God-level Base

Chapter 183: Subdue the Spirits

Ji Bingyun smiled lightly: "I ran away from home and went out to play, but I was caught by people like the Han family. I thought it was funny, so I pretended to be caught by them, and then they sold me over."

Shu Feng said: "Well, after I have settled some things, I will send you home."

Ji Bingyun's **** and white eyes flickered, and he said with curiosity: "Then these little brothers and little sisters, what are you going to do? Are you killing people?"

"What a smart little guy!"

Shu Feng praised in his heart. The Han family is one of the third-class families, with a huge influence and profound background. The great families kept marrying each other, forming a terrifying big net, which moved the whole body.

Beiyuan Li family is a family of first-class families, aloft, guarded by a terrifying powerhouse with a level of spiritual superiority, and the strength is many times stronger than that of the Han family. When the Han family was moved, the Han family could only swallow their anger, and those aristocratic family connections did not dare to activate it.

But for a small person like Shu Feng, the Han family can exchange benefits and let other families use resources to deal with him. If you want everything that happened today to be seamless, all there is to kill is to kill all the forty-nine young men and women present.

Ji Bingyun had guessed this too before confessing his identity.

"I will not kill them. But I will take them to a place that the Han family can't find, that is, in my territory."

"As for you, sister Ji Bingyun, you leave here with this sister Camilla. I have other things to do."

With a wave of Shu Feng, Camilla walked over immediately, hugged Ji Bingyun in his arms, swayed slightly, and flew towards the distance.

Ji Bingyun waved to Shu Feng: "Okay, I'll be obedient, goodbye brother!"

"As for you, from now on, work for me!"

Shu Feng looked at the forty-nine young men and women in the steel cage, and left a faint sentence, putting them into the warrior's nest one by one, transforming and controlling them.

Inside Huanglongshan Cave.

Shu Feng stepped into this cave like a ghost.

In that cave, none of the bright whistle, secret whistle, and spirit dog found Shu Feng, so he walked into the cave generously.

Under the power of the legendary stealth technique of the [Lord of the Night Lord], Shu Feng moves without wind, weight, and no sound when he walks on the ground. As long as he doesn’t use his hands, even those in the Spirit Sect realm are strong. His horror perception could not detect his existence. I don't know how many times as the assassin's sneaking cow.

As soon as Shu Feng came to the end of the cave, he saw Lao Liu and Lao Tie sitting on two soft big beds, closing his eyes and resting.

Lao Liu and Lao Tie seem to have fallen asleep, but because of their terrifying spiritual sense, if there is any disturbance, they will immediately violently kill.

Shu Feng waved his hand, and there were ripples in the void, and the steel beast that had completed the second stage of transformation suddenly violently violently, like lightning, waved a steel sickle and slashed towards Old Liu frantically.

Hasina also held the [Trumbling Rain] sword, using the Tyrannical Sword Technique, and with a burst of dragons' roars, he severely chopped off at Tie Lao.

Lao Liu opened his eyes instantly, his eyes flashed, and he pulled out the Tier 3 Spirit Sword placed aside, blocking him.

when! !

A terrifying loud noise sounded, and the unguarded Liu Lao was smashed against the wall by the steel beast, and the spirit sword in his hand was thrown out.

The steel beast's tail suddenly violently pierced through Liu's eyebrows like lightning, and then it twitched.

"Who are you? I am from the Han family of Xuyang in Qianyuan Republic. If you kill me, the Han family of Xuyang will not let you go!!"

Tie Lao also drew out the spirit sword, barely blocking Hasina's sword, and was also blown away by her sword, hitting the wall fiercely, spouting a mouthful of blood, and screamed in surprise and anger.

"Shuijing High School Shufeng!"

A hint of ripples shone, and Shu Feng immediately appeared in this room, overlooking Tie Lao indifferently.

Countless life eaters, black dogs and virtual demons gush out like a tide, rushing towards the outside, and there are bursts of gunshots and screams from the cave outside.

"It's you!! Shu Feng!!"

A look of horror flashed in Tie Lao's eyes. He didn't expect to see Shu Feng here.

The Beast of Steel took the opportunity to step forward, with five fingers, one after another, sharp steel needles pierced Tie Lao's vitals, piercing his bones one by one.

"Stop it!! I am willing to work for you!! Stop it!!"

Tie Lao screamed and yelled loudly.


Shu Feng smiled lightly.

The Beast of Steel swung a knife and cut Tie Lao's limbs directly.

Shu Feng directly stepped forward with a press, and brought Tie Lao, a strong man in the spirit sect realm, directly into the warrior composite nest.

Countless transparent tentacles rushed out and pierced Tie Lao's body, beginning to transform his genes and flesh, and the limbs severed by the steel beast were quickly glued together.

The Beast of Steel and Hasuna shook their bodies and rushed outside.

Soon there were screams from outside the cave, and the resistance of those Korean soldiers was quickly disintegrated, and one by one died tragically.

At the entrance of the cave, Adnan and dozens of Lifestealers were stationed, and the Han soldiers who fleeed were all killed by Adnan one by one.

It didn't take long for the soldiers of the Han family in the cave to be killed by Shu Feng.

"Let me see what is good about this auction!"

Shu Feng pushed open the door of the warehouse guarded by Tie Lao, and saw various treasures in the warehouse.

"Red Jade Gong and Sanyang Gong, these cheats are of little value."

Shu Feng scanned it at will and found dozens of cheats. Those cheats are not of much use to high-achieving students from the Shuijing High School Tianjiao class like Shu Feng, but for those who are cultivating psychics, each one is worth their frantic competition.

"This is the material for alchemy!"

"This is the material for refining secret treasures!"

"Seventy middle-grade spirit stones and nine thousand lower-grade spirit stones, not bad!"


Shu Feng browsed all the way in the treasure house, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. The various resources stored in that warehouse are worth more than 200 billion yuan. His shot this time was definitely a huge blow to the Han family.

The Han family is a middle-class family and also has a territory in the erosion world. If their territory in the erosion world is sold, the value is definitely more than one trillion. But the Han family has big business and big expenses. A one-time loss of more than 200 billion, coupled with the failure of the transaction with Li Sinan, the loss absolutely exceeded more than 300 billion.

The sudden loss of the Han family was so great, it was definitely a major blow to them, and it would severely hurt their vitality.

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