God-level Base

Chapter 1252: Ancient source star **** emperor

The voice of the ancient source star **** emperor rippled in the void.

The rays of stars that surround this world are shining, and they gather together in an instant to form a giant hand of terrifying stars that blooms with endless star brilliance and stretches toward Shu Feng.

Shu Feng used the secret method, turned into a black light, and flew crazy toward the distance.

Below the true magic are all ants! Even with the top 100 source powers and mastering the top real magic treasures, there is only one way to escape from the previous real magic. There is only one dead end if you run slowly.

Moreover, the powerhouses of the true magic series do not say that they are aging at all, and they are always in a state of heyday. Even if a true demon suffers an unhealable wound, a 100 source power is still vulnerable in front of them.

A series of weird shadows shone, and Shu Feng made shadow jumps among the planets, and each jump spanned thousands of light years.

"Funny bug! Your escape technique is good! It's a pity, wanting to escape from my hand, that's wishful thinking!"

In the void, Gu Yuan Star God Emperor's cold voice came.

That terrifying big hand of the star burst out with incomparable star brilliance, and a mysterious and unpredictable river of time appeared around Shu Feng's body.

As if time was going backwards, Shu Feng flew towards the giant star hand very strangely.

Shu Feng gritted his teeth and burned wildly the mighty power, the pair of [Supreme Magic Wings] behind him shone, and a light that contained the curse of the law of space and speed shone.

A magic blade appeared directly, cutting the long river of time directly, tearing apart the void, submerged in the universe, and disappeared.

"True magic level secret treasure! That little bug has good luck!"

In the void, that star pupil flashed a dignified color.

True magic-level artifacts are very difficult to refine, and each one possesses earth-shattering peerless power.

In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, the seven true demon all possessed the secret treasure of the true demon rank to suppress the world. Some of the weakest true demons in other places in the Void Demon Realm did not even have a true magic secret treasure.

The giant star hand grabbed towards the bottom, countless stars shining brightly, the three gods Tianjun, Zhenyan Tianjun, and those fighting powers were all caught by that star giant hand, and fell into the ancient source. In the hands of the Star God Emperor.

"Who is that little bug?"

The voice of the ancient source star **** emperor reverberated in this area, and the star pupil transformed by that star locked the three gods at once.

The three gods Tianjun turned pale and sold Shu Feng cleanly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, that person is Tianjun Baofeng!! The Heavenly King of the Human Race under the Water God Emperor!!!"

Gu Yuan Star God Emperor slowly said: "The Heavenly Sovereign under the Water God Emperor!!"

In that virtual world, there are many true demons hidden. The seven true demons are also in the top rank among those true demons, and not many true demons are their opponents.

The seven true demons are all ruthless people, and they have hunted and killed other true demons by themselves or together with others. In that imaginary world, not many true demons dare to provoke them.

Gates of stars opened one after another, and the ancient source star **** emperor shuttled through the gates of stars. After a dozen breaths, he arrived in this world across billions of light years.

"A true magic site? I hope I can gain something!"

The ancient source star **** emperor appeared on the real demon ruins and glanced down, and walked over.

Within the base space.

"The Southern Star Tianjun originally had a vest! It was called Wanxing Tianjun. He greatly offended the ancient source star **** emperor and robbed the ancient source star **** emperor [True Demon Orb]."

"The conspiracy he set this time is mainly aimed at Dragon Star Tianjun! Dragon Star Tianjun also has the power of stars. If he can absorb the power of Dragon Star Tianjun and then absorb the power remaining in the corpse of the Hei Yao Star God, he will have 10% Grasp the advanced real demon!!"

"If it is unsuccessful, he can also fuse the corpse of the Hei Yaoxing Divine Emperor to advance to the true demon in another way. There is also a 20% chance of success for this advanced true demon."

Shu Feng scanned the memory of Southern Star Tianjun, and suddenly understood his plan.

It is extremely difficult to advance a true demon, even if it is 100 source heavenly monarchs, absorbing the power of a true demon with the same power, it is still difficult to advance a true demon.

Southern Star Tianjun is also a peerless Tianjiao, trapped in the realm of 100-source peerless Tianjun for 100 million years. He made countless preparations in order to advance the real demon. He even found the corpse of a true demon who held the power of stars.

Even so, Southern Star Tianjun's confidence in the normal advancement of true demons was less than 10%. He then designed to hunt down the Dragon Star Tianjun, wanting to absorb his origin and increase his chances of evolving a true demon.

In addition to the normal advancement of advanced true demons, there are various channels, one of which is the fusion of top-notch true magic artifacts, and the other is the fusion of the corpses of real demons with the same power. Of course, using these two methods to advance the true demon is the weakest true demon. Even if the advanced true demon is advanced, it will be difficult to evolve in the future.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "The preparations of the Southern Star Heavenly Monarch for countless years are in my hands! Next, I will do my best to strengthen the Star Lord! If he can advance to the real demon. The world is so big, no matter how big the world is. I walk!!"

Once the stars dominate the advanced real demon, as long as he is not hit by the seven **** emperors holding the real demon secret treasure, he can completely protect Shu Feng from walking freely in the virtual demon world and rampaging the world.

The Star Master stepped into the Source Energy Evolution Tower, and countless higher source energies mixed with all kinds of stars like heaven and earth treasures were continuously poured into his body.

"Not enough! The higher source energy is not enough!! However, fortunately, so many heavenly monarchs have fallen this time!! I went to dig their treasures and cut off their back. They will definitely become a true god. I am proud of the stepping stones of the demon evolution."

Shu Feng swept the warning from the central analyzer, and disappeared from the spot with a shake.

According to the guidance of the base space, Shu Feng found out the fallen mighty treasure one after another, and used all the resources on the master of the stars.

Among the many treasures, the treasures of the Dragon Star Tianjun and the Southern Star Tianjun are the most valuable, and there are many top-notch celestial treasures in them. As soon as those treasures of heaven, material and earth were in hand, Shu Feng used it on the body dominated by stars.

Ten years passed in a flash.

Inside Shengxuan Palace, in a beautiful imperial garden.

A ray of light flashed slightly, and the Emperor Huangquan appeared by Shu Feng's side, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "That's amazing! Storm Monarch, you have advanced to Heavenly Monarch, and you are still a superb heavenly Monarch! Yours! The speed of evolution is really terrifying, the guy Yi Zang did not evolve as fast as you back then."

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