God-level Base

Chapter 408: Treading the Sea Demon Commander

Hua Shilei pondered for a while and said: "I can provide you with three missions that can get rich resources!"

Shu Feng can also receive some sect missions from the mission courtyard and obtain resources. However, the tasks that are truly rich in resources are in the hands of the major true education disciples.

Those missions with high contributions and abundant resources are in the hands of true disciples. They can't complete them all by themselves, but they can also be completed by the inner disciples who depend on them. Of course, those inner disciples who depend on them also have to donate part of the sect's contributions and resources to those true disciples.

"The first task is to become the inspector of Yunlan County, investigating those forces that try to defy my Baguio Demon Sect, and suppress them."

"The second task is to investigate Linghua Mountain for five years."

"The third task is to go to Qiguang City to investigate the truth about the reduction of Qiguang City's offerings."

"The second task of these three tasks is the easiest. There is a shadow of a phantom behind the first task, but as an inspection, you have the most power and the most beautiful. The third task has the most oil and water, but it is also the most dangerous. "

"Qiguang City is the closest to the Azure Demon Sea. It is not only a sea trade city where sea animal materials are traded, but also a sin city where countless mortals wanted by the Great Zhou Demon Kingdom are gathered.

"Ten days ago, He Lianfeng, the most promising disciple of advanced true biography, disappeared in Qiguang City. If I didn't guess wrong, he should be dead. If you choose the third mission, you must be careful not to die. There." Hua Shilei said lightly.

Shu Feng said: "Sister Hua, why are you so sure that I will choose to go to Qiguang City?"

Hua Shilei smiled and said: "Because of these three missions, the mission to Qiguang City is the most rewarding. If you want to become a true disciple of my Baguio Demon Sect in this competition, you will definitely choose Qiguang City's mission. ."

The Baguio Demon Sect has a big competition every three years. Only by defeating the true disciples in front of the big competition, or becoming the chief disciple of the inner disciples, can those disciples of the inner disciples rise to the sky and become true disciples in one step.

Another year and a half will be the day of the Baguio Demon Sect's sect competition. Hua Shilei is sure that Shu Feng will not miss this opportunity to reach the sky and become a true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect.

"Qi Guangcheng's task is my next step!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and took out his identity jade card.

Hua Shilei took out her identity jade card, took a photo of Shu Feng’s identity jade card, and a ray of light shone, and soon gave Shu Feng the task: "Remember, one-tenth of the harvest is for me! This is rule!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Okay!"

The Azure Demon Sea is still an extremely wide ocean, and there are countless terrifying sea beasts growing in that Azure Demon Sea. Some huge sea beasts are even like hills, and even the powerhouses of the martial sage rank can swallow them in one mouthful.

It's just that the terrifying sea beasts are also great alchemy medicines to the human race. Their inner alchemy, blood, and even flesh and blood are good materials for alchemy.

As a sea trade city near the Qingmohai, Qiguang City is naturally rich and prosperous. Countless martial artists from the basalt world gather here, eager to hunt sea beasts in the Qingmohai.

Countless merchants gathered in Qiguang City to purchase materials from various sea beasts.

Sea Treading Demon Commander Sun Yiluo is the number one master of Qi Guangcheng, a terrifying powerhouse with a half-step martial arts series. Although the city masters of Qiguang City in the past were all inner disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect, if those inner disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect did not come to visit the sea-treading demon commander Sun Yiluo first, they would be directly emptied. House.

Sun Yiluo, the demon of stepping on the sea, is arrogant and domineering, but in Qiguang City, he is as stable as Mount Tai. That's because he is not only strong and strong, but also very good at being a man. Every year, he will flood a large amount of resources to honor the major elders in the Baguio Demon Sect. He also has a backer in the Baguio Demon Sect, so he was able to dominate Qiguang City and live a good life.

There are three people sitting in the reception hall of Sun Yiluo, the demon commander of Qi Guangcheng.

The three were Sun Yiluo, the demon of Treading Sea, Guohai, the Dragon of Fanjiang, and Jiangya, the Monkey-Treading Lake. The three of them are the three great masters of Qiguang City, and they also control 70% of Qiguang City's power. Together, the three can prevent anyone in Qiguang City from seeing the sun the next day.

Jiang Ya looked worried and said: "Big Brother Sun, I heard that the Baguio Demon Sect has sent someone to investigate again, what should I do?"

Sun Yiluo grinned grimly and said: "What are you afraid of? As long as the three of us work together, if he is a little bit wiser and cooperate with us. If he is not wise, let him chop up and throw the fish into the sea like Helianfeng. "

Guo Hai looked worried and said: "Big Brother Sun! After killing two inner disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect, will the Baguio Demon Sect send true disciples to investigate?"

Each of the true disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect is a martial arts master of the Great Master's rank, and their strength is extremely terrifying. Sun Yiluo, the demon commander in the sea, is not necessarily the opponent of the true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect.

Moreover, as soon as the true disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect are dispatched, they can even ask the martial arts masters of the Baguio Demon Sect to take action. At that time, even if they join forces, there is only one dead end.

Sun Yiluo said indifferently: "So it's best to find a way to get Han Feng to cooperate with us! The big deal, we also allocate resources for him and let him shut up. If you don't have a last resort, it's best not to kill him!"

The two great masters Jiang Ya and Guo Hai nodded slightly.

The disciples of the Baguio Demon Sect, a major demon sect, would just kill one or two. Being killed one after another will definitely attract its attention.

"Master Demon, Han Feng has arrived at our grandson mansion!"

Sun Yijian, one of the thirteen sons of Sun Yiluo, the demon commander of the sea treading, stepped into the reception hall and reported to Sun Yiluohui.

"Come so fast! Let's go to meet the future City Lord Qiguang!"

Sun Yiluo flashed a cold light in his eyes, smiled slightly, got up and strode outside.

The two great masters Jiang Ya and Guo Hai also walked outside behind Sun Yiluo.

In an incomparably elegant room, Shu Feng sat on a soft white tiger leather chair, sipping spirit tea, and tasting the delicious pastries delivered by the maid.

"This one must be the Han Feng brother of the Baguio Demon Sect! Old husband Sun Yiluo! Really young! It is amazing to be able to become the City Lord of Qiguang City at a young age!"

As soon as Sun Yiluo stepped into the room, he strode to Shu Feng's body and said with great enthusiasm.

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and said straight to the point: "The demon commander is polite! Mr. Han came to inquire about important matters this time! May I ask the demon commander, why the worship of Qiguang City has been decreasing year by year in the past few years?"

Sun Yiluo's eyes shrank slightly, and then he smiled boldly: "This matter is a long story! I have prepared a reception banquet for Brother Han, how about we talk and talk at the banquet?"

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