God-level Base

Chapter 161: Mutation

The beautiful waiter directly opened the lid of the golden tray, revealing a small flowerpot on which a strange magic grass with a baby face grew.

As soon as the weird magic grass appeared in front of everyone, the eyes on the baby's face opened, and there were bursts of creepy weird calls.

As soon as the weird cry sounded, everyone's bodies trembled, their spiritual power flowed to a halt, and a fluttering sensation came out of their bodies, their hands and feet were paralyzed, and they couldn't move.

Cao Zhen's face changed sharply and said, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"What does this mean? Of course I mean to kill you!"

Suharman III smiled slightly, flipped his hand, a blue spirit spear carved with a blue dragon appeared, aimed at Cao Zhen and pulled the trigger.


A blue light beam struck Cao Zhen's head with one blow, directly exploding the head of Cao Zhen, a spiritual expert from the Water Mirror High School, and a large amount of blood mist scattered on the ground.

An incredulous color flickered in Queen Sailon's beautiful eyes and slowly said: "Your Majesty, what are you doing? Why are you doing that?"

Cao Zhen is a powerful person in the spiritual sect realm of the Qianyuan Republic, and a great figure with status and status in the Qianyuan Republic. Suhamu III killed Cao Zhen in public, which would surely cause the Qianyuan Republic to retaliate violently.

Suharman III smiled slightly and said, "Because Afefu is my subordinate from beginning to end!"

Afefu walked out from the side of the main hall, saluted Queen Sailon slightly, and said with a chuckle: "I have seen the Queen!"

"It's terrible!"

As soon as Zhao Zixin saw Afefu, her face suddenly changed, and she bit her silver teeth, frantically urging her spiritual power in an attempt to restore her mobility.

However, no matter how Zhao Zixin used his spiritual power, she couldn't lazily lift a trace of energy, and she couldn't even move her body.

"Student Zhao Zixin, the goblin juice is non-toxic and harmless. But after taking the goblin juice, hearing the howling of Manluo's face grass will form a strange substance in the human body, which makes people drowsy and weak. Powerless."

"Unless you are a legendary divine creature to be able to resist that strange substance. Otherwise, even if a strong person in the Spirit Sect realm is hit by this trick, they will be soft and weak, without a trace of strength. This state will be able to resist that strange substance. For a whole day, you don’t have to struggle!"

Suharman III smiled slightly at Zhao Zixin.

Seeing Suharman III's gentle smile, the five Tianjiao of Qianyuan Republic felt a trace of chill in their hearts. Suharman III also smiled at Cao Zhen just now, but turned his face and exploded Cao Zhen's head in an instant. This method was simply terrifying.

"Divine creature? Sure enough, this kind of poisonous and strange substance is ineffective to me!"

There was a slight movement in Shu Feng's heart, as he circulated the sacred scriptures of the sun and the moon, the spiritual power of the sun in his body churned, directly burning the strange substance and transforming it into incomparable spiritual power.

The prince Huck said: "Father, can you solve the poison on us?"

"Not yet, because you are going to be sacrifices to the resurrection of the great Lord of the Night!"

Suhamu III smiled slightly, the spirit gun in his hand pointed at Huck's head and pulled the trigger.

A blue light blasted on Huck’s head, smashing Huck’s direct head directly.

Afef held a **** of the night lord in his hands, chanting a mysterious mantra, and pointed at Huck's corpse.

The palm-sized statue of the Lord of the Night took a breath, and a mist of blood poured out from Huck's corpse and plunged into the statue of the Lord of the Night.

With the appearance of the blood mist, Huck's body also turned into a mummy.

"Your Majesty, are you crazy? Huck, but our child. No matter how he is not a weapon, he is also our biological son. Why did you kill him!!! Why!!!"

A touch of panic and despair flashed in Sailen's beautiful eyes, tears gushing out, and a heart-piercing roar.

Although Huck is far less than the third prince Sullimo, he is also the biological son of Salen. Now he was killed by Suharmu III himself, and it almost collapsed Salen.

Hanani, Su Limo, and Hasina looked at Suhamu III with a gentle smile, and there was a hint of chill and an unknown premonition in their hearts.

"Saron, my first ancestor was a believer in the Lord of the Night. Only when our ancestors obtained the power bestowed by the Lord of the Night, were they able to achieve great success and established the Thunderyin Republic."

"However, while gaining power, our family has also been cursed by the Lord of the Night. If the Lord of the Night cannot be resurrected, then our family can only live to 50 years old at most and die. I am forty-nine years old this year. , I don’t want to die yet, so I must resurrect the Lord of the Night."

"Our clan is not only the servant of the Lord of the Night, but also the key to his resurrection. Only by offering enough pure-blood people to him can he be resurrected."

"Once the Lord of the Night is resurrected, according to the contract between our clan. He will give me great power, a long life, and even make me his servant god."

"Salen, you are great! Helped me give birth to four outstanding children, each of them flowing with the pure blood of our family. None of my 36 illegitimate children can match them."

"Especially Hasna, your body is filled with pure blood that surpasses the first generation ancestors, and can become a vessel to carry the resurrection of the Lord of the Night."

"As long as you sacrifice a few of you, and then extract the lives of 700,000 people in the capital, you can complete the great cause of resurrecting our lord."

Suharman III smiled slightly, and his gaze fell on Hasina, as if looking at a treasure, slowly revealing the big secret directly.

Hasuna's eyes were red, tears were streaming down her face, and she cried out in disbelief: "Father, you gave birth to us, is it just to use us as a vessel for resurrecting the Lord of the Night?"

Hanani and Su Limo also stared at Suharman III with unbelievable expressions, the man they had always admired and rumored since childhood.

"Yes, you are the props for me to be born and revive the Lord of the Night."

Suharman III sighed slightly, his gaze fell on Shu Feng's body, and he suddenly became murderous and coldly said: "Shu Feng, I blame you, if it weren't for you, after a while, our ceremony will be able to proceed smoothly. . They can also live a few more days!"

"Now, hand over the arm of my lord on you! I can give you a whole corpse, otherwise, I will chop you up and feed the dog!"

Suhamu III's face sank and his eyes were cold, like a ruthless king who stands high above all beings, ignoring sentient beings, and said coldly.

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Suhamu III, you are really inferior to a pig and a dog, the **** person is you!"

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