God-level Base

Chapter 1258: Green Forest Jedi

An unexpected color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "It turned out to be there! Green Forest Jedi!! It was beyond my expectation!"

The Green Forest Jedi is a mysterious place located in the Golden Throat True Demon. It opens every three years. Any genius below the upper demon **** can enter it.

In the green forest Jedi, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, peerless treasures, and even top-level magic fruits. There are also powerful treasures in the legend.

Every three years, countless geniuses from the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom enter it, fighting frantically, competing for various opportunities.

A look of rejoicing flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "That's it! That Green Forest Jedi is the resurrection place established by the ancestors of the corpse, and it specifically absorbs the souls and corpses of the geniuses of the Golden Throat True Demon Kingdom. It is really scary! ! If I had developed in the Golden Throat True Demon, I might also enter the Green Forest Jedi to find opportunities."

"It shouldn't be too late, you must do it now! Otherwise, they will be moved ahead of time because of the fall of Phoenix Corpse Heavenly Monarch, and it will be troublesome!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and his thoughts moved, he directly opened a shuttle door and walked in.

Green Forest City is located three thousand miles away from the Green Forest Jedi.

Hongye Restaurant is the top restaurant in Green Forest City.

A strong man with the head of a ghost sitting by the window on the ninth floor, quietly tasting the delicious food. An old servant with a wolf head and white hair stands aside respectfully.

The strong man with the head of the ghost is Shu Feng's transformation. He stayed on the ninth floor just to wait for the opening day of the Green Forest Jedi.

The Green Forest Jedi was the method of the true demon corpse ancestor, hiding in the dark void, before the time, even the true demon would be difficult to detect.

Although the Star God Emperor was also a true demon, he could not find the Green Forest Jedi hidden in the void.

A middle demon **** with two tentacles on his head, a twisted face, four eyes, and a body fat into a ball strode up, with a crimson chain in his hand, and the other end of the chain was at one end. Between the neck of a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The young girl had shoulder-length hair, barefoot, and a somewhat thin figure, but she was exquisite in appearance. At the same time, she had a pair of scarlet magic pupils, her face was numb, her eyes were godless, like walking corpses.

"Human tribe, find it for me!"

The middle demon **** with four eyes on his head and a ball-like body gave a cruel smile and pulled the scarlet chain in his hand.

Countless mysterious curse imprints appeared on the scarlet chain, falling between the girl's neck and neck.


The celebrity girl screamed, and bursts of weird crimson light emerged from her eyes, sweeping toward the surroundings.

A big ghost man with a pair of ghost horns and a burly figure, his body was distorted and transformed into a stunning beauty with long black hair, wearing a red dress, **** body and gorgeous appearance.

"Finally found you!! Fenghui Demon God!! Be my pet obediently!! I will treat you well!!"

The middle demon **** with four eyes and a fat ball body smiled swiftly, five fingers, and a twisted, slippery, weird silk thread flew out directly, sweeping away the beautiful demon **** from all directions.

"A delusion!!"

A cold light flashed in Fenghui Demon God's eyes, and he drew out a Demon God-level flame magic knife and slashed towards the void.

A flame of blade light cut on the countless twisted and weird silk threads.


Numerous weird mists rose up, and the flame of the blade was immediately crushed by the weird twisted silk thread.

Fenghui Demon God's pretty face changed, and his figure shook, turning into a flame and fleeing into the distance.

"It's useless!! Set it for me!"

The middle demon **** who was fat into a ball smiled swiftly, with five fingers, and a magic mirror inlaid with human bones emerged directly, taking a photo of the demon **** Feng Hui.

A weirdly twisted, closed eyes, a human face full of pain emerged from the skeletal magic mirror.

As soon as the human face full of pain opened his eyes, bursts of twisted and strange light shone on the body of the Demon God Feng Hui.

The heavy defensive barrier above Fenghui Demon God's body collapsed directly, and a necklace between his neck and neck also exploded directly. The next moment, his body froze, standing still on the spot as if time were still, his beautiful eyes filled with despair.

A middle demon with three twisted heads and six arms covered with a layer of black scaly said: "Pigball Demon, this human girl is pretty good. After you teach it, how about let me play the first one?"

The Pig Ball Demon grinned, revealing extremely sharp jagged teeth: "Twister Demon God, you really have a heavy taste, and you like to play with human women. However, I like customers like you!"

Many Demon God powerhouses present all watched this scene with a smile.

The Human Race is extremely low in the Golden Throat True Demon Kingdom, and if it is the Human Race's upper demon god, there is still a bit of status. That Fenghui Demon God is just an ordinary Demon God, naturally no one wants to stand up for him.

"It's over!!"

A touch of despair and sadness flashed in Feng Hui's beautiful eyes. She was originally the son of destiny in a small world. She defeated countless powerful enemies and slayed countless powerful men in the Ethereal Realm before stepping into the realm of Ethereal Realm.

It's just that as soon as Fenghui Demon God entered the Golden Throat True Demon Kingdom, he was followed by the Pig Ball Demon God, hunting for 30 million miles, and finally fell into his hands.

When Feng Hui Demon God thought of his future fate, he shuddered.

"Pig Ball Demon God, you trash, you are so brave, you dare to attack my pet. Do you want to be annihilated?"

A cold voice rang from the side, attracting the eyes of all the demon gods, and fell on Shu Feng's body.

"I am the Pig Ball Demon God, and my father is the Pig Yuan high demon god. I don't know who your Excellency is?"

The Pig Ball Demon's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a slightly respectful temptation.

Shu Feng smiled coldly and waved his hand: "Higher Demon God? What qualifications do you have for a trash like you to know my name?"

That respectful servant stood beside Shu Feng, the head of a wolf, and the servant like a sheep, straightened up at once, the fierce light flashed in his pupils, staring at the pig ball demon, a terrifying horror of the big demon god. The breath of power diffused from his body.

"The Great Demon God!!"

"That is a great demon god. What is the origin of him as a servant?"

"Could he be a powerful son?"


The many demon gods present took a breath of air, and a look of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the big demon **** with the head of the wolf beside Shu Feng.

If a big demon **** makes an all-out effort, it can completely kill all the demon gods in the restaurant.

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