God-level Base

Chapter 437: Who is for and who is against?

boom! boom! boom! boom!

There were bursts of crisp sounds, and the heads of the dozens of Baguio Demon Sect True Legend disciples exploded one by one, and a large amount of blood stained the long table where they were on.

"How dare he? How dare he?"

Seeing this scene, Concubine Xu Yun was so frightened that her face was pale, her body trembled and her cherry lips turned white. Those Baguio Demon Sect disciples who depended on her were killed by Shu Feng in this way, which was simply terrifying.

You know, the true disciple has a very high status in the Baguio Demon Sect. In addition to Shangguan Baguio, even the Supreme Elder of another Baguio Demon Sect did not dare to easily kill a true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect.

Shu Feng killed more than a dozen true disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect at one time, which was a great taboo of the Baguio Demon Sect.

"These traitors, they dare to betray the Baguio Demon Sect. It's really heinous. You should kill! What I say, who of you agrees and who opposes? By the way, to remind you, those who are silent are considered to be against! I will give you ten seconds. Consider time!"

Shu Feng's gaze swept past the true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect, and he smiled slightly.

Hua Shilei said righteously and awe-inspiringly: "Those traitors actually compromised with the Sword Demon Sect. The attempt to betray our Baguio Demon Sect is really a heinous crime. I agree with your disposition!"

"Yes! Brother Han Feng killed well! Those traitors should all be killed! I agree with you!"

The other true disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect all changed their faces and spoke.

Shu Feng smiled at Concubine Xu Yun and said, "Junior Sister Xu Yun, it seems that there are different opinions. Could it be that you and those traitors are also in the same group?"

Concubine Xu Yun seemed to be slapped severely, and squeezed out a smile and said: "I agree with Brother Han Feng for your disposal!"

"Okay, our Baguio Demon Sect has finished cleaning the door. Next, it's your Sword Demon Sect's turn. Are you Sword Demon Sects going to die with me? That's great, your Sword Demon Sects are all dead. Then there will be no hatred between us anymore!! Isn't it?"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, his ten fingers flicked, and the yin and yang fingers pierced through the void one after another, stabbing towards the true legendary disciples of the Sword Demon Sect.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying yin and yang pointed at the place where the light passed, and the head of a disciple of the true legend of the Sword Demon Sect burst open. Within a dozen breaths, the heads of the thirty-two Sword Demon Sect True Legend disciples exploded and turned into thirty-two corpses scattered in the main hall.

"Cruel! Han Feng is so cruel!!"

Seeing this scene, the Son of Zishan felt a trace of chill in his heart.

There was also a hint of chill in the heart of the Prince Dazhou: "What a ruthless method! This time, the sword demon sect and the Baguio demon sect will be immortal. His hand dragged the entire Baguio demon sect into the water. The hatred between the two parties can no longer be resolved."

"It's the Lord, it's so cruel. Thirty-two true disciples were killed, and the hatred between the Sword Demon Sect and the Baguio Demon Sect seems to be inevitable."

A strange light flashed in Gu Ning's eyes, and a voice transmission Gu appeared in his hand.

"Han Feng, Han Feng, how dare you kill so many people in our Sword Demon Sect!! My father and Uncle Sword Demon will never let you go!!"

Duguba's face was pale, his body trembled, and his voice trembled extremely.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in red who was sitting next to Duguba shook, and a line of blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

Shu Feng glanced at the beautiful lady in red and smiled coldly: "Is this woman who instigated you this trash? Forget it, this is the end of the matter, you also go to die."

"No, I don't want to die! Spare my life, Han Feng, spare my life! I'm kneeling for you!"

Duguba knelt on the ground, his nose and tears all over his face, and he cried loudly.

Shu Feng smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed towards Dugu Ba directly with a yin and yang pointing light.


An extremely overbearing voice came from a distance, and a black sword light pierced through the void, and for an instant it blasted above the Yin-Yang Qi Zhizhi, and directly shattered the Yin-Yang Qi Zhizhi.

In the distance, a tall figure, wearing a sword gown, thick eyebrows and big eyes, the Sword Demon Sect Master with a righteous face, with red eyes, flew towards this side.

Behind the Sect Master of the Sword Demon Sect, there was a middle-aged man with long hands and feet, ordinary appearance, and only a pair of sharp eyes that were unforgettable at first glance. This ordinary-looking middle-aged man is the tenth sword demon in the world.

Behind the sword demon is a group of terrifying powerhouses of martial sage ranks such as the master of the Thousand Gu Demon Sect, the master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect, Shangguan Baguio, and the master of the Ten Thousand Profound Demon Sect, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom.

The top powerhouses of the Great Zhou Devil Kingdom were originally discussing the rules and gambling agreement for tomorrow’s true disciple contest. Suddenly, they were shocked by the conflict between Duguba and Shu Feng. In a hurry, they left the palace and moved towards this place. Came here.

"Haha!! Han Feng, my father is here!! You are dead!!! You are dead!!!"

Duguba got up from the ground, his eyes flashed with ecstasy, and he laughed loudly.

"The person Han Feng wants to kill, the entire Xuanwu world, only Wei Tuxian can stop. Your father is not among them!"

Shu Feng smiled lightly and snapped his fingers.

"No!!! It hurts! No!!! Stop it!!!"

Suddenly, Duguba's body trembled and fell to the ground, struggling in pain, and terrifying black gu worms burst out of his body, devouring all his organs.


Sect Master Sword Demon Sect's eyes were red, and the eyes flashed with endless grief and anger. He is a lover who has only loved one woman in his life. After the fall of his wife, he loved his only precious son. He clearly knew that his son was a wicked dude, and he still settled countless things for him.

Now the love crystallization between the Sword Demon Sect Master and his wife died in Shu Feng's hands, making him furious.

"Han Feng, you die for me!!"

Sect Master Sword Demon Sect's eyes were full of killing intent, and he cut it down with a sword, and a black sword aura was like a black streamer, madly slashing towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng looked at the black sword aura, with a calm face, sitting on the main seat indifferently, tasting the wine quietly.

"Duguming, what are you going to do to my beloved disciple?"

Shangguan Baguio's phoenix eyes raised, and a green magic sea appeared behind him, his fingers turned the sword, and he cut it down with one sword. The green blue magic flowers appeared directly, cutting on the black sword energy.

Boom! !

The two terrifying sword auras collided together, offsetting each other and annihilating each other.

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