God-level Base

Chapter 423: Big match begins

Among the five major demon sects, the Baguio demon sect lord and Taishang elders are all women.

Among the two major towns teaching magical skills, "Blue Water Magical Skills" has the magical effect of keeping face, and the four magical skills are also beautiful and moving, which has attracted countless female geniuses to join.

The Baguio Demon Sect is also the most female among the five major demon sects.

The beautiful and holy beauty in white clothes smiled gracefully: "Sister Ewha, this time, I hope you can do me a little favor."

The beautiful girl in colorful clothes, Pu Lihua, smiled and said: "Senior Sister Yun, if I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Concubine Xu Yun said indifferently: "I hope you can ruin Han Feng above the big competition."

Huang Pu Lihua smiled and said: "Han Feng is a genius born out of the world! Legend has it that he has the peerless talents of Zen Master Wuxin and Demon Ancestor of Ten Thousand Profound Demon. If he grows up, he may be able to compete with Demon Ancestor Ten Thousand Profound Demon.

Among the twelve trolls, the Devil Tiger and several other great trolls all died tragically in Shu Feng's hands, making Shu Feng famous in the Great Zhou Devil Kingdom. Shu Feng has become the most outstanding genius of the younger generation of the Great Zhou Moguo.

Concubine Xu Yun’s beautiful eyes flashed coldly and said: "If Han Feng becomes another ancestor of the Mystic Devil, how should we women deal with ourselves? Become the woman in his harem? I, Concubine Xu Yun, will become the second Wei Tu in the future. Immortal, how can I let a man press on my head?"

The rise of Shu Feng has already made Concubine Xu Yun feel a terrible threat. She would never allow Shu Feng to grow up, threatening her position in the Baguio Demon Sect.

Huangpu Lihua smiled and said: "Senior Sister Yun, you also know the strength of Han Feng. I am not sure of winning against him."

The Demon Tiger was a terrifying powerhouse of the rank of Martial Venerable Realm, and such powerhouses were all beheaded by Shu Feng. Shu Feng's strength is already comparable to a Wu Zun realm powerhouse.

Although Huangpu Lihua's strength is unfathomable, she still has no confidence in Shang Shufeng.

"As long as you use this love gu to calculate him secretly. He will have a deep affection for you, and you will have one more servant of the martial arts realm."

Concubine Xu Yun took out a jade box, opened it directly, and handed it to Huangpu Lihua.

"Fifth Tier Love Gu!!"

When Huang Pu Lihua saw a white and fat Gu worm in the jade box with traces of strange runes, her beautiful eyes lit up, her breathing was stagnant, and a scorching color flashed in her eyes.

The fifth-order love gu is a Wuzun-level Gu worm, mysterious and unpredictable. If you want to cultivate a Tier 5 Love Gu, you need no less resources than a powerful person who cultivates a Martial Venerable Realm.

That Tier 5 Love Gu might even be a semi-sage peak powerhouse, as long as it hits that Tier 5 Love Gu. The powerhouse of the semi-saint pinnacle will also become the minister of Huang Pu Lihua's skirt.

"I will do my best!"

Huang Pu Lihua smiled and took the fifth-order love gu. She was able to become the first disciple of the inner sect, and she was also a human spirit, and naturally she would not promise anything beyond her abilities.

The sect of the Baguio Demon Sect is extremely cruel, close to actual combat, and casualties are normal. Huang Pu Lihua practiced "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Gong" using sentiment Gu is very normal, no one can say anything.

Three days later, the Baguio Demon Sect Grand Competition officially began.

The handyman disciple's competition lasted for two days, and after it was over, it was the outer disciple's turn to compete.

The outer disciple's competition lasted for three days before the most important inner disciple competition began.

The Huaxian Temple was where the inner disciples competed. Outside a white jade square, countless outer disciples gathered. The handyman disciple is not qualified to watch the inner disciple's competition at all.

On a high platform of the Huaxian Temple, sitting on a black brocade robe, a tall figure, wearing a phoenix crown, gorgeous, exuding an overbearing aura, graceful peerless beauty.

This stunning beauty is Baguio's demon sect master, Shangguan Baguio. She joined forces with seven sisters to create the Baguio Demon Sect. In its heyday, the Baguio Demon Sect had five martial arts.

A hundred years ago, Baguio's Demon Sect fought inwardly, and Shangguan Baguio personally killed his former good sisters one by one. In the entire Baguio Demon Sect, only she and the other Supreme Elder who had advanced for thirty years was the martial sage.

The Baguio Demon Sect has also been reduced from the third Demon Sect ranked by the original Great Zhou Demon Sect to the fifth Demon Sect.

However, although Shangguan Baguio is not one of the top ten masters in the world, he is recognized as the third master of the Great Zhou Demon Country, and his strength is only below the Sword Demon Sect.

In addition, Da Zhou Moguo did not know how many old monsters admired Shangguan Baguio in their hearts. The Baguio Demon Sect's position in the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom also stabilized Mount Tai.

Below Shangguan Baguio, there are 26 true disciples sitting. Of the twenty-six true heirloom disciples, 20 were women, and only six male true heirloom disciples.

The twenty female disciples were all white, beautiful and beautiful.

"I'm Gu Yan, the elder of the Xingtang! The rules of the inner disciple Dabi are as follows. Before I announce the start, I cannot attack my opponent. No outsiders are allowed to help! Once the opponent concedes defeat, I cannot continue to attack."

"My Baguio Demon Sect competition is close to the actual combat. If you know you are lost, you'd better surrender immediately, otherwise, you will die in vain. Recognizing the strength of the enemy is also part of the strength."

"Now I announce that the Inner Sect Disciple Competition has officially begun!"

Gu Yan announced with majesty.

A pair of inner disciples quickly came to the white jade square to fight.

Basically, between several moves, those inner disciples were the winners.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"


When Shu Feng, Huang Pu Lihua and other geniuses far superior to other inner disciples appeared, those ordinary inner disciples immediately gave in.

After several rounds, Shu Feng boarded the Baiyu Square again.

"Brother Han Feng, I am Qin Kerer. Your strength is strong, and the next inner disciple contest will definitely become a true disciple. Can you please help me once? Would you give up! As long as you help me this time? , I will go to your room tonight and leave it at your disposal. Okay?"

Wearing a black leather jacket with a bare chest, Shuangfeng almost splits out, revealing a large career line, tall and sexy, beautiful in appearance, pure and pure, with a trace of **** electric eyes beauty Chuchu pleading softly to Shu Feng softly Tao.

"That's Senior Sister Qin Keer, the first beauty among the inner disciples, she really deserves her reputation!!"

"So beautiful!! As long as I can talk to her, even if I die, I am willing!!"


When the outer disciples saw that Qin Ke'er, they all showed drunken gazes, wishing to die for Qin Ke'er.

Shu Feng frowned slightly and said: "Elder Gu Yan, she used Allure Vision, isn't it a violation of the rules?"

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