God-level Base

Chapter 425: Love

"But so! Bone Eating Gu!"

A look of contempt flashed in Huang Pu's beautiful eyes, and with a wave of his jade hand, hundreds of white bone-eroding Gu turned into a cloud of white Gu clouds, rushing towards Shu Feng.

The Bone Eroding Gu is weird, it can easily pass through the strong body guard, bite through the strong one's skin, penetrate into their skin, and gnaw their bones clean.

"Gu Demon Gong" can only manipulate and strengthen one type of Gu worm through the natal Gu.

The "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Skills" can manipulate and strengthen a variety of Gu worms through a natal Gu, so that the host has the abilities of a variety of Gu worms, which is weird and extraordinary.

Thousand Gu Demon Sect’s magical skill for town teaching is also "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Skills", but the various Gu worms cultivated in Thousand Gu Demon Sect far surpass those of Baguio Demon Sect.

"Bone Erosion Gu?"

Shu Feng frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with cold light, urging profound energy, and using the streamer knife technique, the heavy knife light was like flashing electricity, and it was cut towards the white Gu cloud.

Under the terrifying sword light that surpassed the speed of sound, countless bone eroding Gu burst into the void and fell to the ground.

At a distance of three meters from Shufeng, it seemed to have become a life restricted zone. No matter how many Bone Eating Gu flew into this area, it would be chopped into countless pieces.

"What a quick knife!"

"A mere streamer knife technique was practiced by him to this point, this guy is really a monster!"

"His physical fitness is too strong. It is terrifying that he has used that streamer knife technique to this point!"


The true disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect insisted on the scene, and a solemn color flashed in their eyes.

The streamer knife technique is only a second-rate martial skill among the Baguio Demon Sect. But that second-rate martial art was in Shu Feng's hands, but it was abnormally strong, naturally because Shu Feng's physical fitness was too terrifying, no matter what martial skill fell into his hands, it could exert terrifying power.

"Flame Gu!"

A cold glow flashed in Huangpu's beautiful eyes, and with a wave of his jade hand, hundreds of scarlet flame Gu flew towards Shu Feng like a meteor.

"not good!"

Shu Feng stood on the flame gu with a knife, a mysterious rune appeared on the flame gu, and the flame gu burst directly like a rocket launcher.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those hundreds of flame Gu exploded like hundreds of rocket launchers, and the extremely hot flame swallowed Shu Feng completely.

"Did you kill it?"

One after another, his eyes focused on the explosion flame and shock wave, full of curiosity.

A cold light flashed in Huangpu's beautiful eyes, a wave of his jade hand, ten fist-sized, extremely fat Wind Blade Gu appeared at once, the wings vibrated, and the wind blades were like meteors, and they cut directly towards the exploding flame. .

"Nice attack, but unfortunately it didn't work for me!"

A cold voice came from the explosion, and Shu Feng flew out like an immortal demon god, imagining countless blade lights on his body, directly smashing the wind blades, and rushing directly towards Huangpu Lihua.

"What a terrible monster! Gu Demon Interference Technique!!"

A look of jealousy flashed in Huangpu's beautiful eyes, madly stimulating the natal Gu in his body.

A weird gu worm with six wings and three heads suddenly appeared behind Huangpu Lihua, opened her mouthparts, and bursts of weird waves sprayed out of its mouth towards Shu. The wind blasted away.

For an instant, the mutant natal Gu in Shu Feng's body trembled and screamed, and the ejected profound energy flowed back in his body, interfering with his actions.

A burst of sharp pain permeated Shu Feng's body, causing his movement to stagnate a little.

This is the restraint effect of "Ten Thousand Demon Skills" on "Gu Demon Skills". Once the "Ten Thousand Demon Skills" have been cultivated to the level of Xiaocheng, the natal Gu in the cultivator's body will have a huge restraint power over the "Gu Demon Skills" cultivator's natal Gu.

If it hadn't been for Shu Feng's natal Gu that had undergone a mutation, Huang Pu Lihua's natal Gu would be called, and it would turn back to bite its own master and gnaw its internal organs.

"Gu Demon Gong" has such a defect, and the Baguio Demon Sect has relatively few talents who practice "Wan Gu Demon Gong".

"Love Gu!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Huangpu's beautiful eyes, a bite, and a spout of blood that plunged into the fifth-order love gu.

The fifth-order love gu absorbed the blood of Huangpu Lihua, and instantly gave birth to a pair of wings, which flicked and turned into a flash of lightning, and flew towards Shu Feng.

"Go to hell!"

Shu Fengsenhan smiled, and the stainless steel long knife in his hand turned into a streamer and slashed towards the fifth-order love gu. His physical fitness is terrifying, even if the profound energy in his body is disordered, he still possesses terrifying combat power.


Huang Pu Lihua's snow-white skin cracked open wounds, and the phantom of Gu worm appeared behind him, letting out a weird roar.

Inside Shu Feng's body, the mutant natal Gu trembled, ejecting bursts of terrifying profound energy, causing his body to stagnate for a moment.

"Oops, it's too big! I didn't expect "Ten Thousand Gu Magic Skills" to restrain "Gu Magic Skills" to this point!"

Shu Feng's expression changed slightly. He also knew that "Gu Demon Art" would be restrained by "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Art", but he didn't expect to be restrained to this point.

At the moment when Shu Feng was stagnated, that weird and incomparable sentiment flew to his side, passed through his body guard without a sound, and rushed on his skin, weird. It melted into his body without breaking his skin.

As soon as that sentiment Gu submerged into Shu Feng's body, bursts of mysterious and unpredictable fluctuations surfaced.

"Huangpu Lihua, so beautiful! Is she so beautiful?"

Shu Feng looked at the Huang Pu Lihua, and suddenly his eyes lit up, feeling that she seemed to be more than ten times more beautiful than before, as if his heart was beating wildly when he was looking at Zhong Jietong and Ding Xiaoxue.

At this moment, the 8 points of divine light in Shu Feng's body flashed, and the terrifying power stunned the strange and unpredictable love, making him instantly regain consciousness.

"Damn it! I order, you swallow that love gu at all costs!"

As soon as Shu Feng regained consciousness, there was a panic in his heart, his thoughts moved, and he commanded frantically.

The eyes of the mutant natal Gu in Shu Feng's body were crimson, countless mysterious curse imprints appeared, and the various restrictions placed on it by the central control tower emerged, taking over its body and making it instinctively towards the love Gu. Flutter.

Although that Tier 5 Love Gu was weird and unpredictable, even Half-Holy could hardly resist it. However, his defense was very weak, and he was immediately pounced by Shu Feng's natal Gu and swallowed directly.

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