of the imperial royal family.

Inside the Great Song Empire, there were many sects, and the number of martial sages far exceeded that of the Northern Desert King's Court and the Great Zhou Moguo. However, few of those martial sages were restrained by the Song Empire.

"This is the Gale Empire, it is really prosperous! I should replace it and become the new emperor of the Gale Empire!"

A tall, dark-skinned, black-haired young man full of toned muscles, like a cheetah, exuding a terrifying breath, looked at the throne of the Gale Empire, and a glow of heat flashed in his eyes. The wine was drunk.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Gale Empire is here!"

There was a singing voice, and Shu Feng was wearing a dragon robe, and next to him were Xiaozhu and Huangpu Lihua who were dressed up. The two of them are the queens scheduled by Shu Feng.

Behind Shu Feng were Yuan Xian'er, who was dressed up in full dress, and another stunning lady who was dressed in a white palace costume, tall and sexy, with a gentle and pleasant temperament. The beautiful girl in palace costume is Murong Minghua, the treasure of the Great Zhou Devil Kingdom. She is also one of the four noble concubines scheduled by Shu Feng.

Behind Yuan Xian'er and Murong Minghua are two martial sages, the Sect Master of the Thousand Gu Demon Sect and the Sect Master of the Ten Thousand Profound Demon Sect.

"Really beautiful, and still four virgins. They are all top-notch furnaces, and they happen to be the furnaces for me to practice magic arts."

The young man, who looked like a cheetah, stared at Yuan Xian'er and Murong Minghua's four daughters, a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

Under the gaze of all the people, Shu Feng came to the throne and sat down directly, like a genuine emperor, overlooking the surrounding area with majesty.

"He finally officially ascended the throne and became the founding emperor of the Gale Empire! The Great Zhou Devil Kingdom has finally become a thing of the past!"

Zhou Han looked at Shu Feng above the throne, and a complex light flashed in his eyes.

After the establishment of the Gale Empire, Liu Xiong directly abdicated and became the worship of the Murong family. Zhou Han weighed it over and over again, but chose to go to an official position to work hard for Shu Feng.

"Ye Languo presents a white jade peony, and wish his Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire a martial art and a longevity!!"

"Lord Lanyue Island presents a Tier 6 Overlord Octopus Inner Pill, and I wish His Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire a martial art and a longevity!!"


Envoys from that country came forward, offering treasures one after another.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised a slight smile: "Yes, there are a few treasures that contain powerful source energy. The taste of the Emperor of the Gale Empire is really good!"

If it weren't for Shu Feng to be the emperor of the Gale Empire, how could the envoys of those countries willingly send pieces of precious treasures containing source energy to his hands?

"The Lord of the Yelan Kingdom will come to challenge your Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire tomorrow night!"

The young man who looked like a cheetah jumped, jumped out of the long table, and came to the center of the hall, looking up at Shu Feng above the throne, with a stern expression on his face.

"Lord of Yelan Kingdom Mingye? Haven't heard of it!!"

"Isn't the Lord of Yelan Kingdom Mingshifeng? Who is Mingye?"

"He even dared to challenge Han Feng!! It's really looking for death!!"


A group of surprised eyes focused on Ming Ye's body. Yelan Kingdom is just one of many small countries in the basalt world. It has only been established for 20 years. The founding father of Yelan Kingdom, Ming Shifeng, is also an ordinary martial sage.

It was incredible that tomorrow night to dare to challenge the newly appointed No. 4 in the world.

"Bold! This is your majesty's enthronement ceremony! You dare to make trouble, it is a heinous crime!! Go to death!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Sect Master Xuanmozong, a roar, and a leap, a seal of the powerful demon king, like an incarnation of a terrifying demon king, and a seal blasted towards the night and night.

Although the Sect Master Xuanmozong was defeated horribly in Shu Feng's hands, he was also the Sect Master Xuanmozong, a top martial sage, and this seal could severely damage ordinary martial sages.

"A mere rubbish, dare to come and die, get out of me!"

Ming Ye smiled sensibly, a palm blasted out, and endless devilish energy was tumbling, evolving into a terrifying demon claw covered with black scales, and one claw blasted towards the Sect Master Profound Demon Sect.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the Vigorous Demon King phantom collapsed, and the Sect Master Profound Demon Sect flew upside down like defeat, slammed into a side wall, ejected a **** arrow, and was seriously injured.

"So strong!! It defeated the Sect Master Profound Demon Sect in one move!!"

"Where is this tomorrow night? How can it be so strong?"

"The Lord of Yelan Country, defeat the Sect Master Profound Demon Sect with one move! This person is afraid that he also has the terrifying power of the top five in the world. From today, he is afraid that he will be famous!


Shocked eyes were concentrated on Ming Ye, and everyone was arguing.

A look of worries flashed in Zhang Yong's eyes: "First come Han Feng, and then tomorrow night! Wei Tuxian's suppression of the world seems to be about to change."

The Song Empire ranks among the top ten masters in the basalt world. Except for Wei Tuxian, the number one in the world, there is no dispute, the other ten masters are very controversial. After all, the Song Empire didn't know how many terrifying masters were hidden in this world.

Zhang Yong didn't even know that the Lord of the Yelan Kingdom existed tomorrow night.

Ming Ye looked awkward, looked up at Shu Feng, and smiled proudly: "How? Han Feng, am I qualified to challenge you with this trick? Or, after I kill all the martial arts around you, you Will come to fight me!"

Shu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "This guy is very strong!! Not inferior to Wanxuan Demon Ancestor!! Could it be that he is another Zen Master Wuxin and Immortal Wei Tu?"

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