God-level Base

Chapter 416: Behead the Devil Tiger

"How is it possible? How could this guy's strength soar? What kind of martial skill is this?"

Mohu's complexion suddenly changed, and waves of turbulent waves were set off in his heart. He stepped on mysterious footwork, and his figure retreated violently.

The power provided by the divine nature increased by three times and the agility increased by 50% in actual combat. The effect was extremely terrifying, and Shu Feng's single move hit the Devil Tiger. This is the horror of the divine life body, the stronger the strength, the more terrifying the increase of the divine nature. Therefore, the farther behind, the more terrifying the role of divinity.

Shu Feng severely wounded the devil tiger with a stab, a cold light flashed in his eyes, stepped forward again, and slashed towards the devil tiger.

The magic dog took the opportunity to step forward and blasted Shu Feng's back with a paw.

Holding a copper rod, the demon cow blasted towards Shu Feng's waist from the side.

The demon sheep was very yin-damaged, waving a long whip, which was like a poisonous dragon, blasting towards Shu Feng's lower body.

"A bunch of little ants are really annoying!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, the knife light in his hand flashed, and the three knife lights flashed like streamers, flashing on the heads of the three big monsters.

The heads of the three major trolls flew up in an instant, and large swaths of blood sputtered out.

"Let's release the arrow!"

Demon Tiger gritted his teeth, shouted sharply, took out a syringe, pressed it towards Shu Feng, and shouted sharply.

The needle is called Shensha Magic Needle. Every shot of the magic needle has the special effect of piercing the qi, and the needle is highly poisonous. Once it is stabbed, even the strong of the Wuzun level will be in pain. Forbearance, strength declines.

In an instant, the rain of needles all over the sky shoots frantically towards Shu Feng like a meteor.

when! when! when! when!

There were bursts of crisp noises, and the dense rain of needles pierced Shu Feng's body guard gas, pierced his body, and was immediately bounced away.

Shu Feng's defense was already terribly strong, and with the 50% strengthening of the defensive divinity, the defense was even more terrifying. That magic sand magic needle couldn't even pierce his epidermis.

"What a terrible defense! Are you born with copper skin and iron bones? This monster!!"

The devil's eyes shrank slightly, and he continued to retreat violently.

Dozens of arrows contained terrifying profound energy, like shooting stars, shooting frantically towards Shu Feng. The demon tiger's roar is to let those responders come to meet him.

Shu Feng used the streamer knife technique, and the lights of the swords shone, turning into heavy swords and slashing on the arrows, and the dozens of arrows flew one by one, rushing straight towards the demon tiger.

That Demon Tiger is a terrifying master of the Martial Venerable Realm level. Whether it is beheading him or suppressing him, it is of great benefit to Shu Feng.

If the Devil Tiger escapes, even Shu Feng will have a headache. After all, if a martial arts level powerhouse is hidden in the dark, it is as dangerous as a poisonous snake hidden in the dark.

"Damn, Han Feng, you turned out to be aggressive, then let us all die together!!! Demonized!!!"

A fierce and terrifying light flashed in the eyes of the devil tiger, and he bit through a pill in his mouth, and bursts of terrifying devilish energy poured out all over his body. The body suddenly swelled, his muscles began to squirm crazily, and his breath began to violent. increase.

"Prison Sky Magic Step!"

Shu Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and he used one of the nine magical skills of the prison gate, and took a step directly, appearing behind the demon tiger like a teleport, and slashed it down.

A terrifying stream of light flashed on the head of the devil tiger. The devil tiger's head was suddenly separated from the body, and his eyes flashed with incredible colors, and large swaths of blood sprayed from his headless neck. Disperse on the ground.

Demon Tiger never thought that Shu Feng still mastered such a magical skill as Prison Sky Magic Step. You must know that this kind of magical skill in Baguio's Demon Sect will only be rewarded and realized only after the major true disciples have made their peerless feats.

Shu Feng thought quietly: "Martial arts like the streamer knife are still too weak! I need to practice the most powerful magical skills of the Baguio Demon Sect in order to be able to take advantage of my physical fitness."

A powerful martial art is very important for martial artists. With a powerful martial skill, even if the cultivation base is slightly weaker, in actual combat, you can leapfrog and kill enemies with a stronger cultivation base.

The reason why Baguio Demon Sect and other five true Demon Sect disciples can run rampant at the same level is because they not only have a terrifying cultivation base and amazing physical fitness, but also master a variety of powerful magical skills that are not inferior to the Prison Sky Magic Step.

As for the nine magical skills of the Prison Skeleton Gate, Shu Feng did not dare to expose it easily. Once he was recognized, he would probably be regarded as a spy at the Prison Skull Gate. It is even more difficult to become a true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect.

The Devil Tiger was slashed by Shu Feng, and the soldiers brought by the twelve trolls immediately collapsed and fled all around.

The soldiers of the Baguio Demon Sect took the opportunity to slay all the soldiers brought by the twelve trolls.

Shu Feng personally took action, killing the masters of the twelve trolls brought by the warriors one by one, harvesting their souls.

Those souls accumulate little and become more, as long as there are enough, they can be combined into holy souls. In this way, the thunder and lightning dragon eel can evolve into a Tier 6 monster in one fell swoop.

After Shu Feng killed all the soldiers brought by the twelve trolls, regardless of the protests of the major forces in Qiguang City, he directly closed all the city gates and blocked the transmission of news.

A large ship left the port directly and sailed into the Blue Devil Sea.

A few days later, a large ship sailed in the Blue Demon Sea.

Sun Yiluo stood on the deck with his hands on his back, quietly looking into the distance. His righteous son Sun Yijian stood behind him.

A small boat galloped from a small island.

"Master Treading Sea Demon, please stop! The front is the Haizun Island where Hai Wuzun lives. Master Hai Wuzun doesn't like to be disturbed by someone landing on the island."

A very handsome boy in white with red lips and white teeth stood on the boat and said in a loud voice.

Sun Yiluo said indifferently: "Then you go and talk to Hai Wuzun! Just say that I have important matters to discuss with him."

"Yes! Lord Demon!"

The white-clothed young man smiled respectfully and took the boat back to the island.

It didn't take long for a wave of waves tossed around the small island, and a giant octopus that was fifty meters high just emerged from the surface.

On the head of the giant octopus, there stood a man who was the Sea Wuzun of the Sea Demon.

"This is the sea monster! The Sea Monster Society is manipulating these terrifying sea monsters, possessing the power to attack sea merchants, forcing us to bow our heads and pay their offerings to them, otherwise there is a danger that the sea lanes will be cut off."

Sun Yiluo narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself.

Qiguang City is a commercial city dominated by sea trade. Once the sea route is cut off, the entire city will quickly wither.

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