God-level Base

Chapter 1262: Mutation

The ghost and the devil chuckled: "That would be great! If your father dares to come, he will only become a corpse in front of the great corpse Heavenly Lord."

Gui Ye Mo Shen's pretty face turned white, and despair flashed in his beautiful eyes. In front of a heavenly monarch, a mighty power has no chance of winning at all.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me!"

At this moment, the tall corpse Tianjun who was sitting on the throne looked at Shu Feng with some curiosity.

Since Shu Feng stepped into that huge palace, he stood quietly, without a trace of fear in his eyes, making Jiao Shi Tianjun a little surprised.

Shu Feng smiled contemptuously and said, "Where is a trash like you that can make me afraid?"

As soon as he said this, shocked eyes focused on Shu Feng's body.

Gui Ye Mo Shen looked unbelievable: "Is he crazy? How dare to speak to a heavenly monarch? Although we are now prisoners of the ranks, we have offended a heavenly monarch. It is definitely better to die!"

Each of those heavenly monarchs possesses unpredictable powers, and if they take action, they can definitely make life worse than death, and make people miserable.

"Interesting, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years! There are people who dare to talk to me like this. You are very courageous, as an appreciation of you. I will draw your soul and light it as a soul sky lamp!! Your painful wailing voice It must be very nice!"

Jiao Shi Tianjun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately revealed a ferocious smile, with five fingers and one claw towards Shu Feng.

In an instant, the huge corpse Qi turned into countless twisted and weird corpse chains, winding towards Shu Feng.

"Oh? You dare to talk to me like this!! The last person who talked to me like this, the grass on the grave is two meters high!!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, and a breath of terrifying power of the highest Heavenly Monarch series burst out all over his body, blasted out with a punch, surrounded by endless imaginary power.

The chains of countless corpses collapsed one by one.

In an instant, Shu Feng appeared in front of Jiao Shi Tianjun and slammed his fist.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud and earth-shattering sound, before that, it was still inexhaustible, high above, as if everything was under his control, the corpse Tianjun fell to the ground, and his body cracked countless cracks.

"Tianjun, he turned out to be a supreme Tianjun! No wonder there is a servant of the Great Demon God level. I actually looked down on him before."

Seeing this scene, Gui Ye Mo Shen was dumbfounded, and bursts of cold sweat surged behind his back, full of fear.

A supreme heavenly monarch, that is the top terrifying existence in the Central Demon Realm of the entire Void Demon Realm. Even Gui Ye Mo Shen's father dare not provoke a big boss.

Countless thoughts turned to the demon **** of the wolf cave: "Heavenly monarch, he turned out to be a supreme heavenly monarch! Since he has mixed into us, he must have a deep picture."

Jiao Shi Tianjun looked incredulous, and shouted frantically: "Impossible! Since you are a supreme heavenly monarch, how can you pass through the gate of the green ring? This is impossible!!"

The gate of the green ring is a huge barrier. Any existence stronger than the middle demon god, as long as there is no special pass, will be stopped by the gate of the green ring, even the Supreme Heavenly Monarch is no exception.

"It's very simple, I am very strong!" Heavenly corpse king, you can honestly die for me!!"

Shu Feng smiled sullenly, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he fisted at Jiao Shi Tianjun.

"Want to kill me, it is not that simple! You dare to break into here, you are seeking your own death!"

The corpse Tianjun smiled sensibly, his right hand flashed, and a skeletal token appeared.

Numerous mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints emerged from the bone token, and a huge magic circle spread in all directions.

A corpse enchantment formed by the condensation of countless corpses emerged, blocking Tianjun Jiao's body.

Boom! !

Shu Feng fisted, and countless corpses shattered, and the corpse enchantment set off a trace of ripples, splitting countless cracks.

In the entire Green Forest Jedi, countless mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints emerged.

On the one million eighty thousand demon mountain, the magic light swept directly towards the major demon gods in the Green Forest Jedi.

"Do not!!"

A great-natured son of the Golden Throat True Demon Kingdom screamed, all the secret treasures in the body fell, and the whole soul disappeared and turned into a skeleton.

A flame giant full of flames was illuminated by a magic light, the flame was instantly extinguished, the soul disappeared, and it fell to the ground as a skeleton.

The entire Green Forest Jedi suddenly became the doomsday, and almost instantly, all the tens of millions of Demon God powerhouses who entered this Jedi all fell.

In the starry sky, 1.08 million divine stars shined, and countless divine lights descended from the sky, shining toward the tomb of true demons.

Boom! Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, from the tomb of true demons, a coffin that was as black as ink, engraved with countless mysterious curses, and exuding the air of endless corpses flew out.

Hundreds of sacred lights, mixed with endless torrents of life, converged towards the coffin.

From the coffin, a finger stretched out, and endless corpse energy gushed from that finger and sank into the tomb of the true demon.

In the tomb of the true demon, countless mysterious and unpredictable curses shined.

One after another, the bone chains with a trace of real magic flew out directly, piercing frantically towards Shu Feng.

The corpse Tianjun frantically laughed in the enchantment: "You are dead for a lowly thing!! Even if you are the supreme heavenly monarch, there is only one dead end in front of the real devil's methods!!"

Shu Feng smiled faintly: "Yes!! If I were just a supreme heavenly monarch, I would really die without life!!"

Ripples flashed, like a ghost, the Star God Emperor who followed Shu Feng suddenly appeared, countless stars shone, and the surrounding corpse Qi was all driven away, and a terrifying aura of true magic series from the Star God Emperor's Diffuse out of the body.

The Star God Emperor blasted out with a punch, and the endless stars shone with brilliance, curling towards the bones and chains.

Under the terrifying power of the true demon, the countless bones and chains collapsed and shattered inch by inch, and the entire true demon's tomb was also blasted out of a big hole under the blow of the Star God Emperor.

"True devil!! You are under the shelter of true devil, so you sneaked in!!! No, it's impossible!! Why is there a true devil here? This is the kingdom of the Golden Throat True Devil!! No!!!"

When Jiao Shi Tianjun saw the star **** emperor, his face changed drastically, his body trembled, his eyes flashed with horror, and he cried out.

The Star God Emperor is a living true demon, even if he is a weaker true demon, he can sweep everything, suppress all enemies, and make all enemies full of despair.

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