God-level Base

Chapter 451: Shufeng Evolution

Ten days later.

Kacha, a large egg split open, and Shu Feng walked out of that large egg, with a terrifying aura exuding all over his body, his eyes flashed, his thoughts moved, and a row of data emerged at once.

"Shu Feng."

"Divine life body. Strength divinity 88, agility divinity 11, defensive divinity 11."

"Divine characteristics: fixed increase in strength by 400%, agility enhancement by 50%, defense enhancement by 50%, divine resistance +10, immunity to high-level lethal spells!"

"Strength 2700 (+200), Agility 2500 (+100), Defense 2600 (+100), Constitution 2700 (+100), Intelligence 2800 (+100), Spirit 3100 (+100), Magic Power 500 Million, Profound Qi 1.2 billion, the power of the badge is 1,320,000."

"The charm is 2700 (+100), the spiritual power is 500 million, and the holy soul is 9 units."

Click! !

With a clear sound, a large egg cracked open. Su Mi walked out of the large egg, with an amazing charm exuding all over her body. She smiled at Shu Feng and plunged into his arms: " Big brother, I'm in the end of evolution~!"

A row of data appeared in Shu Feng's eyes.

"The blood dominates, Su Mi."

"Ability: the extraordinary agility of the upper legend, the extraordinary strength of the middle legend, the extraordinary defense of the middle legend, the extraordinary physique of the middle legend, the extraordinary wisdom of the middle legend, the extraordinary recovery of the middle legend."

"Special Ability: Blood Manipulation, Domination of Power, Natural Charm, Reading Memory, Second Stage Transformation, Domination Technique, Blood Generation, Flying."

"Divine life body. Agility and deity 44, physique and deity 11, strength and deity 11."

"Divine characteristics: agility performance fixed increase by 150%, strength performance fixed increase by 100%, physical performance fixed increase by 100%, divine resistance +6, immunity to mid-level lethal spells!"

"Strength 1800 (+1178), Dexterity 2300 (+1275), Defense 2000 (+1290), Constitution 2300 (+1435), Intelligence 2300 (+1280), Spirit Power 2500 (+1244), Spirit Power 1 billion (+ 810 million)."

"Charm 3500 (+1385), Holy Soul 10."

"Flying: Su Mi can fly freely in different worlds."

Shu Feng admired: "That's amazing! Mi'er, your evolution speed is really amazing!! You have already evolved into a spiritual saint!"

Su Mi’s evolutionary speed is also extremely terrifying. During this time, she has evolved 1 point of agility divinity, 1 point of physique divinity, and 1 point of strength divinity on her own. The holy soul has also transformed to ten units. It is simply against the sky.

Su Mi's face bulged: "Compared to your elder brother, you are far behind! Your physical fitness has already surpassed me!"

Shu Feng said: "That's because I consume more than ten times the resources of yours."

Su Mi Chuchu was pitiful, and she hugged Shu Feng's arm and whispered softly: "If this goes on, I will not be able to help your big brother, and you will be abandoned by your big brother."

Shu Feng couldn't resist Su Mi's pitiful pleading everywhere, and quickly said: "Okay! Okay! The remaining source energy, all for your use, let's go!"

"Thank you, big brother, you are the best!"

Su Mi was overjoyed, and lightly touched Shu Feng's cheeks, and came to the central analyzer, humming and browsing the many mysterious techniques of the basalt world.

With a smile, Shu Feng left the base space and returned to the Gale Empire Palace.

"Yin and Yang means that this magical skill is infinitely powerful, weird, and has a high range and strong penetration force. It is indeed very powerful. However, when I activate the divine power, the improvement of this magical skill is limited."

"I still need an incomparably powerful boxing technique, or sword technique, or sword technique to be able to explode divine power at close range."

Shu Feng came to the Tianbei Forest of the Gale Empire, walked amidst an incomparably powerful magical skill, and fell into thinking.

The battle with Wanxuan Demon Ancestor made Shu Feng realize his shortcomings. Although his cultivation speed is astonishing, there is still a huge gap in martial skills from a martial arts expert like Ten Thousand Profound Demon Ancestor who has grown up through countless hard work.

Yin and Yang mean that this god-level is chic, weird, and handsome, but it can't display the power of the divine eruption.

The magical skills of boxing, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, etc., can make Shu Feng's divine nature explode to exert even more terrifying power.

"This is the original "Indestructible Demon Body"! It is really extraordinary, and it is a bit better than the "Indestructible Demon Body" that I deduced from the secret book."

Before Shu Feng came to a heavenly stele, the profound energy was running, and he saw that a terrifying great demon shadow appeared behind a terrifying powerhouse on top of a heavenly stele, telling the various cultivations of "Indestructible Demon Body". Famen.

After Shu Feng got the original version of "Indestructible Demon Body", the central analyzer immediately gleamed, countless data streams surged, and began to deduce the martial arts that was more suitable for him.

Shu Feng's eyes flashed with excitement: "There are so many martial arts, magic skills! If you record them all and let the central analyzer analyze them, you may be able to create an unprecedentedly powerful one. Martial arts."

After the central analyzer evolves to Tier 6, the calculation speed is already terrifying, and the deduction ability has reached an incredible level. As long as it is given sufficient information, it is entirely possible to use Shu Feng as the core to promote an unparalleled school.

With a move in Shu Feng's heart, he began to walk continuously in the forest of steles that day, recording the various demon martial arts inherited from the ancient demon sect in the forest of steles.

A month later, all the martial arts on the Tianbei Forest had been recorded by Shu Feng in the central analyzer.

Within the base space.

"Let's start! Show me one of the strongest martial arts in the basalt world!"

Shu Feng looked at the central analyzer, a scorching color flashed in his eyes, and his heart moved, and the huge and incomparable source of energy immediately submerged into the central analyzer.

The central analyzer gleamed, and the deduction began.

"Does the deity want to maintain a human body? The deformed, monster body can carry more powerful power."

"Of course, if you keep the human body and become a monster, don't you lose all the enjoyment? Then what fun is there for me to live?"

"Can the second form become a monster form?"

"This is okay."

"Comprehensive strengthening, or special strengthening in a certain aspect? The resources required to comprehensively strengthen the cultivation will be ten times, dozens of times, or even a hundred times more than the specialization of a certain aspect."

"Comprehensively strengthen! I don't have enough resources, I can plunder. This is not a problem."

"Is it focused on immediate reinforcement, or on potential enhancement?"

"Of course it is a potential increase! Otherwise, how can I compete with the power of the Void Realm in the future?"

In the Void Demon Realm, the powerhouse of the gods can only dominate one side. Only those great powers of the imaginary world are the terrifying existence at the apex of the food chain.

If Shu Feng's background is insufficient, after he evolves to a certain level in the future, he will reach a bottleneck, making it difficult to make progress. Even if you have base space, it will be difficult to evolve.

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