God-level Base

Chapter 1289: Siege

The subordinates of the Nantian Divine Emperor cried and said, "His Majesty the Lord of the Nine-Eyed Devil has been suppressed by those bandits!"

The Southern Heaven God Emperor said with a sullen face and cold voice: "Damn it! Where is the Lord of the Evil Dragon? What did he do!"

Nantian Divine Emperor’s subordinates said: "After the Lord of the Evil Dragon reports everything, he hides in the Evil Dragon Palace and can’t escape!"

Nantian Divine Emperor slowly said with a gloomy face: "Xuan Dark Divine Emperor, thank you for your hospitality. I must go back!!"

God Emperor Xuan'an smiled slightly and said: "The God Emperor Nantian, if you are in trouble, you can come to me. I will definitely help you."

Nantian Divine Emperor said lightly: "Thank you! However, I can handle those troubles by myself."

God Emperor Xuan Dark likes to help others. However, once anyone accepts His help, he must pay an extremely painful price. Even once a true demon gave all of his territory to the God Emperor Profound Darkness, and worked for him for 100 million years before paying off the price.

If there is a choice, Nantian Divine Emperor will never ask for help from Xuan Dark Divine Emperor.

The God Emperor Xuan dark glanced at the God Emperor Nantian deeply and said, "Good luck to you!"

The Nantian Divine Emperor shook his body and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Within the base space.

"Thirty-two True Demon Orbs! Together with the origin of a true demon and a treasure of true demon series, it is enough to advance me to become a true demon!!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and his heart moved, causing the Star God Emperor to directly unlock the seal.

Countless starlight collapsed, and the demon giant transformed by the nine-eyed demon lord appeared. Although still fierce and powerful, it has become a lot weaker.

"You are the only one left! The Star God Emperor, do you think that only you can block me?"

The lord of the nine-eyed devil was covered in demon flames, his eyes swept over the star **** emperor and said in a cold voice.

"And I!!"

The corpse **** emperor appeared behind the nine-eyed demon lord like a ghost, blasted out with a punch, driving the endless corpse energy, and blasted behind the nine-eyed demon lord with one blow.

Boom! !

The lord of the nine-eyed demon fell to the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, and corpses appeared all over his body.

The face of the Nine-Eyed Demon Lord changed in horror and screamed: "Two true demons!! You are the **** emperor of the corpse, and the **** emperor of the real demon is advanced with the five-fold vision! How is it possible?"

There are a lot of true demons in the Gods and Demons Sanctuary. However, the vast majority of true demons use the method of real magic beads and fusion of foreign objects to advance to the real demons.

After all, the Gods and Demons Sanctuary is the center of the ten thousand realms, where the essence of the Void Realm is gathered, and there are many peerless treasures that are rare in the outside world. There are even a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures like the Jieyuan Divine Stone that can enhance the evolutionary potential of true demons.

But even in the sacred realm of gods and demons, there are very few powerful real demons with five-fold visions. Only those who have advanced to the real demons with the five-fold vision can become the top real demons like the Water God Emperor and Yuanxue God Emperor.

"Go to hell!"

Fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Star God Emperor, countless stars shining behind him, and the spears of billions of stars descended from the sky, blasting towards the lord of the nine-eyed demon.

Numerous twisted and weird demon scales appeared on the body of the master of the nine-eyed demon.

The spear of the billions of stars blasted on the body of the nine-eyed demon lord, blasting him to pieces in an instant.

Boom! !

Above the boundary enchantment of the base space, there was a terrifying shock, the entire base space was shaking violently, and the void cracked.

The Nine-Eyed Demon Lord didn't know what secret technique was used, and appeared strangely at the border of the base space, slamming the border on the edge of the base space with one claw.

It's just that one eye of the Lord of the Nine-Eyed Demon has exploded. Obviously, the price of the secret life-saving method that was just used was one of his eyes.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's useless! If you want to destroy this enchantment, your only chance is to kill me!"

In almost an instant, the corpse **** emperor immediately appeared behind the master of the nine-eyed demon, and a claw slammed into the body of the master of the nine-eyed demon.

A series of weird and unpredictable corpse golden dragons erupted directly, directly on the body of the nine-eyed demon lord, biting everything frantically.

A large piece of flesh and blood was bitten directly from the body of the nine-eyed demon lord.

Countless strange and unpredictable corpse energy quickly filled the body of the nine-eyed demon lord.

One after another weird and terrifying chains of corpses emerged on the body of the Lord of Nine-Eyed Devil, and on top of the chains of corpses, skulls emerged one after another, biting fiercely on the soul of the Lord of Nine-Eyed Devil.

A burst of pain came from the body and soul of the Lord of the Nine Eyes, making him weaker.

"Star Burial!"

The star **** emperor's eyes flashed with cold light, and he pressed his five fingers.

Hundreds of millions of stars were shining brightly, and the spear of dense stars pierced into the body of the master of the nine-eyed demon crazily.

The lord of the nine-eyed demon screamed and was nailed to the ground by the spears of countless stars. The almost infinite power of the stars rushed into his body madly, weakening his body and soul.

A look of despair flashed in the eyes of the nine-eyed demon lord and screamed: "Stop! The corpse god, spare my life, I am willing to work for you. Don't kill me!!!"

The Lord of the Nine-Eyed Demon was already severely injured by the six true demons. Now he was besieged by the Divine Emperor of Corpse and the Divine Emperor of Stars, whose strength was far above him, and finally couldn't resist, and wailed in pain.

Shu Feng said coldly: "I don't trust you! Do it, kill him!"

Every powerhouse of the true demon series is terrifying, and even the base space cannot control a true demon. Shu Feng didn't believe that the lord of the nine-eyed demon would work for him, after all, his strength was too different from the lord of the nine-eyed demon.

After the Star God Emperor and the Zombie God Emperor got the order, they immediately made a crazy move, and various powerful and incomparable attack and killing secret techniques blasted on the body of the nine-eyed demon lord.

The Lord of Nine-Eyed Devil struggled a few times, but was suppressed, and finally smashed to pieces by the Emperor of Corpse.

"The corpse god, human race!! I remember you!! When I return, it will be your end. I will definitely kill you, along with your relatives and friends!!"

At the moment when the soul of the nine-eyed demon lord collapsed, the remaining head roared frantically.

"Unfortunately, you don't have that chance!"

In the space of that base, the tower of true demon shines, countless curse seal chains emerge directly, piercing into the void, and a long river of time emerges directly, and the countless curse seal chains pierce into the long river of time, piercing the nine-eyed demon. The true spirit of the Lord penetrates directly.

A touch of unbelievable horror flashed in the eyes of the nine-eyed demon lord and screamed: "No, it's impossible!! How could this happen!! This is impossible! This is the first time I have fallen!! How could the true spirit be lost in time? Pull out of it? Impossible!!"

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