God-level Base

Chapter 405: Lunar Eucharist

Li Hui said, "This is the basic natal gu's room! Brother Han Feng, you have a fancy natal gu, just pick it!"

In a spacious room with an area of ​​approximately two thousand square meters, there are guts placed one by one, and zombies are installed in the guts.

Shu Feng walked past the guts one by one, observing the zombies in the guts.

Those natal Gus looked like worms, but they had extremely sharp mouthparts. They looked a little clumsy, but in reality they were very cruel. They move at a speed like a cheetah, and once released, they can gnaw an ordinary person from the brain.

The worm form is just the basic form of the natal Gu. As the master cultivates "Gu Demon Gong" for cultivation in different directions, the natal Gu will also undergo a variety of strange and incomparable evolutions.

Some natal Gu can evolve into Love Gu, and that Love Gu will give birth to Child Gu. If the owner of the love Gu planted the sub-gu into his lover's body, once the lover betrayed, it would be eaten away completely by the sub-bones.

Some natal Gu can evolve into Flying Demon Gu. Once the Flying Demon Gu is activated, it can give birth to a pair of wings and fly freely in the sky.

You know, in the basalt world, not every martial sage can fly in the sky. Only those martial sages who have practiced special secret methods can fly in the sky.

Of course, if you want to cultivate all kinds of terrifying natal Gu, the resources that need to be consumed are like mountains and seas.

"I want this natal Gu!"

Shu Feng's gaze flicked over the natal Gu, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he grasped the dying natal Gu with two sword arms in his hand.

Li Hui kindly reminded him: "Brother Han Feng, this mutant natal Gu is indeed a rare good Gu. But it failed to mutate and is dying, so it can't be saved at all. Would you like to choose another one? "

That natal Gu mutation is extremely rare. Once the mutation succeeds, it will be an extremely cruel and powerful Gu worm that far surpasses other natal Gu. However, the natal Gu that can mutate successfully is extremely rare, and most of the mutant natal Gus are just like this knife arm natal Gu. The mutation fails and cannot be saved.

Shu Feng said lightly: "I want it!"

Others can't save this mutant natal Gu, Shu Feng has a source energy evolution mutation nest, which can completely evolve it.


Li Hui stopped persuading him and quickly helped Shu Feng go through a series of formalities.

As soon as Shu Feng left the internal affairs courtyard, he walked towards a mountain.

In the parlor of an exquisite palace on Mount Shi Lei.

Hua Shilei smiled slightly and said, "Junior Brother Han Feng, what's the matter if you come to me?"

Shu Feng said calmly: "Senior Sister Shi Lei, I came here to ask for something. I repaired "Gu Demon Art"! I want you to help me get some powerful zombies, when my zombies evolve. Resources."

Hua Shilei gave Shu Feng a white look: "Han Feng, you really dare to speak! Those top zodiacal gu sheds are the best resources for the evolution of other gu worms. Each one is of great value."

Shu Feng confidently said: "When I owe you a favor. With my Han Feng's talent, it is only a matter of time before becoming a true disciple of the Baguio Demon Sect. As long as you help me this time, I can promise to help you in the future. A thing within one's ability. The favor of a true disciple is much more precious than those top-level natal Gus."

Hua Shilei smiled and said: "Let me help you, it's not impossible! As long as you agree to become a true disciple, help me become a saint. I will help you get a few top-level natal Gus!"

Shu Feng said: "I can only say do my best. After all, the saint is appointed by the suzerain."

Hua Shilei smiled and said: "As long as you try your best!"

"Deal! I'm leaving!"

Shu Feng left a faint sentence, then turned and left directly.

"This guy!"

Hua Shilei couldn't help being a little speechless. If she came to her house as another male disciple, she would not want to stay a while. But Han Feng, who was in the form of Shu Feng, turned and left as soon as the affairs were done, which made her feel a little unhappy.

"Xiao Zhu! Here you are!"

As soon as Shu Feng returned to his courtyard, he saw a little girl who was about 13 or 14 years old. Her hair was a little yellow due to nutritional insufficiency. She was thin and poor-breasted, but she was quite cute.

This little girl is Xiaozhu, the most important person in Han Feng's heart.

When Xiao Zhu saw Han Feng in Shu Feng's incarnation, he smiled, revealing a few missing teeth, which made her look a little ugly. She threw herself into Shu Feng's arms, full of joy.

"Han Feng's wish is to protect Xiaozhu! So I should let her protect herself. Otherwise, I have so many enemies, and she will be killed if she is not careful."

Shu Feng pondered for a while, pressing between Xiaozhu's neck and a profound energy gushing out.

Xiaozhu suddenly passed out into a coma.

Shu Feng went straight back to his room, hung up the sign of retreat practice, and entered the space of the base.

As soon as he entered the base space, Shu Feng threw the mutant natal Gu into the source energy mutation evolution lair, and then asked the central analyzer to scan the "Gu Magic Skill".

"The analysis of "Gu Demon Skill" has been completed, and the version 2.0 of "Gu Demon Skill" has been released. By practicing this technique, the efficiency will be increased by three times."

"Whether to consume 10,000 source energy to let the mutant natal Gu complete the mutation?"


Before Shu Feng left from Blue Star, he went to Fangshu and obtained several treasures with huge source power. At present, he had 400,000 source power, enough to make him squander.

In that source energy evolution mutation lair, countless mucus spewed out, wrapping the half-dead natal gu, forming a fist-sized gray egg.

The huge source of energy was poured into it at once, into that natal Gu.

After the natal Gu absorbed the source energy, it quickly regained its spirit. The worm-like body grew four strong and powerful thighs like locusts, and the pupils also exuded a sharp and cruel red light.

"Scan her and let her evolve!"

Shu Feng hugged Xiaozhu into the source energy evolution tower and said to the central analyzer.

The blue scanning light shot out from the source energy evolution tower and enveloped Xiaozhu's body one after another.

"It takes 200,000 yuan to make her evolve!"

A line of hints emerges.

Shu Feng frowned slightly and said, "How can it consume so much source power?"

A row of data emerged from the central analyzer.

"Xiao Zhu!"

"Lunar Eucharist (not activated)."

"Talent, the posture of Emperor Wu (not activated)."

"Strength 5, Agility 7, Defense 5, Constitution 4, Intelligence 102, Spirit 120."

"Charm 15, soul power 1 holy soul."

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