God-level Base

Chapter 433: undercurrent

In the headquarters of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect, among the world-shaking Purple Mountain Holy Spring, sits an old man with white beard and hair and many wrinkles between his eyebrows, exuding a domineering old man.

A young man wearing a purple inner disciple costume walked step by step to the side of the sacred spring of Purple Mountain and smiled slightly: "I have seen the Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect!"

"Void demon, you are so brave, you sneaked into my Purple Mountain Demon Sect without saying, but you dare to appear in front of me, do you want to die?"

The Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect opened his eyes, and his pupils flashed like two sharp sharp knives, stabbing the purple-clothed young man fiercely. The cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.

The purple-clothed young man smiled slightly: "Sect Master, as long as you say a word, I can't climb this Lingshan at all. I can climb this Lingshan, and that's what you mean."

Sect Master Zishan Demon Sect said coldly: "I'll give you a chance to speak. If you can't convince me, then go to death."

The purple-clothed imaginary demon smiled and said: "Wei Tuxian is old! He has only ten years of life! This news is the news that we have paid thirty-two lives of the imaginary marquis."

The Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect narrowed his eyes slightly, and clenched his fists in the hot spring.

At the beginning, the imaginary battlefield of the basalt realm was defeated, and the battlefield of imaginary evil was embedded in the basaltic realm. Numerous imaginary demons attempted to flood into the basaltic realm and burned, killed, and looted.

At that time, many martial sages in the basalt world chose to betray the world, joined the power of the imaginary demons, became the nobles of the imaginary demons, and acted as the leading party in an attempt to conquer the entire basalt world.

Wei Tuxian’s war fairy city was born, located at the junction of the basalt realm and the imaginary battlefield, killing countless martial sages of the basalt realm and the imaginary nobles of the imaginary realm in one fell swoop.

Of those martial sages who betrayed the Xuanwu world, 70% died tragically in the hands of Wei Tuxian, and the remaining 30% either fled back to the battlefield of the virtual demons or were beheaded by other martial sages in the Xuanwu world.

It was the birth of Wei Tuxian that allowed the Xuanwu world to extend the luck for a hundred years.

In those hundred years, although the Void Demon Clan had countless cloths and arranged countless conspiracies, large-scale wars did not break out. It's all because of the fear of Wei Tuxian who was sitting in the battle of Xiancheng by the Xumo clan.

"You should also know the strength of my Void Clan. When Wei Tuxian died, no one in the entire Xuanwu world could stop our Void Clan's attack."

"A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. If you, Master Sovereign, take refuge in our clan, you can become the Duke of our clan through the transformation ceremony and enjoy longevity."

"You see, Wei Tuxian has superior combat power and can cut a half god. But after all, he cannot surpass the life span of human beings. After all, he will still age and die."

"And you, as long as you transform into the Duke of the Void Demon through the Void Demon Transformation Ceremony, your life span can be as high as ten thousand years."

"And besides you, there are countless people in the entire Xuanwu realm who have taken refuge in us. Is it worth it to pay for those untouchables?"

"As long as you take refuge in our family, you will definitely enjoy the glory and wealth in the future."

The purple-clothed imaginary demon smiled slightly, his words were full of temptation, but he didn't mobilize any extraordinary power.

Each of those martial sages in the basalt world is a top powerhouse who has gone through countless hardships and competed with countless strong people. Using the power of imaginary magic will only backfire. Only by simply stating the facts can those Wu Sheng be persuaded.

Prosperity, wealth and longevity, that is what countless martial sages at the apex of the Xuanwu world are eager to obtain. Especially for those who are old and old, like the master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect, it is even more tempting.

The Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect clenched his fists, his face changed, and a struggling color flashed in his eyes. When he was young, he was once a passionate young man. He worked hard to kill countless illusions and made great achievements.

However, as the Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect grew older and older, he became more and more afraid of aging and death.

"What do you want me to do?"

Sect Master Zishan Demon Sect's eyes flickered, his face was blue and white, almost squeezing out a voice.

"I can't compare to Wei Tuxian after all!"

As soon as the words of the Sect Master of Zishan Demon Sect came out, there was a trace of sorrow in his heart, remembering that he was far away in the city of Zhanxian, proudly overlooking countless virtual demons, and suppressed the world's number one Wei Tuxian for a century.

Wei Tuxian suppressed the imaginary demon in the basalt world for a hundred years, and naturally attracted the attention of the god-level imaginary boss. There is a big imaginary demon who even promised that as long as Wei Tuxian gave up resistance, invested in his sect, and became his follower, he could help Wei Tuxian advance to become a god-level powerhouse.

However, Wei Tuxian rejected the proposal of the big boss of imaginary demons, and still guarded Zhanxian City to resist the invasion of those imaginary demons.

The purple-clothed imaginary demon smiled slightly and said, "The first step is to ask Master Sovereign to completely master the Purple Mountain Demon Sect."

There are four great martial sages in the Purple Mountain Demon Sect. The Purple Mountain Demon Sect has the highest status, but cannot cover the sky in the Purple Mountain Demon Sect like Shangguan Baguio.


The eyes of the Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect were like electricity, flashing a fierce color. Since he is the Sect Master of the Purple Mountain Demon Sect, he is naturally a cruel and determined person. Now that he has made up his mind to take refuge in the Void Clan, he will definitely not look forward to the future.

More than two months later.

In the Thousand Gu Demon Sect, in a holy spring, Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "My profound energy has increased by another 200 million, and now it is as high as 900 million profound energy. Sure enough, with the support of big forces, cultivation is cool!"

According to the information held by Shu Feng, the profound energy in the ordinary Wu Sheng body is only about 100 million. Those ordinary martial sages are those who do not have the support of big forces behind them.

As for the Sect Master of the Thousand Demon Sect, the profound energy value in his body is as high as 700 million. The other two great elders of the Demon Gu Sect also have the profound energy value of more than 500 million. This is the strength of the top martial arts of those big forces.

Shu Feng silently assessed in his heart: "900 million profound aura, but I am afraid I am still not his opponent when facing Wei Tuxian."

Wei Tuxian has cultivated the eight methods of Tuxian he created to the realm of true meaning beyond Consummation. The power of a point of profound energy is more than the power of the other powerful people's very profound energy.

Moreover, Wei Tuxian was also an inexperienced genius in the Xuanwu realm, who was sitting in the battle of Xiancheng. Every year, the Northern Desert Royal Court, the Great Song Empire, and the Great Zhou Moguo had to transport countless materials to Zhanxian City. He cultivated in Zhanxian City for a hundred years, and his profound energy was absolutely astonishing.

Of course, if only in terms of physical fitness, even the number one Wei Tuxian that day might not be as good as Shu Feng.

"It's time to go back!"

Shu Feng left the Thousand Gu Demon Sect directly and went to the Baguio Demon Sect.

As soon as Shu Feng returned to the Baguio Demon Sect, within three days, he was summoned to go with Shangguan Baguio and all his true disciples to the capital of the Great Demon Shou City of the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom.

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