God-level Base

Chapter 1254: Stars dominate advanced real demon (part 2)

"Who is advancing the real demon?"

"I can't sense it!! That's the Secret Wheel!!"

"There is a secret wheel covering up the vision of advanced true demons!!"


A true demon activates the secret method and begins to perceive the place where the stars dominate the advanced true demon.

The vision of the true demon's advancement is too terrifying, and the Secret Wheel cannot be completely covered. What it can conceal is those places where the real magic perceives advanced anomalies.

Click! !

Countless cracks appeared on the secret wheel.

The river of stars disappeared quickly, and a long river of time emerged. The stars ruled upstream, walking in the past, fusing with the past one by one.

Click! Click! !

Numerous cracks appeared on the hidden wheel, and they collapsed and shattered.

"Did it collapse? It really used too much! Fortunately, the great man, Southern Star Tianjun, helped me prepare another secret wheel!"

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a hidden wheel flew out directly, floating in the void, bursting out mysterious and unpredictable lights.

"This guy has got two secret wheels, he is really rich!!"

Seeing this scene, Emperor Huangquan's mouth twitched slightly, and he muttered in his heart.

When Huangquan God Emperor advanced to the True Demon, there was no secret wheel in his hand. If it hadn't been for the Yuanxue God Emperor, he would have become a corpse long ago.

The secret wheel of secret treasure needs to consume countless heavenly materials and earth treasures, even true demon-level divine materials. Unless it is a powerful true demon like the Seven Great Demon occupying the anointed land of the central demon realm of the Void Demon Realm, it is easy to refine such a secret treasure as the Secret Wheel.

That secret wheel flew out bursts of gloomy light, covering up the visions in this area one by one.

"found it!!"

Just before the master of the stars is about to enter the real demon, a strange magic pupil emerged in the void, exuding a trace of terrifying power fluctuations of the real demon series, looking towards the master of the stars.

The hidden wheel can conceal the perception of those true demons! However, in the entire imaginary world, the most suitable for advanced real demons are the core land of the seven real demons and the sanctuary of gods and demons.

It is not without precedent to advance to the real demon in some remote places in the central demon domain of the virtual demon world. It's just extremely difficult, and the success rate is extremely low.


The Emperor Yuanxue snorted coldly, with five fingers, the endless ice and snow divine light surging, condensed to form an ice and snow halberd, tearing the void, and piercing towards that magic pupil.

In an instant, countless light years, ice and snow flew, as if countless worlds were frozen, only the ice and snow halberd that could freeze everything and suppress everything was left between heaven and earth!

"Yuanxue God Emperor!!"

That very weird magic pupil burst into countless twisted and weird rays of light at once.

One after another weird and unpredictable, the pitch black magic flame that can burn the sky directly blasted out, blasting toward the ice and snow war halberd.


Where the ice and snow halberd passed, the pitch black demon flame that could easily burn a supreme heavenly monarch was immediately frozen and turned into a pitch black ice block.

The ice and snow halberd pierced into the magic pupil, instantly freezing the magic pupil.


There was a scream from the magic pupil, and it was immediately frozen into countless ice cubes, which collapsed and shattered.

"Black Eyed God Emperor, you dare to attack the person I want to protect, do you want to die!"

Yuanxue God Emperor Liu raised his eyebrows, aggressively and aggressively shouted.

"Yuanxue God Emperor, I don't know that he is the person you want to protect. I will leave now, and I will never disclose his affairs. In seven days, I will ask someone to prepare a generous gift to apologize to you. !"

From the void, there was a helpless voice from the Black Eyed God Emperor.

The seven divine emperors in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm control the vast territory, and each of them is unfathomable in strength, possessing the terrifying power to kill the true demon.

The Black Eyed God Emperor was also unwilling to offend Yuan Xue God Emperor, a top true demon for no reason.

After all, if the source snow **** emperor initiates ruthlessly and contacts a few true demon friends, he can also kill the black pupil **** emperor.

In this imaginary world, there are not many true demons who dare to provoke the seven gods.

Yuanxue God Emperor snorted coldly: "Humph!"

A look of rejoicing flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Fortunately, this time I was careful enough to invite the Yuanxue God Emperor. Otherwise, the matter of the stars dominating the advanced true demons will be ruined."

Soon after the black pupil divine emperor retreated, the long river of time suspended in the void directly disappeared, and a terrifying aura of true demon series permeated from the body of the star ruler.

"From today onwards, I am the Emperor of the Stars!"

A vast voice oscillated in all directions.

"He is a real demon in advanced stage!!"

"The true demon of double vision!! He belongs to the weakest column of true demons!!"

"There is one more true demon in this world!!"


Those true demons who were looking for the master of the stars stopped acting as soon as they sensed his true demonic aura.

Even if the Star God Emperor is the weakest true demon, he is still a true demon, possessing terrifying strength. Other true demons want to defeat him easily, but they want to kill him with many difficulties.

Those true demons would not do any good to the Star God Emperor now, instead they would erect a terrible true demonic-level enemy in vain. Naturally no one is willing to make a move.

Huangquan God Emperor glanced over Shu Feng's body, and a complex color flashed in his eyes: "True demon!! One of his subordinates has advanced to the true demon!!"

Real devil is extremely difficult to advance. Huangquan God Emperor paid the price in order to advance the real demon. He died nine times in his life, and even almost died of being suppressed.

Less than five hundred years after Shu Feng entered the Void Demon Realm, he had already become a supreme Heavenly Monarch, with a subordinate who directly advanced to the True Demon. Even the Emperor Huangquan was a little jealous.

The star ruler turned into a star ray, falling beside Shu Feng, thanking the Emperor Huangquan and the Emperor Yuanxue: "Thank you for your help!"

"No thanks! I just paid this guy's favor. Now that the matter is over, I will take a step ahead!"

Huangquan God Emperor smiled slightly and disappeared into a stream of light.

God Emperor Yuanxue said indifferently: "I have already paid back your favor. Next time, if you come to me again, you will owe me favor."

Shu Feng's eyes lit up and said: "Yes!"

The implication of Yuanxue God Emperor's words was that Shu Feng's next advancement to a true demon could come to him. Only next time, it will become that Shu Feng owes him a favor.

There was a flutter of snowflakes, and the Origin Snow God Emperor also instantly disappeared from the spot.

After all, this is the core place of the True Demon Kingdom of Water. The two true demons of Yuanxue God Emperor and Huangquan God Emperor gather here, and it is already the limit to advance the True Demon Law for the Star God Emperor.

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