God-level Base

Chapter 401: Kill the Rat

"The Baguio Demon Sect is no longer the Baguio Demon Sect a hundred years ago. A Baguio Demon Sect is so big, besides the Sovereign and a Supreme Elder, who is the opponent of my Demon Dragon Brother?

"Yuan Xian'er is also the prey of my Big Brother Demon Tiger. In the future, the sisters of the Yuan Family will be the furnace of my Big Brother Demon Tiger. It is ridiculous that you used her to threaten me."

"Since you don't want to hand over Yuan Ling'er, then go to death!"

The magic rat suddenly smiled, his body boiled with profound energy, and the black profound energy condensed behind him to form a huge magic rat exuding a terrifying and evil aura.

The demon mouse shook his body, flew towards Zhao Tian like lightning, and slammed directly towards Zhao Tian with one claw.

A cold light flashed in Zhao Tian's eyes, and the profound energy was madly urged. A cyan magic flower appeared behind him, which was cut with a single knife, and it slashed at the magic mouse like lightning.

Demon Mouse smiled contemptuously, pinched the right paw, and directly smashed the blade of light, and the right paw prodded into Zhao Tian's chest.


Zhao Xiaona screamed.

The fifty soldiers took out a broken crossbow at once and shot it directly at the enchanted rat.

Fifty crossbow arrows that can shoot through the gas are like shooting stars, shooting towards the enchanted rat.

Once the martial artist of the basalt world has cultivated to the realm of the martial master, they will condense the qi, and the defense of the body protection qi is extremely terrifying, even the power of the great martial master level is difficult to break.

Only the special Broken Crossbow has the power to shoot Broken Qi, and only a powerful sect like the Baguio Demon Sect has such a powerful weapon as the Broken Crossbow.

Even if a martial arts master accidentally shoots the broken crossbow, he will be shot broken and hit directly.

"You want to hurt me even with these lowly things?"

Demon Rat Senhan smiled and flicked his fingers, and a black finger light blew on Zhao Tian's body.

Zhao Tian flew upside down like a ruin and fell to the ground, coughing up blood again and again, his expression twisted in pain.

The demon mouse's figure swayed slightly, like a huge weird and sensitive mouse, with weird and agile body, easily avoiding most of the broken arrows. He flicked his fingers, and the two broken arrows flew back straight like shooting stars, piercing the heads of the two soldiers at once.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart sank slightly.

A playful color flashed in the eyes of the demon mouse, suddenly violent, and rushed towards Zhao Tian who was struggling on the ground. Among the huge motorcade, the most threatening to him is Zhao Tian. As long as Zhao Tian is killed, everyone else can slowly be killed.

"It's over!! I'm dead this time! I don't want to be a furnace for people!!"

Yuan Ling'er's eyes flashed with despair and fear, and her delicate body trembled, making it difficult to move. She has a wide range of knowledge, and naturally knows that once she is regarded as a furnace, the end will generally be very miserable.

"Mouse, **** it, how could a master of the twelve troll series appear in this place? It's all because of the **** Yuan Ling'er!"

A flash of resentment flashed in Zhao Xiaolu's beautiful eyes, but she still urged her profound energy, and a sword pierced the demon rat. Zhao Tian has loved her since she was a child, and she couldn't bear to see the grandfather who had always loved her dying under the claws of the demon mouse.

"The little beauty is good! Yuan Ling'er is the cauldron that Big Brother Mohu ordered! You can be my cauldron! This time I came out, my luck is really good!"

When the demon mouse saw Zhao Xiaolu, his eyes lit up, his body shook slightly, and he rushed towards Zhao Xiaolu like lightning.

"It's a pity, your luck is so bad! You met me!!"

A cold voice sounded from the side, and Shu Feng walked out from the side, urging the profound energy, and slashed directly at the demon mouse with a streamer knife technique.

"Martial arts realm! His cultivation reached the real martial arts realm, so fast. It's a pity that no matter how powerful a martial arts master is, it can't withstand a single blow against a grandmaster!!"

Yuan Ling'er saw Shu Feng coming out more and more, and slashed towards the devil mouse, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and the silver teeth bit, and stepped back a few steps. She had a noble birth, but she didn't want to die in such a place.

"Little ants in the martial arts realm, go to death!"

Momo smiled contemptuously, and blasted Shu Feng's knife with a backhand.


Suddenly, the magic mouse had a sense of consciousness, and a trace of inexplicable premonition developed in his heart, and his body retreated violently.

At that moment, Shu Feng's blade light speed suddenly doubled, slashing fiercely on the demon mouse's claws.

when! !

A terrifying loud noise sounded, and Shu Feng's stainless steel long knife collapsed directly, turning into countless fragments and splashing around.

The magic mouse spouted a mouthful of blood, and the right paw was twisted and cracked by a terrifying force, and his figure retreated violently. Stormy waves were set off in his heart: "What a terrifying power! This monster is just a mere martial artist. How could there be such a terrifying power?"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and he directly drew another stainless steel long knife and slashed it directly at the enchanted rat.

"Damn, you hurt me!! You dare to hurt me!! A martial artist-level ant actually hurt me. It seems that you are a peerless genius with natural power!! It is a pity that your opponent is me!!! You are dead!! It is really exciting to be able to kill such a genius!"

The Demon Rat laughed wildly and frantically urged his profound energy. The Demon Rat phantom behind him spewed a black breath into his right hand.

There was a crackling sound, and the broken and twisted right hand of the magic mouse recovered, his figure swayed slightly, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"not good!"

Zhao Xiaona's heart sank, knowing that the magic mouse has displayed its true ability.

Among the twelve trolls, the magic rat’s famous stunt is the magic rat’s secret step. Once he uses this kind of footwork, even a strong person in the Spirit Sect realm can hardly catch his movement trajectory.

"Go to hell!"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, displayed the streamer knife technique, chopped seven knives in a row, and the seven knives were combined into one, turning into a terrifying sword light and slashed towards the empty place behind him.

The light of the knife flashed, and a **** light sputtered out. The Demon Mouse's body appeared and split into two. There was an incredible color flashing in his eyes, and his body shook slightly and fell to the ground.

Shu Feng's soul is a holy soul, the soul of the martial sage rank, and his spiritual power is comparable to that of the spiritual sage, and his spiritual sense is astonishing. There is no secret in the magic rat body in his eyes.

"Dead!! He killed the rat among the twelve trolls!! He was just a martial artist!! What a talent!! Born Communion!!! Great!!!"

When Zhao Tian saw the beheaded Demon Rat, his eyes flashed with incredulity, and he laughed in excitement.

Zhao Xiaona's beautiful eyes flashed brightly: "Awesome! The magic rat among the twelve trolls was just beheaded by him? That's amazing!"

Yuan Ling'er was also stunned: "Awesome! So amazing, is this little beggar a monster? How come he even cut the rat among the twelve trolls? He is still just a martial artist!!"

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