God-level Base

Chapter 1260: Green Forest Jedi

In that villa, there are still two people.

A person is a powerful man with a wolf-headed human body with two wings on his ribs and a dark curse on his forehead.

One person has three heads, but on those three heads are three strong men with twisted faces.

The other two middle-ranked demon gods also glanced at Shu Feng, and there was a flash of scrutiny in their eyes.

The ghost and the demon said: "This one is Brother Mowu! He will explore the tomb of the true demon with us. Brother Mowu, this one is the Ghost Night Demon God, this one is the Wolf Cave Demon God, this one It's the Three Sky Demon God!"

The Demon God of Wolf Cave said coldly: "Ghosts and Demon God, what qualifications does he have to be equal to me?"

Shu Feng said indifferently: "This question is a good question, I also want to ask, what qualifications do you have to rank with me?"

The eyes of the Great Demon God who stood quietly beside Shu Feng, like a humble servant wolf-headed human body, flashed, and a terrifying aura of the Great Demon God's series permeated his body.

"The Great Demon God!!"

"Servant of the Great Demon God Series!!"

"That's the Great Demon God!"

The faces of the three major demon gods, including the Ghost Night Demon God, changed slightly.

The Great Demon God is the top powerhouse under the mighty power. The four great arrogances present will only have the ultimate evolutionary limit of a great demon god.

Shu Feng was able to obtain a great demon guardian, naturally from an extraordinary origin.

Ghost and Demon said: "Brother Mo Wu!! Ghost Night Demon God is the third princess of Ning Ye Ghost Emperor, Wolf Cave Demon God is the ninth son of Star Devouring Wolf Emperor, and Sankong Demon God is the seventh son of Nine Sky Demon Emperor. They are all like you, possessing the protection of the secret treasures of great power level. Only when we join hands can we explore the tomb of the true demons in the Green Forest Jedi."

Shu Feng waved his hand.

The wolf-headed demon **** immediately lowered his head and stood quietly behind him like a humble servant.

The Ghost Night Demon God looked at Shu Feng curiously: "What is the origin of Mo Wu? The Great Demon God behind him is a pinnacle Great Demon God, and there is a slight possibility of impact! How can such a master be sent? By his side? Could it be that his backstage is a heavenly monarch?"

Generally, if Da Neng wants to send people to protect his own disciples, he will only send some great demon gods of the 1st and 2nd source. After all, the top great demon gods are all arrogant, they are willing to work for the great power, but they are not willing to waste time protecting those powerful personal disciples and prostitutes.

During a period of courteous temptation, Shu Feng also knew that this small group was completely organized by ghosts and demons. Just to explore the tomb of true demons in the Green Forest Jedi.

At noon the next day, suddenly a wave of emerald green light rushed from the depths of the Green Forest Jedi.

"It's on!"

"Green Forest Jedi is on!"


A scorching color flashed in the eyes of a strong demon god, and flew towards the Green Forest Jedi.

The distance of three thousand miles is almost instantaneous for the Demon God powerhouse.

Shu Feng and his party also came to the Green Forest Jedi.

I saw that within the Green Forest Jedi, there were dozens of green rings with a diameter of up to 100,000 kilometers suspended in the void. The other side of the ring led to the mysterious Green Forest Jedi.

At this time, under the Green Forest Jedi, there were already tens of millions of powerhouses below the middle demon **** from the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom.

In the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom, many powerful ruins and treasures are controlled by the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom and the powerful strength of the great powers and heavenly monarchs.

Treasures with great power inheritance like the Green Forest Jedi are very rare.

Almost every time the Green Forest Jedi was opened, there were people who were able to obtain power inheritance or power levels from the Green Forest Jedi, attracting countless powerful people to enter it.

Shu Feng also learned from Feng Shi Tianjun's memory that there were a lot of power inheritances released from those Green Forest Jedi, but those were quick inheritances that were not expensive.

The great-powered heaven and earth treasures that came out from the Green Forest Jedi were also tampered with, and those heaven and earth treasures were all marked by the corpse clan. After those people took the treasures of heaven, material and earth away from the Green Forest Jedi, it would not be long before they were killed by the powerhouses of the corpse clan and became the material for the resurrection of the ancestors.

Rays of light shone, and countless demon gods flew towards the Green Forest Jedi.

"There are so many dangers in the Void Demon Realm. If I hadn't left the Golden Maw Real Devil Kingdom, I might have become one of the cannon fodder in the Green Forest Jedi!"

Shu Feng looked at the countless demon gods, and there was a wave of waves in his heart.

"let's go!"

The ghost and the devil shook his body and turned into a stream of light, sinking into the green circle in the sky.

Shu Feng also flickered into the green circle.

In the next moment, Shu Feng appeared in a vast and boundless mysterious world filled with rich virtual magic power, and 1.08 million stars suspended in the sky.

From the 1.08 million stars, countless stars fell on the spiritual mountains, and bursts of incomparable divine light emerged from the spiritual mountains.

"There are the one hundred and eight thousand spirit mountains of the Green Forest Jedi, and each of them has great energy levels of heaven, material and earth treasures, and even the heavens, materials and earth treasures of the heavenly monarch series. But on every spirit mountain, there are The horror existence guardian of the upper demon **** level and above. There are only a handful of people who can obtain the treasures on the Lingshan Mountain."

Guihe Moshen glanced into the distance, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Gui Ye Mo divinely said: "Those spirit mountains are too dangerous! Risk and profit are not proportional. There is no value for exploration!"

The five demon gods, including the ghosts and demon gods, are all top powerhouses among the middle demon gods. Together with the five people and their powerful secret treasures, they can completely fight a high-ranking demon god.

However, Gui Ye Mo Shen and his party were not willing to take such a risk. After all, with their identity and background, there are more channels to get the great power level.

"In that case, let's go directly to the tomb of the true demon!"

The ghost and the devil and his party immediately flew towards the northwest of the Green Forest Jedi.

The Guihe Demon God and his party had just flew out less than a hundred miles, the earth cracked open, and a ghoul, covered with cyan scales and exuding a trace of Demon God-level power fluctuations, appeared, and rushed towards the Guihe Demon and his party.

"I come!"

A fierce light flashed in Gui Ye Mo Shen's beautiful eyes, he drew out a scimitar, and slashed it with a knife.

A weird and twisted blade light flashed, and the Demon God-level ghoul was immediately chopped into countless pieces.

In the sky, a burst of dark clouds flew from a distance.

Shu Feng took a closer look and saw thousands of corpses and monster birds with various twisted bones and skulls flying towards this side.

Each of the thousands of corpse monster birds is a monster of the Demon God level, and there is even a middle Demon God level monster with a wingspan of more than one thousand meters.

The wolf cave demon **** smiled and said: "I will deal with them!!"

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