God-level Base

Chapter 1298: disturb

The Golden Throat Divine Emperor had betrayed the True Demon Yi Zang, and he was also worried that someone would betray him. He made hands and feet on all of his body under his heart and abdomen. Once He is completely gone, all those people will die.

In almost an instant, more than 80% of the senior members of the Golden Maw True Devil's kingdom died, and the entire Golden Maw True Devil kingdom was plunged into chaos.

"The Golden Maw Divine Emperor has fallen!! Yi Zang has broken the seal!!"

Above a magic light, the Ten Thousand Origin God Emperor, engraved with countless fighting **** patterns, suddenly appeared, stopped, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes looking into the distance.

"Completely destroyed! Among the five of us, someone betrayed! And Yi Zang also has the ability to completely destroy a true demon. I went there alone, it was too dangerous. That guy, really terrible!!"

Countless faint lights appeared all over the body of the Wanyuan Divine Emperor, which suddenly turned into countless streams of light, disappearing.

"The Golden Throat Divine Emperor is completely gone!!"

"Yizang has broken the seal!!"

"I'm going alone, it's too dangerous!!"


A look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the true demons who had been galloping toward the Sealed Land one by one, they stopped and began to look for their companions.

The Golden Throat Divine Emperor is one of the true demons that rule the seven true demons, and even in the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, it is also a powerhouse of one hegemony rank.

The true demons who descended from the Gods and Demons Sanctuary were not the opponents of the Golden Throat Divine Emperor in all likelihood. The Golden Maw Divine Emperor was completely destroyed in such a short time, which also meant that they might also be completely destroyed in Yi Zang's hands.

Those true demons had difficulty cultivating the realm of true demons one by one, and naturally they did not want to fall into Yi Zang's hands like this.

A shocking expression flashed in the eyes of the God Emperor of Truth: "Completely perished! It's amazing! When did you learn this trick?"

The God Emperor of Truth is proficient in countless knowledge, and he has even more secrets than Yizang. But he has never seen such a terrifying secret.

Yi Zang chuckled: "I just learned this trick soon! I can teach you the principle. But without the source of evil and special secret treasures, you can hardly make it."

The Emperor of Truth: "It is difficult to cultivate, that is, there is hope to cultivate. The most important thing I lack is time and patience."

Yi Zang said: "Let's go! Those old guys seem to have been alarmed. Before they can react, we can still vote together."

The God of Truth said: "The Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom!"

The Golden Throat Divine Emperor has fallen, and the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom is not guarded by the True Devil.

Since Yi Zang broke out, he also needs massive resources, otherwise, how could he recruit his subordinates to improve his strength.

The God Emperor of Truth pointed towards Void, "Do you want to shoot that guy now? It's his weakest time now. As long as he stokes his position, we don't need to do it. He has only a dead end!"

In the void, Shu Feng's seventh vision is coming to an end. But now is indeed his weakest time.

Yi Zang smiled slightly and said: "No! Let him advance to the true demon. His growth is indeed beyond my expectations. However, after he advances to the true demon, once I can refine him, I can become the strongest. , Even beyond the strongest!"

The truth **** emperor said: "His evolution speed is not slower than you! Don't you worry that he will refine you in the future?"

Yi Zang said indifferently: "If you want to surpass the strong, you always have to take a little risk."

"This is the traitor of your human race back then. I gave it to you!"

The Emperor of Truth waved his hand, and a planet immediately flew into Yi Zang's hands.

On that planet, there are the rebellious Star Clan of Human Race! !

"Your Majesty!! Your Majesty Yi Zang!!"

Above that planet, the Star Emperor looked up at the sky and saw Yi Zang at a glance. His eyes flashed with fear, and his body trembled, and he cried out.

"Easy to hide!! It's a real demon easy to hide!!"

"Impossible! Hasn't he been sealed by suppression?"

"This is impossible!!"


A look of fear flashed in the eyes of a powerful star among the stars and cried out.

"The Emperor of Truth, what is going on?"

Xinghuang's heart was full of fear, and he asked the truth **** on the side.

The Emperor of Truth said lightly: "You are so smart, you should have guessed it? I have always been allies with Yi Zang. That's why I will take in you traitors from the human race. It is to give him a gift at this time."

"His Majesty Yi Zang, I was forced to be helpless at the beginning!! Please, spare my life!! I was forced by the Golden Throat Divine Emperor, and I didn't want to do that. But I don't do that. We are all To be annihilated! Please, spare my life!"

Xinghuang's face was pale, his eyes flashed with despair, and he knelt on the ground and begged loudly.

The powers of the other star races were also pale, squatting on the ground one after another, shivering.

In front of a true demon, those great abilities existed like ants, and the resistance was only seeking a dead end.

"They will annihilate their clan, and so will I. Go and die!"

Yi Zang smiled slightly and took a breath towards the planet.

A black breath enveloped the entire planet at once, and wherever the black breath passed, no matter whether it was a mighty or an ordinary person, everyone's soul collapsed, turning into a corpse and falling to the ground.

"let's go!"

A ray of ripples shone, and Yi Zang and the Emperor of Truth disappeared from where they were.

After one true demon left, the weird scanning power that enveloped the true demon of water suddenly became much less, making the speed of the secret wheel's collapse suddenly much slower.

At the moment that glorious vision collapsed and dissipated, an ancient, magnificent, mysterious and unpredictable palace inscribed with countless curses appeared in the air.

A **** seat emerged in the center of the palace, and Shu Feng walked towards the **** seat step by step.

Every time Shu Feng took a step, there would be an extra real demon shadow in that palace, bowing his head slightly towards him.

When Shu Feng sat down on the **** seat, countless true demons and shadows bowed their heads and worshiped him.

"The eighth vision, the real demon worship!! This is the legendary horror vision of the original evil ancestor, Yi Zang, the original mountain demon ancestor and other terrible monsters! He is really scary!!"

The Emperor Huangquan looked at the vision in the void, stunned, his eyes flashed with shock.

Those true demons that can condense the eightfold vision are only a few in the entire history of the virtual demons.

Inside the Water God Palace.

"The Eightfold Vision!! The Eightfold True Demon Vision! Storm Lord, really a monster!!"

The giant **** Tianjun looked at the eighth vision in the void, and his eyes flashed with envy and jealousy. This is basically the way he is in his entire life. It is difficult to reach the sky if he wants to advance.

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