God-level Base

Chapter 186: Advanced psychic

After Shu Feng boarded the False Demon Hunting List, in the circle of psionicists, the top figures knew of his existence. Naturally, many people study him.

Fang Yao's eyes flashed brightly: "Shu Feng, are you interested in being my apprentice? As long as you become my apprentice, I will do my best to train you. All you have to do is to win me this national high school student First in the martial arts competition, help me slap a **** in the face."

Shu Feng asked curiously: "Sister Fang Yao, what is your cultivation base?"

"Ling Zun!"

Fang Yao smiled proudly, a flash of cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a terrifying coercion of Lingzun's series spread out from her tender body and enveloped Shu Feng's body.

Click! Click!

Shu Feng's body trembled slightly, and under Fang Yao's terrifying spiritual pressure, his bones were all pressed to make a burst of noise.

"Master is here, please be respected by the disciple!"

Shu Feng knelt directly on the ground and bowed to Fang Yao, respectfully.

The powerhouses of the Spirit Venerable Realm are also very rare in the Qianyuan Republic, and each of them is a terrifying existence similar to the three giants of the Heavenly Sword.

Each of the spiritual saints in the Qianyuan Republic is a dragon without seeing the end. Shu Feng was only lucky to have seen the primitive side of Ling Sheng Ji, and it was almost impossible to worship a Ling Sheng as his teacher. To be able to worship a spiritual deity as a teacher is already Shu Feng's best choice.

"Yes, good disciple!! You are now at the limit of a spiritualist, and you are about to break through. You need the Dragon Soul Pond!! Go, I will take you to the Transformation in the Dragon Soul Pond of Shuijing High School!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Fang Yao's beautiful eyes, and he walked towards the back mountain of Shuijing High School with Shu Feng.

At the deepest part of Shuijing High School, two people walked in front of the mountain where the Hualong Lingchi was located. It was Fang Yao and Shu Feng.

"Rainbow Dragon Tree, come out for me!"

As soon as Fang Yao came to the mountain peak of the Hualong Lingchi, the willow eyebrows raised, and the terrifying pressure of the Spirit Venerable Realm immediately gushed out like a tide, sweeping towards the area where the Rainbow Dragon Tree was.

"Fang Yao, little ancestor, what can you do?"

A helpless human face appeared on the body of the hundred-meter-high Rainbow Dragon Tree.

Fang Yao said incomparably overbearing: "This is my disciple Shufeng, a person with heavenly spiritual ability! He wants to advance to the great spiritual master, and he wants to use the dragon spirit pool, you take him over!!"

That Hong Longshu looked helpless and said, "Little ancestor Fang Yao, without the principal's token, I dare not let anyone go!!"

Fang Yao raised her eyebrows and said domineeringly: "If you don't let others go, I will give you a big deal! Do you think the principal dare to come and reason with me!"

Hong Longshu looked helpless and said, "Okay! Okay! I'll let them go!! But, you have to use your quota!! Is this the head office?"

Fang Yao said: "This is fine too! Go ahead! Don't waste time!"

"Hey, I'm afraid of you!!"

Hong Longshu sighed and stretched out a cane to roll Shu Feng into the Hualong Lingchi.

"Worshiping a great master really benefits a lot!"

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he walked toward the Hualong Lingchi.

If there is no Fang Yao, Shu Feng can also use the remaining blood of the gods, the remaining source energy, and the spiritual power in the spiritual stone to evolve and advance to the realm of the great spiritual master.

However, the blood of the gods and source energy are the most precious resources. Once consumed, it is too difficult to obtain new resources.

At the beginning, the **** of darkness was besieged, but most of the spirit saints of the Blue Star Giant teamed up, and the seven holy spears were dispatched together to kill him. If it were one-on-one, the original Dark God was definitely the terrifying existence of Blue Star Invincible. There is absolutely not much blood of the gods remaining in this world.

Shu Feng strode into the Dragon Soul Pond, urging the sun and moon sacred scriptures, a big sun and a spiritual moon emerged behind him, and the whole person turned into a terrifying black hole madly absorbing the spirit in the Dragon Soul Pond. force.

That sun and moon sacred canon can be called the world's first peerless secret method, and it has been nourished by ample spiritual power, and the atomized spiritual power in Shu Feng's body has also been slightly transformed into liquid spiritual power.

When all the spiritual power in Shu Feng's body was transformed into liquid spiritual power, from the deepest part of his body, there seemed to be an extra black hole, frantically sucking up all the liquid spiritual power.

Within a few breaths, more pure liquid spiritual power gushed out of Shu Feng's spiritual power meridians again, continuously nourishing his body and soul.

The curse imprints of those skill seeds appeared at once, madly vomiting the spiritual power of the Dragon Soul Pond, causing the spiritual power in the Dragon Soul Pond to disappear continuously.

A layer of spiritual fog surrounding the Lingshan Mountain began to dissipate inch by inch.

"That kid, really a monster, he has to **** up the spiritual fluid in the Dragon Transformation Pond!! What is the origin of this little guy, so he can **** it, even better than Lingzong!"

Hong Longshu glanced in the direction of the Hualong Lingchi, and said bitterly. It is stationed here, and the spiritual power that escapes from the Dragon Soul Pool is its nourishment. It also regards the Hualong Lingchi as its own wealth, and now that Shu Feng has absorbed so much spiritual power, it is extremely painful.

A touch of pride flashed in Fang Yao's beautiful eyes: "That's natural! My apprentice is the eighth heavenly spiritual ability person in the Qianyuan Republic!"

Hong Longshu said with a painful expression on his face: "Heaven-level spiritual ability person! No wonder!! I lost it, this time, it's a big loss!! I would have let him in if I knew it. I lost it to me!!"

Seven days later, the spirit fluid in the dragon spirit pool had dried up, but Shu Feng still hadn't completed the transformation, and that epic blood contract and epic extraordinary summoning skills could not evolve into a legendary level.

"The blood of the gods!"

Shu Feng gritted his teeth and swallowed a drop of God's blood.

In an instant, an immense and terrifying force filled Shu Feng's body, madly flooding into that epic blood bond and epic extraordinary summoning spell.

After absorbing the power of that drop of the blood of the gods, Shu Feng's two brave skills finally completed the transformation.

"Finally advanced to the Great Spiritist!!"

Shu Feng opened his eyes at once, and countless data appeared in his eyes at once.

"Strength 198 (+30), Dexterity 181 (+30), Defense 285 (+30), Constitution 250 (+30), Intelligence 255 (+30), Spirit 280 (+30), Magic power 1500000 (+500000) , Vindictiveness 0, badge power 1320000."

"Charm 195 (+30), spiritual power 1,500,000 (+500000), soul power 707 (+100)."

"Epic-level extraordinary swordsmanship. Skill description: epic-level swordsmanship talent."

"The power of an epic supernormal king. Skill description: ...a range of 50,000 kilometers in diameter."

"Lower Legendary Extraordinary Blood Deed. Skill Description:... It can resist the damage of Legendary Curse Chain Spells and Secrets."

"Lower Legendary Extraordinary Summoning. Skill description: ... resist the interference of Lower Legendary Summoning."

Shu Feng looked at his data panel, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes: "With my current strength, I am afraid I can fight some weak spirit sects!!"

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