God-level Base

Chapter 181: transaction

In a very secret cave in Huanglong Mountain.

A young man with a tall body, thick eyebrows and big eyes, dressed in a black samurai uniform, walked in. This young man is Han Tiexin, the second child among the five dragons of the Han family.

"I have seen Young Master!"

The four spiritual warriors in the cave knelt on one knee in front of the Han Tiexin.

"Get up!"

Han Tiexin left a faint sentence and walked towards the cave.

"I have seen Young Master!"

In front of a prison in that cave, a man with an eagle-eyed nose, who looked very sharp, saluted Han Tiexin.

Han Tiexin said coldly: "You haven't moved the goods inside, right?"

The eagle-eyed man hurriedly said: "No, the minion knows that the goods inside are very important, and he stares at the **** personally. There is absolutely no **** dare to move those bastards."

"That's the best!"

Han Tiexin left a light sentence and stepped into the prison.

I saw in that cave prison, there were fifty cells, and each cell contained a person. There were males and females, handsome males and beautiful females. They all had an aura that was far beyond ordinary people.

"What a beautiful little girl, what a stunning child, what a pity!"

Before Han Tiexin came to a cell, she glanced into the cell, her eyes lit up, and a look of regret flashed through her eyes.

On a large bed in that cell, sitting on a large bed with crystal clear skin like jade, a tall figure, with a pair of deer-like long legs, slightly raised double peaks, hair as shiny as black silk, exquisite features, and a pair of black and white. Her big eyes are like two jewels. She is about twelve or thirteen years old. She is a very cute and beautiful little girl.

Han Tiexin couldn't help being very moved when he saw the little girl in the cell, but for the sake of the family's cause, he could only abandon it. After all, for him, he can easily handle as many women as he wants.

"Little Lord!"

Wherever Han Tiexin passed, the soldiers in the cell saluted him.

Han Tiexin strolled around in this cell before leaving.

No one noticed that there were a few more mosquitoes and cockroaches in this cell.

After Han Tiexin left the cell, he went to another room.

"I have seen Young Master!!"

In another room, the three old men bowed to Han Tiexin as soon as they saw Han Tiexin.

Han Tiexin said gently: "Lao Liu, Lao Zhou, and Lao Tie, are you ready?"

The three elders, Liu Lao, Zhou Lao, and Tie Lao, were all worshipped by the Han family and were powerful in the Spirit Sect realm. Even though Han Tiexin was one of the young masters of the Han family, she did not dare to neglect at will.

Old Liu said: "Everything is ready, this auction is absolutely foolproof!"

Elder Zhou said anxiously: "Young Master! Are we really going to trade with those people? If I'm not mistaken, those people are probably from the imaginary society! Once we are discovered that we are trading with the imaginary people, we The Han family will be annihilated!!"

Murder, arson, and bullying of men and women are trivial matters to the Han family. Even if they used the power of Guardian Flame to frame Shu Feng, the Han family only paid a certain price to settle the matter. However, once it is discovered that the Han family and the virtual demon will trade, if the evidence is conclusive, then the Han family will be annihilated.

The False Demon Society is an organization composed of human traitors who have betrayed the Human Race and took refuge in the False Demon. Anyone who colluded with the Void Demon Society, once discovered and the evidence is conclusive, even the aristocratic family will be wiped out.

"As long as you don’t get discovered, nothing will happen! You can get dozens or hundreds of times of profit when you trade with the False Demon Society. In Qianyuan Republic, are there few people dealing with the False Demon Society? Everyone pretends. Deaf and dumb, earning excess profits, why can't our Han family make it?"

"The little beast Li Xuanyi and several family members took a bite on our Han family. If we don't want to fill this shortfall, our power in the Qianyuan Republic will be squeezed out."

"As long as this transaction is completed with the Xu Mohui, in the future, our Han family will be able to open up a new source of financial resources. We will cultivate more powerhouses."

"Even if someone finds out, we won't admit it. After all, the person trading with us is Li Sinan, the great nobleman of the Annu country, not a imaginary society! Goodwill to the Annu country, but it is the national policy of the Qianyuan Republic. I am here. It is also in response to the call of the Prime Minister."

Han Tiexin smiled coldly, full of self-belief.

Although the Han family had vaguely found out that Li Sinan, the great aristocrat of the Annu country, was the white glove of the imaginary society, as long as they didn't come into contact with the real imaginary people, they would have an excuse.

The three elders looked at each other and said: "Since the young master is prepared, we can rest assured!"

Old Zhou said: "Young Master, do I need to be accompanied by my old man in this transaction?"

Han Tiexin groaned for a while and then said, "It's okay! Elder Zhou accompany me on a trip! This is troublesome for the two elders!"

The other two old men said: "Yes!"

Inside the Guyuecheng Presidential Suite.

"The Han family, actually engaged in the abduction and sale of psionics!!! It's time to kill!!"

Shu Feng possessed the body of the synthetic beasts, watching everything that happened, there was a trace of incomparable murderous intent in his heart.

For the Han family, ordinary human trafficking is not worth dispatching a powerful person of the rank of the Han family's five dragons to take the lead. Only the genius among the abductors of psychics is worthy of the power of the spirit sect realm.

Powerful human psychics in the imaginary society emerge in endlessly, and those psychics are captured by forces like the Han family, and then quietly sold to the imaginary society.

In the middle of the night, in a valley in Huanglong Mountain.

"Han Tiexin, where's the goods?"

A tall, beer-belly, bald, greasy middle-aged man walked into the valley among more than 20 men with indifferent faces and exuding a terrifying aura. He looked at the empty valley and his eyes flashed. With a touch of vigilance, he took a few steps back and said coldly.

An ordinary-looking man in black took a step forward, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, spiritual power surged, and a burst of spiritual pressure of the spirit sect level burst out.

"Earl Li Sinan, please be calm and restless!"

Han Tiexin smiled slightly and snapped his fingers.

In the sky, one after another giant eagles with a wingspan of up to 13 meters flew directly, and under each giant eagle, a black steel cage was dragged.

As soon as the black steel cage landed, a subordinate named Han Tiexin quickly stepped forward and opened the black brace on the steel cage, revealing the fifty young men and women inside.

Han Tiexin smiled slightly and said, "The fifty psionicists here are all mysterious-level high-grade psionicists, and this little girl is even a psionicist who has awakened the earth-level middle-grade spiritual ability. I am absolutely satisfied!"

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