God-level Base

Chapter 1293: Advanced True Demon (Part 2)

In an ocean palace.

Looking at the figure of Shu Feng in the void, the Dragon Whale Emperor also had an unbelievable look: "True Demon!! The little Junior Brother is really against the sky!! The advanced true demon is unexpectedly advanced!! Unbelievable, really unbelievable!!"

Dragon Whale Emperor also admitted that Shu Feng's cultivation talent is amazing and his potential is endless. However, there are countless geniuses in the Void Demon Realm. The sons of destiny and peerless evildoers in some worlds come to the Void Demon Realm, and they are only worthy of being the food of those true demons.

Among the 100,000 peerless heavenly monarchs, there may not necessarily be one who can advance to a true demon! !

Inside the water **** palace, inside a pavilion.

"True demon! That guy Shu Feng has advanced to a true demon! A big loss!! A big loss!! He should have belonged to my apprentice!! A big loss!! It's cheaper for you!! He Yutian Lord!!!"

The giant **** Tianjun looked into the void, Shu Feng's phantom that projected the heavens and the world, his eyes were red, full of envy and regret.

The biggest regret of the giant **** Tianjun in this life is that he did not teach a powerful disciple. Originally, Shu Feng Advanced Heavenly Monarch had already made him very regretful and his face turned blue. Now that he saw Shu Feng Advanced Demon, it made him regretful to go back to the past and pinched the Ninth Yellow Spring to death.

"Shu Feng, this kid, is still doing a good job!"

Heyu Tianjun smiled lightly, his eyes flashed with incredibly joyful light, and he picked up a classic book leisurely.

The giant **** Tianjun reminded: "Heyu Tianjun, your book is taken down!!"

"Mistakes! Mistakes!!"

The smile in the corner of Heyu Tianjun's mouth was almost completely uncontrollable, and he straightened the book. This is the first time in the long years that He has been so gaffe.

After all, Shu Feng has advanced to become a true demon! !

After Shu Feng advanced to the real demon, Heyu Tianjun became the master of a real demon, and became a great figure in the entire virtual demon world. Even a strong man like the Water God Emperor would give him more face.

Inside the Water God Palace.

"That guy Shu Feng, he is now a real demon! I don't know how many visions he can condense!"

The Water God Emperor looked into the void and looked at Shu Feng's projection, a complex color flashed in his eyes.

Under the command of the original evil ancestor, there was a true demon who was proficient in tracking secret techniques like the Nine Mirror God Emperor. The more the Water God Emperor made his moves, the easier it was to be spotted.

It is precisely because of this that the Water God Emperor refused to help Shu Feng.

Inside a beautiful and luxurious palace.

A trace of curiosity flashed across the silver charm **** emperor's beautiful eyes: "True demon! He really advanced to the true demon!! I don't know how many visions he can condense?"

Within the forbidden area of ​​ghosts.

A dignified look also passed through the eyes of the God Emperor Wan Zhong: "True Demon!! That guy is so fast to advance. How many years has he cultivated? This guy may be a monster of a real demon easy to hide! Human race, it's terrible!!"

From the sacred realm of gods and demons, one after another real demons flew out and descended into the world.

"By the order of the original evil ancestor! The Water God Emperor came out to see me!!"

A true demon with three eyes, engraved with mysterious runes, covered in a layer of dark scale armor, and a pair of magic wings on the back, exuding a terrifying breath, came to the top of the Water God Palace and shouted sharply.

"It turned out to be the Three-Eyed Night Watcher God Emperor, I don't know what order the original evil ancestor had?"

There was a burst of light shining, and the Water God Emperor suddenly appeared, looking at the true demon that came, neither humble nor overbearing.

With the strength and status of the water **** emperor, even if the original evil ancestors and other strongest people come in person, he will at most bow to the opponent.

The three-eyed night watch **** emperor screamed: "Human Shufeng, dare to hunt down the lord of the nine-eyed demon, he is very sinful! Now that he dares to advance to the real demon, he is even more bold! The Lord orders you, immediately open the prison. Array, search the entire Water Realm! Once you find Shu Feng’s trail, immediately suppress it without error!"

The water **** emperor said lightly: "The supervising sky formation consumes too much resources. Don't start it easily. Supervising the sky formation, can you have the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor? If it doesn't, it doesn't meet the requirements, please forgive me to refuse."

"The Holy Spirit is for this!"

The three-eyed night watch **** emperor smiled coldly and waved his hand, a piece that exuded an ancient atmosphere, as if the imperial decree that could suppress everything directly flew out, blooming with incomparable light.

Countless mysterious and unpredictable words appeared on it, exuding a kind of terrifying coercion that can not be denied.

"This is indeed the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor! Three-eyed Night Watcher, please come with me!"

The Water God Emperor nodded slightly, and led the Three-Eyed Night Watcher to the Water God Palace, and came to a main hall in the Water God Palace.

In that supervising heaven hall, there is a huge and incomparable real demon-level secret treasure magic map-the real demon of water state supervising sky map.

The Water God Emperor stretched his hand to a point on the Sky Map of the Real Demon of Water, and countless rays of light shone.

In the realm of the real water demon, the divine light in the palace of the domain masters of the great power domain and the heavenly monarch domain shined, and a supervising sky net covering the entire real demon of the water appeared at once.

In that supervising sky network, any real demon who is careless will be perceived by people. The fluctuations of those strong advanced true demons, even if they are hidden by the Secret Wheel, may not be able to hide them.

Above the Snow Palace of the True Demon Kingdom of Yuanxue, a twisted and weird light flashed. A true demon with nine giant snake heads, twenty-four pairs of magic wings, more than 10,000 miles in size, exuding a fierce and terrifying aura appeared directly, with a sharp voice. Roared: "By the order of the original evil ancestor! God Emperor Yuanxue came out to see me!!"

In that desert, God Emperor Yuanxue suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows slightly and said: "It's not good! His advancement to true demons has already shocked the strongest in Gods and Demons Sanctuary!! He shouldn't let Nine Eyes. The demon lord is completely gone!"

The Emperor Huangquan said lightly: "If he does not allow the Lord of the Nine-Eyed Devil to completely die, he may not be able to advance to the True Demon!"

"I'll deal with it first."

A burst of snow gleamed, and Yuan Xue Shenhuang collapsed and disappeared.

In that Snow Palace, a ray of light flickered slightly, and Yuanxue God Emperor walked out of the palace on a bridge of ice and snow.

Yuanxue God Emperor said indifferently: "It turns out to be the Nine Snake God Emperor! What are you doing this time?"

The Nine Snake God Emperor sternly said: "Yuanxue God Emperor, by the order of the original evil ancestor, you are ordered to open the monitoring array immediately and look for the sinner Human Race Shu Feng. Once you find it, immediately kill him!"

Emperor Yuanxue said: "Do you have the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor?"

"This is the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor!"

The Nine Serpent God Emperor opened his mouth and spit out, and a sacred decree of the strongest exuding terrifying coercion flew out, bursting with incomparable divine light.

"Yes, this is indeed the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor!"

After carefully reading the imperial decree of the original evil ancestor, God Emperor Yuanxue flashed a sneer in his eyes and said: "But, I am a subordinate of the original evil ancestor, why did the original evil ancestor order me?"

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